1st phase of the "BIG UGLY"...

Looks like you are just another dumb fuck that thinks I have another handle. You fucks are the fags of the forum. Originally Posted by bamscram
Nice of YOU to WK for assup there EKIM what with YOUR change to a post and inserting my handle there instead of YOUR Gloryhole franchise owner's name as it was originally ! Keep picking those dingleberries EKIM ! Mebbe YOU can "dethrone " YOUR hero assup from getting a SIXTH DOTY crown this year !
LexusLover's Avatar
Nice of YOU to WK for assup ... Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
"Parrots of a feather!"
cptjohnstone's Avatar
"Parrots of a feather!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
when he calls someone dumb, I chuckle
bamscram's Avatar
Nice of YOU to WK for assup there EKIM what with YOUR change to a post and inserting my handle there instead of YOUR Gloryhole franchise owner's name as it was originally ! Keep picking those dingleberries EKIM ! Mebbe YOU can "dethrone " YOUR hero assup from getting a SIXTH DOTY crown this year ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
"Parrots of a feather!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
when he calls someone dumb, I chuckle Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
When one of you dumb fucks calls me ekim I chuckle.
My only reply which you have ignored for a year because you can't, is Prove it.

Vachel Lindsay‏
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1. Mueller indicts lawyer Alex van der Zwaan. MSM scream: the evil Drumpf is about to fall!

They're embarrassingly WRONG, of course. And they are MISLEADING you, by not mentioning OTHER names (bombshells incoming). Let me explain.Vachel Lindsay added,
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Chris Matthews explains the latest developments in Mueller's Russia investigation from lawyer Alex Van Der Zwaan pleading guilty to making false statements about his communications with Rick Gates to the charges against Paul Manafort. http://on.msnbc.com/2ESiejp
5:24 PM - 20 Feb 2018
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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
2. The indictment is linked to Manafort & Gates illegal lobbying for the pro-Putin Ukrainian strongman Viktor Yanukovych between 2007-2013.

Van der Zwaan, who looks like Clark Kent, has lied to the FBI about his contact with Gates & another person (anon).

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
3. Some background: Skadden Arps, a global law firm, was hired in 2012 by the Ukraine Ministry of Justice to prepare a report on the trial of former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, a political rival to Viktor Yanukovych.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
4. Viktor Yanukovych was elected as President of Ukraine on 7 February 2010. While he portrayed himself as a centrist, in reality he was a Kremlin-backed stooge. Tymoshenko was anti-Putin, so the inevitable occurred and she was arrested after Yanukovych's election.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
5. On 11 October 2011, she was convicted of embezzlement and abuse of power, and sentenced to seven years in prison and ordered to pay the state $188 million.

This caused outrage and condemnation across the world.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
6. The Yanukovych government then hired Skadden (the law firm) to write a report on the prosecution of Tymoshenko, assessing whether or not her imprisonment adhered to international legal standards.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
7. Surprise, surprise: the Skadden report found that Yanukovych-era legal officials did not deprive Tymoshenko of her right to due process during the trial. In effect, the report was funded by the pro-Russian Ukrainian President to legitimize her prosecution.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
8. IMPORTANT (bombshells incoming!) : Alex van der Zwaan was involved in producing the report, BUT he was not the person engaged by the Ukrainian government. That was Greg Craig, a partner of the firm. And Clifford Sloan, another partner.

What are you NOT being told?

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
9. Well, looky here: Greg Craig had been WH Counsel to Barack Obama. WTF? Yes! But wait, there's more:

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
10. Even more significantly (IMO), Craig had served as assistant to the President and special counsel in the White House of (drum roll)...

President Bill Clinton.

There's more:

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
11. Craig directed the team defending Clinton against impeachment. Working with Clinton's COS, one John Podesta.

Yes you can get up off the floor. Actually, wait a sec, stay there. The other partner at Skadden responsible for producing the report? Clifford Sloan?

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
12. Well, how about that?

Clifford Sloan was Associate White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton. At the same time as Greg Craig.

