This pisses me off to no end........

Awwww Baby...DeD...don't cry- if I ever start seeing black guys you will be first on my list(if you will still have me by that point!).

Though really, I've seen your girl Mila and she is hands down one of the top 10 prettiest providers black, white or otherwise in all of Texas so you're already doing well for yourself.

So SNL, what exactly is TOO quick

Tell 'em LD

...See my Sig Line

My only Pet Peeve are girls who wont see me because I'm Black
JUUUUUUUST KIDDING...I could actually give a fuck less & it truly is their loss

Honestly, I really don't have too much that pisses me off in this Hobby...I usually just chalk whatever happens up to a learning experience Originally Posted by DickEmDown
burkalini's Avatar
Your thing that pisses you off correlates with my thing that pisses me off:

Guys who make no bones about openly admitting that they are using providers for sex and cheap thrills with no commitment and yet expect providers to swoon over that arrangement without money being the motivating factor. Sorry but no matter what a hooker tells you money is probably the primary thing that keeps her fucking guys two or three times her age that have little in common with her and that she wouldn't look at twice in the real world...Honestly, if money ISN'T the primary motivation then I'd say the girl needs some time with a psychiatrist because she's acting out personal issues(need for attention, male affirmation, etc.). Sorry, I know that isn't going to win me any brownie points with anyone but I've got a thing for if only I could develop that same intense passion for tact I'd be doing better in life. Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy

We all know it's about the money. We do not expect the provider to fall in love or lust with us but what we do expect is the act or illusion. I think what most guys complain about money is not that they have to pay it but when by the providers attitude it is the prevelant part of the session. Some providers might as welll have that coin changer wrapped around their waist by the the way they act. A good provider is an actress not a cashier. Men are not stupid enough to believe your going to fall in love and hopefully it's the same way from the providers standpoint. If you get to the point where you are acting( that being the key word) like the money is only thing then maybe it's time to try something else. Just an opinion
I doubt you can speak for ALL guys especially since I've met more than one that seemed confused about why a girl their granddaughter's age keeps calling them up to hang out(for 250 + per hr) and actually wondered if the girl might marry him. What's with this "we" you have a mouse in your pocket or is there a secret coalition of clients that meet up and you are the chosen spokesperson? Just an honest question.

I guess this brings up the question what point is a girl a liar/manipulator rather than an entertainer? If a guy asks after a session if you love him or is he fat or does he REALLY have the biggest dick you've ever seen in your the provider still the "entertainer" and thus should answer with "how could I not love you?, No, you aren't fat!, I'm still sore from the massive internal damage your giant anaconda has done to my body-it's def the biggest by FAR" or is she a real, honest person being asked a question and if she lies that makes her a fucking liar? You can't have both so when does one start and the other stop?

We all know it's about the money. We do not expect the provider to fall in love or lust with us but what we do expect is the act or illusion. I think what most guys complain about money is not that they have to pay it but when by the providers attitude it is the prevelant part of the session. Some providers might as welll have that coin changer wrapped around their waist by the the way they act. A good provider is an actress not a cashier. Men are not stupid enough to believe your going to fall in love and hopefully it's the same way from the providers standpoint. If you get to the point where you are acting( that being the key word) like the money is only thing then maybe it's time to try something else. Just an opinion Originally Posted by burkalini
true_whatever's Avatar
"I'm still sore from the massive internal damage your giant anaconda has done to my body-it's def the biggest by FAR" Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Man I get told that ALL THE TIME!

Lol, just trying to bring some levity. Carry on...
burkalini's Avatar
I doubt you can speak for ALL guys especially since I've met more than one that seemed confused about why a girl their granddaughter's age keeps calling them up to hang out(for 250 + per hr) and actually wondered if the girl might marry him. What's with this "we" you have a mouse in your pocket or is there a secret coalition of clients that meet up and you are the chosen spokesperson? Just an honest question.

I guess this brings up the question what point is a girl a liar/manipulator rather than an entertainer? If a guy asks after a session if you love him or is he fat or does he REALLY have the biggest dick you've ever seen in your the provider still the "entertainer" and thus should answer with "how could I not love you?, No, you aren't fat!, I'm still sore from the massive internal damage your giant anaconda has done to my body-it's def the biggest by FAR" or is she a real, honest person being asked a question and if she lies that makes her a fucking liar? You can't have both so when does one start and the other stop? Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Really if you have to ask whats the difference that might be an issue by itself. A fat person knows their fat. A person who wants to hear they have the biggest dick has self image issues. To try to make an issue of the difference between a courteson or entertainer as you put it or one that tells a fat person they are lean is the same type of provider that probably thinks entertaining is an over the top scream for a fake orgasm. I am not answering for all guys. No one can do that. But believe it or not the majority of us guys can separate a provider thats all about the cash from one that provides a nice hour or two of sexual or intimate illusion. So to answer your question YES we can separate the two apart from each other. There are people out there both hobbyist and providers than have emotional issues and might not read things for the way they really are and we all need to look out for them. As far as the rest of us don't think we really fall for a batted eye or an orgasm for any real emotion. To say otherwise is just trying to make us look stupid. As always just an opinion.
When guys call you Restricted-blocked or start asking sexual questions that they know we are not gonna answer and my biggest thing when they call and ask what is your price and then say oh thats more than what I wanted to spend. Um hello there is always the truck stop girls!
LOL. I love a guy that doesn't take this shit too seriously...

