Well, lets just hope that the next time a guy has ripped off or harmed a lady and you guys know about'll be the stand up guys that you are and tell us on the open forum just in case an alert wasn't posted about him.

Cause if I'm correct.......something happened to a lady that you guys had knowledge of and not one guy posted an alert. Not every lady posts an alert when something happens to her in case that's the reason you (in general) were going to use that as the reason for not posting an alert.
Well MsE....just to respond to your above post

I am not aware of the situation which you referred to...doesn't mean it did not happen. I just have no direct knowledge of it.

I assume you have shared your info with the ladies in the powder room???

However, if I did become aware of this case...or any other case where a guy was posing a true danger to the ladies... and had solid, undisputable info (not a he said/she said thing).

What I would honestly do, is PM one of the ladies I trust, who also has powder room access, and share with her the info. I would ask that my handle be left unnamed. But I think whoever I chose to share that info with...her reputation would be strong enough with the other ladies, that she would not only withhold my name/handle, but her word would be gold with the ladies.

I would do, what I thought was right...passing along some very credible information. Beyond that, I wished to have no further involvement, because it really would not add anything to the situation.

I assumed that the ladies have a strong enough network, that this info would spread like wildfire..would I be correct in making this assumption??

As a matter of fact, I did just that...within the last couple of months. And I requested that she give me absolutely no follow-up insight, unless she needed clarification.

That was my way of handling things...I'm sure there are others, as well.

It really is not that difficult for all of us to work together, in such a way that this whole hobby thing does not become a major.....

Dudes vs Dudettes
That's why I said I missed the thread on honey bunny and pleasant surprise. but from reading other threads I got the gist of it, taking a tag number and a leak in the ladies room. I was just touching on the subject about the tag. and that for safety measures that some ladies do keep track of some information. but that I have never heard of someone asking/taking tag numbers down unless there was an incident. and on the part about gents making notes I was referring to writing down providers that you might want to see, not saying that everyone of you do this.

Sorry for the hatchet job on your post, but only wanted to respond to these things.

1. She didn't ask for tag info. She took it, in a deceitful fashion, which is the basis (on the guys part) for the uproar on this thread.

2. Ummm, no I don't keep notes. I can only speak for myself, but why the hell would I need to keep notes on any woman in the hobby? Everything I need to know I can find at my fingertips through my own reviews or everyone elses here. The only note I keep is a torn piece of paper with her number on it, so I can call when I get to her destination. Then it's burned. Originally Posted by JS42
You know there has to be some level of trust to go with the hobby. If I'm not mistaken that is why this site was set up so that people could see if a person was doing cash and dashes, harming people physically, and so on. If someone is going to be stupid enough to put the that kind of info out in a "private" area of this site then imho it should be made public. To hell with back channeling and keeping it on the qt. Fuck that with a mandingo sized cock. Blare it loud so everyone can here it and know what is going on and the problem can be taken care of.
Some hobbyists may not have lockerroom access. You guys should do them a solid and post any alerts from back there in the open forum so they can be in the know too.
MisterSir's Avatar
I'm just noting the irony of someone who has used four names (Pistol, Lindsey, Bailey, Bailey the Pistol, in that order) criticizing someone for having more than one name is ironic.
Edit I won't even go there today.. Walking away Originally Posted by b@ileythepistol
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-23-2013, 12:59 PM
Come on dude, you have had a personal vendetta against Bailey for the last few years. On one hand, you blast Bailey, who has proven to be a good, legit provider..... then on the other hand, you defend PersianLilly, someone we all now know can be a dangerous individual. Info is power, personal info even more so, yet you brush it aside.
dirty dog's Avatar
I'm just noting the irony of someone who has used four names (Pistol, Lindsey, Bailey, Bailey the Pistol, in that order) criticizing someone for having more than one name is ironic. Originally Posted by MisterSir

I am just noting the irony of someone who is casting judgment on somone else after demonstrating their own lack of judgement.
I'm just noting the irony of someone who has used four names (Pistol, Lindsey, Bailey, Bailey the Pistol, in that order) criticizing someone for having more than one name is ironic. Originally Posted by MisterSir
What does a providers name change have anything to do with this? Most providers I know HAVE HAD a name change or two or three, shit. Unless you know the exact reason, and maybe there's a reason you don't, I wouldn't be so quick to come to a thread that has nothing to do with Bailey and pass judgement on her. Bailey is a nice lady and a good provider, so lay off of her and pay attention to the thread topic.... It might serve beneficial to you and could possibly save your ass one day. My Goodness....
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
No shit, the point of her post wasn't even about the name changes. It was about the girl's interesting approach to the hobby which has been odd to say the least. If you want to start a Bailey bashing thread (again), feel free. That's off topic for this thread. Now, back to the ridiculous notion that back channels are some sort of reliable means of communication...
Come on dude, you have had a personal vendetta against Bailey for the last few years. On one hand, you blast Bailey, who has proven to be a legit provider Originally Posted by JS42
not worth it. back to lurking....
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-23-2013, 01:25 PM
He is still pissed over a meeting he had with Bailey a few years ago. Granted, he had every right to be pissed, but he won't let it go, and takes his potshots at her when he can.
MisterSir, like any of us, has keyboard anonymity. That is how he has been able to hold his grudge for so long.

But you have to admit the blonde wig caper she rolled out in the beginning was hilarious!

Now, back to the ridiculous notion that back channels are some sort of reliable means of communication... Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
Some hobbyists may not have lockerroom access. You guys should do them a solid and post any alerts from back there in the open forum so they can be in the know too.
IJS... Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
These two post are why I said what I said in my post. To expand on Allie's post why should a person need access to the private area to make sure that they are safe when this is a site where you can get info on people to make sure you are? No I am not just saying this as a guy, since it is both parties role to make sure that things are safe.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
MisterSir, like any of us, has keyboard anonymity. That is how he has been able to hold his grudge for so long.

But you have to admit the blonde wig caper she rolled out in the beginning was hilarious!

Originally Posted by scorpio31
Well, maybe not Guest082213 anyways.