These two guys are CLINTON people.


Ain't it funny what the media won't tell you? Anyway, let's move on.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
13. The question : why would two Clinton stooges produce a report in 2012 for the pro-Russian government of Yanukovych? Can anyone guess?

Let's explore a bit, before we try and answer.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
14. Who was SOS between January 21, 2009 – February 1, 2013?

Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now when she took over as SOS, US policy toward Ukraine was clear - very much anti-Putin. Then came the infamous 'Russian re-set'.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
15. July 2, 2010 - Clinton visited Ukraine to meet with Yanukovych & other leaders of the Putin-backed team. Consistent with the re-set but also disappointing for anti-Putin crowd, her tone was surprisingly positive about Yanukovych:

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
16. Of course, there were other reasons why it was in Clinton's private interests to ensure Yanukovych remained in power. Why?

Because she & Bill were being paid a fortune by one of Yanukovych's billionaire backers at the time, Victor Pinchuk.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
17. How much? From 2009 up to 2013 (the year the Ukrainian coup erupted), the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, which is headquartered in Kiev.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
18. Oh - also, in 2008 Pinchuk, who had made a fortune in the pipe-building business, had pledged a five-year, $29-million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
19. Many aren't aware, but Ukrainians (read 'Pinchuk') were the single-largest donors to the Clinton Foundation:

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
20. Pinchuk is an extremely clever man, who switches sides when the winds dictate. His objective is simple: making more money. LOTS of it, too.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
21. He was a solid backer of Yanukovych, which continued until the winds started turning against the Kremlin-backed President in 2013:

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
22. Of course, this involved lobbying Hillary Clinton as SOS, via the Clinton Foundation. Here's an email from September 2011 revealing Pinchuk's ties to Yanukovych:


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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
23. When the winds shifted against Yanukovych, he simply switched sides to protect his business interests. The Clintons did the same thing when needed.

They took money from him the whole time.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
More Vachel Lindsay Retweeted Imperator_Rex
24. This included Clinton turning a blind eye while Punchik's company, Interpipe, screwed US manufacturers of lead piping by pricing them out of the US market. All while under international sanctions, too. More on that here:Vachel Lindsay added,

18. Outside the USA, Pinchuk sold steel pipes to Iran, which was under severe US sanctions. Given that Interpipe USA was a subsidiary of Interpipe, this was illegal. In fact, the US has penalized non-US companies trading with sanctioned nations, see

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
25. Did Clinton disclose what was going on with Pinchuk? Hell no. She deliberately LIED about even meeting him.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
26. How convenient that the Obama MOU (between the Clinton Foundation and Obama admin) restricted transparency only to donations from 'foreign governments'.

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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
27. It was a sham document from the start, as it permitted oligarchs to either donate as individuals, or as proxies for governments. Not that it mattered - the Clintons breached it anyway:


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Vachel Lindsay

11h11 hours ago
28. Anyway, remember how I pointed out at the start of the thread that the media are missing key names when discussing the Manafort/Gates indictment? We have CRAIG & SLOAN, the two Clinton stooges at Skadden.

The other name? TONY PODESTA.

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Vachel Lindsay

10h10 hours ago
29. See, Podesta was working the pro-Yanukovych lobbying scheme with Manafort the whole time, via The Podesta Group. Manafort was also using Mercury LLC, another lobbying group.

Mercury did the GOP side of the aisle, Podesta the Democratic side of the aisle.

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Vachel Lindsay

10h10 hours ago
30. Manafort appears to have been the Russian link. He'd been acquainted with Yanukovych since the mid-2000s and appears to have been advising him from at least 2007-2013:

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Vachel Lindsay

10h10 hours ago
31. However, don't forget that Podesta was ALSO extensive connected with Russia/Putin. By 2012, he had already lobbied for Russia, as well as a list of the world's worst regimes:
So the information at Mueller's disposal was already available or given to him by the Social Media companies. It looks VERY lame.