Man I get told that ALL THE TIME!

Lol, just trying to bring some levity. Carry on... Originally Posted by true_whatever
Clients that attempt to violate your privacy.... if I don't post some info on my site or in my ads obviously, I don't want it advertised in a review!! Originally Posted by SelenaAries
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 06-13-2011, 11:50 PM
My pet peeve:
I tell you what I need for screening information and you keep ignoring it but still BEG to see me.. I treat everyone the same when it comes to screening. You can give me what I need to see you then I wont see you! Dont come to me like you are Gods gift to woman and I should make an exception to you. I love what I do but I hate having to repeat myself 1000 times. And dont text me telling me you love me... You dont love me you are in lust. 1 hour of a great time BCD is not love!
burner2157's Avatar
What agitates me the most is when I get 2 hours from a provider,bring her flowers and a gift and spend hours to be on the safe side shaving the boys before and they get no play.I have to hear it from them the rest of the week that I jeopardized there safety for nothing.I tell them it's not all my fault.I was thinking with the wrong head so blame jr.
faz's Avatar
  • faz
  • 06-14-2011, 01:19 AM
People that lie ... It makes be appreciate the honest ones that much more.
Some lies are good.
Like when she says "damn honey never seen one that BIG before !!"
Still Looking's Avatar
We all know it's about the money. We do not expect the provider to fall in love or lust with us but what we do expect is the act or illusion. Really? I think what most guys complain about money is not that they have to pay it but when by the providers attitude it is the prevelant part of the session. Some providers might as welll have that coin changer wrapped around their waist by the the way they act. Different Provider Perhaps.. Try Hannah Heresy! A good provider is an actress not a cashier. Really Actress? Men are not stupid(Jury's Still Out!) enough to believe your going to fall in love and hopefully it's the same way from the providers standpoint. If you get to the point where you are acting( that being the key word) like the money is only thing then maybe it's time to try something else. Just an opinion Originally Posted by burkalini
Ah Mr. Burkalini I'm going to have to disagree with you! I think it’s ridiculous for any of us to expect providers to be actresses or illusionist! Now if up front before you meet you request the provider call you "THE LOVE DOCTOR" then she should do so. But let’s keep it real. We're here for the sex! If your not then something’s wrong! I treat all providers with dignity and respect as I am sure you do as well. I expect the same from a provider. I don't need or want a provider telling me how big my dick is! I already know its big. (I'm lying!) Being with a provider at its best is like a real relationship only different. In a real relationship its starts you're strangers, you date and communicate, you find there is an attraction and it turns to sex. Then you get married... down the road you get divorced and lose half of your shit! With a provider.. it starts with communication, a small fee is paid and you move to sex. Attraction or no it goes to sex. If the sex is good you keep doing it! If not you get the divorce but get to keep all your shit! Now someone explain the bad here?

Mr. Burkalini if your frequenting providers that make you feel its all about the money to the point it effects your sexual enjoyment I would certainly move to a different provider. You're laying down your hard earned cash and should enjoy your self. But if your expectation is to control the provider’s feelings…. Well something else might be going on! SillyGirl said it better than anyone to date! “I don’t mind putting my finger in a guys butt hole, I just don’t want any shit on my finger!” In short, if you get a happy face on little Burkalini… put a smile on Big Burkalini, cause it’s a good day!

Just saying….
Still Looking's Avatar
Some lies are good.
Like when she says "damn honey never seen one that BIG before !!" Originally Posted by faz
Still Looking's Avatar
My pet peeve:
I tell you what I need for screening information and you keep ignoring it but still BEG to see me.. I treat everyone the same when it comes to screening. You can give me what I need to see you then I wont see you! Dont come to me like you are Gods gift to woman and I should make an exception to you. I love what I do but I hate having to repeat myself 1000 times. And dont text me telling me you love me... You dont love me you are in lust. 1 hour of a great time BCD is not love! Originally Posted by eve
When did my Ex-Wife start being a provider?
something that has kept coming up - is the selection on P411 asking guys what they rank in levels of most importance.
I think it's a great tool on knowing how to cater to your client....the problem I have with it - is that I feel that all but ONE client I have dealt with on p411 since I came back about a month ago - if they have "just icing on the cake" selected for greek.....then they ALWAYS assume they are gonna get it for nada, because they aren't exactly asking for it - but they are saying, "I like it if she does."

Well, yeah - I like it, I like it a lot. But there's reasons that girls ask for a LITTLE bit more to do that.

I don't want to go through the prep work for every "it's icing on the cake" guy - thinking they may want to try. I think it can be a stress put on your body - and messes with the "natural balance" of things in some ways.

Please stop assuming that because I"m a girl that offers greek, and I've been reviewed as liking it and what not - that I'm just gonna beg you to fuck my ass because you have "icing on the cake" marked on your profile.

It's there to SUPPOSIDLY give guys the chance to say that SHOULD a girl be a greek provider, then that is just an added bonus to the session. (and they should clarify if they want it or not.) It's not suppose to be what guys have made it.

I have no idea if I even explained this properly - but are there any girls that have had this experience?