we have been here before: to mask or not to mask

Lou Spowells's Avatar
She seemed able to express her opinion clearly and eloquently too some degree. Leastwise, I understood her position, from 20 yards away even. Wonder if she got one that plane. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Oh jeez. Here comes a big lawsuit, and an apology from the airline
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2020, 08:17 PM
Al sharpton will be on the podium raging about 'institutional racism" and he wants a slice of the lawsuit money. Just a corrupt DPST race-baiter.
rexdutchman's Avatar
With all the masks and want for mail in voting where are the green warriors
DPST's are not well enough educated - nor have the attention span thinking is hard
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Are you a food service worker in Maine and do not want to wear a face muzzle, aka obedience billboard? No problem-o. They now have an exciting option and way to show their conformity to ridiculous BS. Bravo!

COVID HUMILIATION: Service industry workers in Maine now have to wear DOG CONES because of coronavirus.

Janet Mills, the trans-looking governor of Maine, is demanding new protocols for service industry workers throughout the state that now require them to wear dog cones around their necks while handling food at restaurants. If a server decides that he or she does not want to wear a face muzzle due to heat exhaustion and oxygen deprivation, then he or she will now be forced to slap on an inverted face shield, just like animals that have recently been spayed or neutered. "It is acceptable for kitchen staff to wear face shields in lieu of masks when the kitchen or weather is warm," the guidelines explain. "Front-of-house staff may wear a face shield in lieu of a face covering only if the shield is designed to be worn inverted, attaching below the face (e.g. as a collar) and open at the top of the shield, with the shield extending above the eyes and laterally to the ears." ...

Breakfast in America -- Eh Comrade?

Wonder who the food service workers will be voting for Governor in the next election there?
Again, not arguing politics, but science of face masks. They are to protect OTHERS from YOU. Not the other way around and many don't understand that fact. Think about it, restaurant workers interact with many people who are not wearing masks while doing their job, and therefore have a high exposure rate even if masked themselves. If you do not have on a mask while seated at a restaurant and want to minimize exposure to YOURSELF, then the server should wear something to prevent their respiratory secretions from reaching you. Face masks work, personally think face shields are as effective (opinion only), not sure about the cones, but doubt it (again opinion based on presumed splatter and angle). Why is this so hard to understand?
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 02:42 PM
Again, not arguing politics, but science of face masks. They are to protect OTHERS from YOU. Not the other way around and many don't understand that fact. Think about it, restaurant workers interact with many people who are not wearing masks while doing their job, and therefore have a high exposure rate even if masked themselves. If you do not have on a mask while seated at a restaurant and want to minimize exposure to YOURSELF, then the server should wear something to prevent their respiratory secretions from reaching you. Face masks work, personally think face shields are as effective (opinion only), not sure about the cones, but doubt it (again opinion based on presumed splatter and angle). Why is this so hard to understand? Originally Posted by reddog1951
Why_Yes_I_Do is a smart guy. This makes it puzzling why he's having a tough time understanding the truth about face masks and about the number of excess deaths we've had this year in the USA. Probably he became wedded to his positions. Initially he could justify them. But as more and more studies roll out about face masks and Covid 19, and more and more excess deaths occur, he can't now. He needs to learn how to eat crow, like I did with hydroxychloroquine.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Again, not arguing politics, but science of face masks. They are to protect OTHERS from YOU. Not the other way around and many don't understand that fact. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Everyone understands that. Some don't give a shit, anyway. I think people should be allowed to do what they want. If they want to gather at a bar and not wear masks and the business is okay with it, I see nothing wrong with it. They are all agreeing to take the risk. They are adults who can make their own decision.

If a business is not cool with that, than they can mandate mask wearing and refuse service to anyone who isn't wearing a mask. I also see nothing wrong with that.

The only thing I and most likely others are not cool with is mandating nationwide mask wearing at all times whenever you leave your home. Whether a business wants to mandate them or not is their business.
So Stokely, I get part of what you're saying...but.

