The Benghazi Hearings

Well you didn't make that very clear, but Stevens did make email requests for added security more than once actually. Thats really the main jists of this whole scenario and the arguements that stem from it. Minimal Security intially. Then emails that depicted that added security was reccommended or requested. Later the Embassy is under direct attack and Stevens and others are in peril and are killed. Reinforcements never arrived or were called off. Originally Posted by acp5762
Are you of the opinion that Stevens was the only Ambassador to request additional security?

You might want to check into that and get back to us. Let us know what you find out!
Are you of the opinion that Stevens was the only Ambassador to request additional security?

You might want to check into that and get back to us. Let us know what you find out! Originally Posted by bigtex
Iam under the impression that security posted in Bengahzi wasn't adequate for the environment in Libya. As far as other Ambassadors calling for added security, I don't know, and really don't know how it would relate to the attacks on the Bengahzi Embassy.
double post
Iam under the impression that security posted in Bengahzi wasn't adequate for the environment in Libya. As far as other Ambassadors calling for added security, I don't know, and really don't know how it would relate to the attacks on the Bengahzi Embassy. Originally Posted by acp5762
The point being, there are several hundred U.S. Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Missions located throughout the entire world. It is not uncommon for an American Ambassador to make a request for additional staffing. All they have to make their decisions on is what is known at the time. They do not know what the future holds. Just as it is in any organization, public or private, there is not an infinite supply of competent staff available to meet all of the staffing requests around the world.

In this instance, it is easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback and say (after the fact) that there should have been more security in Benghazi but the State Department has to factor in their worldwide commitments prior to making staffing decisions. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they miss the mark. Public or private personnel decisions is rarely an exact science!
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  • WTF
  • 11-23-2012, 06:09 AM
These Monday morning QB's never did so after 9/11 with GWB. They blamed it all ion Clinton!
LexusLover's Avatar
These Monday morning QB's never did so after 9/11 with GWB. They blamed it all ion Clinton! Originally Posted by WTF
GWB's "9/11" came roughly 9 months into his 1st term with evidence of planning on going for years ...

Obama's "9/11" came roughly 3 1/2 YEARS into his administration with "revelations" and "official announcements' that it was a SPONTANEOUS attack over a MOVIE that just finished being posted on the internet just days before the ATTACK!

But thank you for bringing up that point.

"It is not uncommon for an American Ambassador to make a request for additional staffing." Now, BT, that's some funny shit right there?

Do you mean this kind of "staffing"?

I'm glad you clarified that term for us .... cuz...

.. I'm in the process of making some additions to "staffing" at my business. I just struck these folks off my list of resources:

.. cuz trying to get past that wire is a bitch and probably will deter my customers.
LL is still blaming 9/11 on Clinton.

And he calls himself a Democrat!
LexusLover's Avatar
LL is still blaming 9/11 on Clinton. Originally Posted by bigtex
No. It was a "staffing" deficiency....wouldn't you say?

Or was it an over "staffing" problem ....?

At any rate ... it was a "staffing" issue!

(May be in the spirit of Thanksgiving Day (Post) can I call it a "stuffing" issue?)

I'm looking forward to the exhaustive investigation into Obama's 911 ... and compare it to "Bush's 911" report.

And here is your Man, Your Candidate for 2004!

"CNN LARRY KING LIVE .. America Under Attack
September 11, 2001 - 21:00 ET

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.


"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."

Here's your "BOY WONDER for 2000"!


FEBRUARY 12, 1997

February 12, 1997
President William J. Clinton
The White House
Washington, DC
Dear Mr. President,
We are pleased to present you with the report of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security. You established this Commission by issuing Executive Order 13015 on August 22, 1996 with a charter to study matters involving aviation safety and security, including air traffic control and to develop a strategy to improve aviation safety and security, both domestically and internationally.
During the past six months, we have conducted an intensive inquiry into civil aviation safety, security and air traffic control modernization. Commission and staff have gathered information from a broad range of aviation specialists, Federal Agencies, consumer groups, and industry leaders.
After many months of deliberations we have agreed on a set of recommendations which we believe will serve to enhance and ensure the continued safety and security of our air transportation system.
We are privileged to submit these recommendations herewith.
Vice President Al Gore, Chairman
______________________________ _________

Yes, I call myself a Democrat, and that is because that is my preference as a political party. But I am a U.S. citizen first and I put the safety and security of this country and its citizens first, because if we do not secure this country and protect its citizens then whatever improvements and progress we make in this country will be destroyed and we will continually be rebuilding like the Israelis are required to do ...and other countries around the world that are assaulted by terrorists.

I wish you, and your "following" would also.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-23-2012, 08:34 AM
GWB's "9/11" came roughly 9 months into his 1st term with evidence of planning on going for years ...

Obama's "9/11" came roughly 3 1/2 YEARS into his administration with "revelations" and "official announcements' that it was a SPONTANEOUS attack over a MOVIE that just finished being posted on the internet just days before the ATTACK!