So why do we have these vast CIA and NSA data centers that supposedly monitor all the domestic and internet traffic? Does he not want to tip their hand or are they just useless?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So the information at Mueller's disposal was already available or given to him by the Social Media companies. It looks VERY lame.

So why do we have these vast CIA and NSA data centers that supposedly monitor all the domestic and internet traffic? Does he not want to tip their hand or are they just useless? Originally Posted by gnadfly
meuller is involved in what appears to be a messy attempt at sausage making operation to protect Hillary Clinton from her Russian collusion.
Hotrod511's Avatar
When one of you dumb fucks calls me ekim I chuckle.
My only reply which you have ignored for a year because you can't, is Prove it. Originally Posted by bamscram
buttscramble meltdown

Ekim ^^^^
bamscram's Avatar
buttscramble meltdown

I am Ekim ^^^^ Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Thought you were the Jewish lawyer, and DSK, Thanks for clearing it up ekim.
You only have two handles instead of three.

fleporeblog says:

March 1, 2018 at 10:32 pm

What I love most about what Devin Nunes did was to make sure it was understood that the damn FBI themselves knew how serious the bar is for this type of request. He writes the following:

Under the subsection “FISA Verification of Accuracy Procedures,” the FBI itself acknowledges this importance: “The accuracy of information contained within FISA applications is of utmost importance… Only documented and verified information may be used to support FBI applications (FISA) to the court (FISC).”

He than kills them by stating the actual laws that were broken!

– 18 USC 242
– 50 USC 1809
– Conspiracy
– Obstruction of Justice
– Contempt of Court

Here is the kicker, these POS can be charged 4 times since they did it for the first request and the 3 renewals.

Maybe Devin didn’t want to scare the Living Sh….t out of them by leaving SEDITION out of his list.

Can’t blame him! He wants to make sure that the gun on the nightstand doesn’t win out!

Sharyl Attkisson Accuses Obama DOJ of Secretly Swapping Out Her Computer Hard Drive


Former CBS correspondent Sharyl Attkisson accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of monkeying around with her hard drive while her computer was in their possession. She tweeted on Thursday, "What would you think if I told you the hard drive of one of my personal computers was secretly switched out w/another while in custody of the Justice Dept. Inspector General-- before they gave it back to me?"
Who is Lisa Barsoomian?


Lisa Barsoomian

Mrs. Lisa Barsoomian is an attorney; but most importantly is that she is the wife of Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice. Prior to that, he served as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland. Surely you don’t want to read about that, therefore check out the 5 facts we found about Mrs. Barsoomian Rosenstein

50-year-old Mrs. Barsoomian was born on January 15, 1968. She is the daughter of Armenian immigrants.

Together they have two beautiful daughters; Julie, 18, and Allison, 15.

She graduated from Georgetown Law.

Moreover, according to reports, she represented Hillary Clinton, between 1991 to 2017; she also represented Bill Clinton, James Comey, Barack Obama, Kathleen Sebellius and Robert Muller.

Furthermore, Lisa Barsoomian Rosenstein works for R. Craig Lawrence.
bamscram's Avatar
It is a hard job when your boss lies.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Who is Lisa Barsoomian?


Lisa Barsoomian

Mrs. Lisa Barsoomian is an attorney; but most importantly is that she is the wife of Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General for the United States Department of Justice. Prior to that, he served as the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland. Surely you don’t want to read about that, therefore check out the 5 facts we found about Mrs. Barsoomian Rosenstein

50-year-old Mrs. Barsoomian was born on January 15, 1968. She is the daughter of Armenian immigrants.

Together they have two beautiful daughters; Julie, 18, and Allison, 15.

She graduated from Georgetown Law.

Moreover, according to reports, she represented Hillary Clinton, between 1991 to 2017; she also represented Bill Clinton, James Comey, Barack Obama, Kathleen Sebellius and Robert Muller.

Furthermore, Lisa Barsoomian Rosenstein works for R. Craig Lawrence.
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
nice find on Rosenstein. I knew he was compromised in some way but not on the particulars.

with a name like Barsoomian, it sounds like a star wars name!