I smoke cigarettes and most localities ban me from polluting air inside public establishments. Not the rule of the business, but rule of the city. Not sure I agree that my second hand smoke is a real risk, but I comply out of respect for others and the law. Not that hard. I also don't think it wise to expect businesses to support controversial policies, even supported by law, as we have seen by some violent encounters already.
Many respected and highly qualified health professionals do advise wearing masks when socially distancing cannot be maintained, especially indoors (much like smoking). Golfing outdoors, with minimal modifications (some I think are unnecessary, but again opinion), for example.
I'm not aware of anyone mandating mask wear at all times nationally, but would be interested in reviewing the source of that position.
Again, not arguing politics, but science of face masks. They are to protect OTHERS from YOU. Not the other way around and many don't understand that fact. Think about it, restaurant workers interact with many people who are not wearing masks while doing their job, and therefore have a high exposure rate even if masked themselves. If you do not have on a mask while seated at a restaurant and want to minimize exposure to YOURSELF, then the server should wear something to prevent their respiratory secretions from reaching you. Face masks work, personally think face shields are as effective (opinion only), not sure about the cones, but doubt it (again opinion based on presumed splatter and angle). Why is this so hard to understand? Originally Posted by reddog1951
So as I remove the face mask and begin to eat at a restaurant is there some science out there that somehow exempts me from exposure or exposing others?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
he'll likely be a 1 term govenor. I didn't know Maine elected a tranny for governor. what were they thinking????
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 11:04 PM
So as I remove the face mask and begin to eat at a restaurant is there some science out there that somehow exempts me from exposure or exposing others? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I do that but avoid restaurants where you can't social distance. I don't shout and if I'm going to cough I put my mask back on, point my head at the floor, and cover the mask with a napkin. I wear the mask, an N95 without a valve, when I'm not eating or drinking or when walking around. I don't take off my glasses. I'm careful about touching my face or mask if I haven't cleaned my hands. Nobody where I live does any of that shit. My friends think I'm weird as hell but put up with it because they think it's entertaining. I think it's just common sense.
I don't know how effective the masks are which is why I did not start wearing them until I was required to do so. I don't want anyone to be fearful when they see me without a mask. I'm a pretty tall guy so not wearing a mask just draws more attention to me.

And I want to not be turned away from stores because I am not wearing one. Otherwise, I would not be wearing a mask.

I play by the rules though and these are the rules. If people are more comfortable because I wear a mask now, so be it. I don't want to be viewed as a threat to anyone's quality of life. I'm with you, I'm not a threat to you and I want you to know that so I will wear a mask regardless of my opinions about the legitimacy about wearing one. I'll also choose your right not to wear one as well. I will continue to do so. You do whatever you want to do because it's not my business. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Actually I go to a few stores without a mask. Nobody says anything in fact a few people wearing masks will pull them down. I see more and more people defying the mask mandate. It's getting ridiculous and it's not really saving anybody from getting this virus.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Again, not arguing politics, but science of face masks. They are to protect OTHERS from YOU. ... Originally Posted by reddog1951

Feel free to show the peer reviewed studies to back up your ridiculous BS.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...My friends think I'm weird as hell but put up with it because they think it's entertaining.... Originally Posted by Tiny

Technically, I do not consider us friends, but I am likely friends of your friends. But you knew that already.
I do that but avoid restaurants where you can't social distance. I don't shout and if I'm going to cough I put my mask back on, point my head at the floor, and cover the mask with a napkin. I wear the mask, an N95 without a valve, when I'm not eating or drinking or when walking around. I don't take off my glasses. I'm careful about touching my face or mask if I haven't cleaned my hands. Nobody where I live does any of that shit. My friends think I'm weird as hell but put up with it because they think it's entertaining. I think it's just common sense. Originally Posted by Tiny
You have an interesting prevention strategy. I think it might be better to cough into a folded napkin and then throw it away instead of coughing directly into the mask and then continue to wear it.