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What nine months is not enough time to defend the twin Towers from attack!

One had 4 people killrd and the other over three thousand.

Guess which one you cry about more?


I wish you, and your "following" would also. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL(DINO), why not conduct a test?

1) Wish in one hand
2) Shit in the other hand

Let us know which hand fills up the fastest!
The point being, there are several hundred U.S. Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Missions located throughout the entire world. It is not uncommon for an American Ambassador to make a request for additional staffing. All they have to make their decisions on is what is known at the time. They do not know what the future holds. Just as it is in any organization, public or private, there is not an infinite supply of competent staff available to meet all of the staffing requests around the world.

In this instance, it is easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback and say (after the fact) that there should have been more security in Benghazi but the State Department has to factor in their worldwide commitments prior to making staffing decisions. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they miss the mark. Public or private personnel decisions is rarely an exact science! Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes, I am sure Ambassadors all around the world request additional Security Staffing from time to time. The Bengahzi incident is a little different. It's about more than just requesting additional security.
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes, I am sure Ambassadors all around the world request additional Security Staffing from time to time. The Bengahzi incident is a little different. It's about more than just requesting additional security. Originally Posted by acp5762
Yes, "we" all have our priorities ....

"The U.S. military's newspaper, Stars & Stripes, recently reported that the Pentagon is buying Chevy Volts in a 1,500 electric-vehicle purchase, as part of the Defense Department's "green initiatives," which seek to reduce the country's dependence on foreign energy sources.

"A recent Congressional Budget Office study challenged the assumption that electric vehicles have any impact on such dependence, prompting the question of why the government is spending money this way. Against the backdrop of the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, and looming embassy security cuts due to sequestration, it appears politics and ideology are trumping common sense.

".... A State Department contract from March of this year details the purchase of a Chevy Volt for $47,500 for use at a U.S. embassy in Norway. The sticker price for a 2013 model year is $39,145 (before the $7,500 tax credit upon individual purchase). Obviously the government doesn't get a tax credit because it's not an individual income tax filer. But it left me wondering, why did the State Department pay $47,500 instead of $39,145? Why did they pay an extra $8,000?
Then I noticed that the State Department also paid over $108,000 for another contract, dated May of this year, for a Volt-specific charging station at our embassy in Vienna, Austria. But according to GM's Volt FAQ site ("Charging" --> "Charging station -- Preparing for your Volt"):
Every Volt comes standard with a 120V portable charge cord that can plug into most common household outlets and will fully charge a Volt in about 10 hours, depending on outdoor temperature. You can also have a 240V charging station (additional cost plus installation) professionally installed in your home that will reduce the charging time to about four hours.
Even if a consumer needs an electrical converter, the 240V dedicated charging stations cost, at most, around $2,000 (and guess what? consumers get tax credits for these, too). What did the embassy spend the extra $100K on?
And this is where it actually starts to get ridiculous. The State Department also recently threw a big party (photos of two Chevy Volts at the event here) to celebrate the "greening" of the American Embassy in Vienna. There's actually a "League of Green Embassies" website."

I "presume" there was a "staffing" request for electric car service and maintenance personnel for the embassies to facilitate the "Greening of Europe"!

There's your "Gal" BT ... Greening Europe!

Pssst.... see any snipers lurking around?
LexusLover's Avatar
LL(DINO), why not conduct a test? Originally Posted by bigtex
BT-Chihuahua, how are things going for you on the Holiday front?

You are not drinking and posting again, are you?

I post quotes and writings by YOUR PEOPLE .... YOU SUPPORTED ... and you suggest I am full of shit ....You are a Chihuahua shitting Great Dane turds.

And WTF .. I made an error ... Bush was in office EIGHT months.

Clinton was in for EIGHT (minus one month) years....

..... AFTER the first towers attack!

The World Trade Center bombing .... February 26, 1993:

I realize it was only six deaths (and 7 counting an unborn child), but ....

... what do you say?.... "shit happens"!

I'll be the first to say it: 1993 was planned on Bush I's watch!

But it sure put Clinton-Gore on notice of things to come!!!! See Gore's letter!!!!!
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  • CJ7
  • 11-23-2012, 10:09 AM
still no questions asked about the armed security provided by the Libyan government that were supposed to be standing guard at the compound .. no questions about why Libyan guards with heavier weapons that were called for added support and never showed up ... apparently the justice for stevens crew is only interested in asking selective questions aimed at our government, but yet they want the entire truth .. really?
still no questions asked about the armed security provided by the Libyan government that were supposed to be standing guard at the compound .. no questions about why Libyan guards with heavier weapons that were called for added support and never showed up ... apparently the justice for stevens crew is only interested in asking selective questions aimed at our government, but yet they want the entire truth .. really? Originally Posted by CJ7
What do you mean " The Justice For Stevens Crew" Don't you think those responsible for his death should be brought to justice? Your problem and many others here is your heads are to far up the ass of the " Lets Protect Obama Crew" you don't even recognize whats truly important.