Married or engaged providers ruin my fantasy(so do one's with boyfriends)

kusmaldo's Avatar
The day after tomorrow,I make the call to the provider.The excitement is killing me,this is just dinner though.Man she is very pretty.Ill bring flowers though.Im thinking just cuddling and dinner,or just dinner.
Sounds to me like ur trying to buy a wife......impossible! she would always be after ur money! u want a wife, get off ur ass and off the internet otherwise enjoy the time spent with the pretty ladies and shut up
kusmaldo's Avatar
@sweet not buy,but turn and in 3-4 years marry her,she will be mine let it be written,let it be done
.arn't you in a Melvin Van Peebles movie?
kusmaldo's Avatar
Charlie Sheen 1.6 million spent on prostitutes in one year. Man Charlie, I need advice
SweetDulce's Avatar
The day after tomorrow,I make the call to the provider.The excitement is killing me,this is just dinner though.Man she is very pretty.Ill bring flowers though.Im thinking just cuddling and dinner,or just dinner. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I must admit, this is very sweet,

I love receiving flowers almost as much I like receiving warm cum in my mouth!
Dear Ms. Reid:
I can imagine that you have been a provider for several years now. With that said, would you say that there is a certain type of man who has to have a certain type of personal background to be stable while being involved with someone who would work in the particular professional discipline of the sex industry that you would?
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Sweetdulce oh behave.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Flirt who is Ms.Reid?
kusmaldo's Avatar
50% of me dosn't want the date to happen.When I go in after someone, I go hard and pull out all the stops.I never get used to heartbreak.50% of me says yes,you must risk to experience gain.Its very nerve racking,but Im wiser now then before.I must take my time,yeah she is extremely beautiful yes, but to just lose all logic in pursuit is self destruct
inspector farquar's Avatar
@Flirt who is Ms.Reid? Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Yo mama.
@Danielle I have a sixth sense for that actually Originally Posted by kusmaldo

Whoa....wait..... you have those magical powers??!! I'm jealous! Wish I could do that with the stalkers types lmao
kusmaldo's Avatar
@Inspector isnt that a musician?
inspector farquar's Avatar
She's yo mama, don't you know?
inspector farquar's Avatar
She never hummed you a lullaby?
Dear Ms. Reid:
I can imagine that you have been a provider for several years now. With that said, would you say that there is a certain type of man who has to have a certain type of personal background to be stable while being involved with someone who would work in the particular professional discipline of the sex industry that you would? Originally Posted by Flirtatousfemalefan

Just my 0.02 but no.... there are so many different types of couples now with different history and pasts and most are swingers at that. You also have your gentleman that believe what they have is so amazing they share it like an attraction. You then have gentlemen that see that their lady provides her part by doing what she does best rather than nagging about her crappy job she gets better to perform for him. You also have some that enjoy knowing what she is doing BC she always goes home and nothing including the job with great perks pulls her away. I've met many many kinds of gentlemen and their wives being an entertainer these past few years.