lustylad's Avatar
The statements I make are disrespectful to anybody who disagrees with me and in my opinion, blatantly anti-American, hostile and potentially frightening....

That's as honest as it gets right now. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

FTFY, dipshit.

The tweet says snipers are cowards. I disagree. Your turn, jackass. Agree or disagree? Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you asking me for my opinion...? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Never mind jackass, you're pathetic and your opinion is irrelevant.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Have a great day Yssup Originally Posted by rioseco
Back atcha!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
AssupLiar you're an idiot. This was a rough place long before I got here. In fact, when I first ventured into the Sandbox, I was hoping for intelligent debate, and I got so roughed up, I left vowing to never return. But I did, and decided to have fun. So you can fuck yourself with the idea that I turned this place into a rough forum. You also initially bragged how you could out debate anyone here, but you decided not to because I was "mean" to you. Yeah, right. You're a moron with few, if any, cognitive skills.

And seriously, you show up with a handle like "YssupRider" and expect a bunch of fucktards to not have fun with it? It was too easy!

So STFU with your self-righteous indignation. You are the lowest life form here. Now go polish your DOTY trophies, and let the adults discuss matters you aren't capable of understanding.

One more thing. Remember when you used to rag on me about the number of my posts? Check out the leaderboard, loser (by your own definition). Fucking hypocrite.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
AssupLiar you're an idiot. This was a rough place long before I got here. In fact, when I first ventured into the Sandbox, I was hoping for intelligent debate, and I got so roughed up, I left vowing to never return. But I did, and decided to have fun. So you can fuck yourself with the idea that I turned this place into a rough forum. You also initially bragged how you could out debate anyone here, but you decided not to because I was "mean" to you. Yeah, right. You're a moron with few, if any, cognitive skills.

And seriously, you show up with a handle like "YssupRider" and expect a bunch of fucktards to not have fun with it? It was too easy!

So STFU with your self-righteous indignation. You are the lowest life form here. Now go polish your DOTY trophies, and let the adults discuss matters you aren't capable of understanding.

One more thing. Remember when you used to rag on me about the number of my posts? Check out the leaderboard, loser (by your own definition). Fucking hypocrite. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Nice meltdown, Whiny!

I claimed YOU created AssupLiar. How many other pet names have you authored? I'm sure everybody has a story of your rude and childish welcome, you shameless GOP stooge. How many posts have you "fixed" for your fellow posters?

I know you are neither smart enough nor am enough to turn anything into a rough place ... Unless you can do it in a bathroom stall.

Your rant is laughable.

I unclog my nose at you!

And, OH YEAH, you've done it again, hotshot!

So STFU with your self-righteous indignation. You are the lowest life form here. Now go polish your DOTY trophies, and let the adults discuss matters you aren't capable of understanding. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Do you know how to tell when COIdiot is losing an argument?

He will first play the "self-righteous indignation" card, quickly followed by the let the "adults discuss matters" card.

He does it every time!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nice meltdown, Whiny!

I claimed YOU created AssupLiar. How many other pet names have you authored? I'm sure everybody has a story of your rude and childish welcome, you shameless GOP stooge. How many posts have you "fixed" for your fellow posters?

I know you are neither smart enough nor am enough to turn anything into a rough place ... Unless you can do it in a bathroom stall.

Your rant is laughable.

I unclog my nose at you!

And, OH YEAH, you've done it again, hotshot!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Got nothin', do you, AssupLiar? Nothin' at all!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Haven't heard that in a while. That is usually the line we hear before you disappear from an thread, Whiny.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've said all there is to say on this topic, AssupLiar. I'm sorry you are who you are, but you are who you are. You tell lies, spread lies and believe lies. That's why you so convincingly win every Dipshit contest we have. Just sayin'.
lustylad's Avatar
Why do you ignorant ass pirates insist on making a fucking movie an "us" vs. "them" battle? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why don't you ask Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone that question? Here is a quote from his review of "American Sniper":

"It's the fact that the movie is popular, and actually makes sense to so many people, that's the problem."

Remember how the Bush-haters were always oh-so-careful to say "love the warrior, hate the war"? Not any more. Matt Taibbi tells us the "real-life Chris Kyle was kind of a dick".

No Matt, you're the real dick. And the people who share your libtarded views are the real problem.

rioseco's Avatar
Why don't you ask Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone that question? Here is a quote from his review of "American Sniper":

"It's the fact that the movie is popular, and actually makes sense to so many people, that's the problem."

Remember how the Bush-haters were always oh-so-careful to say "love the warrior, hate the war"? Not any more. Matt Taibbi tells us the "real-life Chris Kyle was kind of a dick".

No Matt, you're the real dick. And the people who share your libtarded views are the real problem.

http://www.rollingstone.com/politics...icize-20150121 Originally Posted by lustylad

Yeah it takes a regular bad ass to publicly smear and call a man a dick after he is dead and gone. Great job on that movie review Matt Taibbi !
I have never had a desire to read "TRS" but after their glorification of the surviving Boston Marathon bomber, lies about rape at Duke University,
and now this.............Well the rag isnt even worthy to wipe with.
dirty dog's Avatar
Actually in the movie he and his brother were watching the bombing of the embassies in Africa and the loss of life. He is home with his wife (whom he married after he finished BUDS training) when the World Trade Center was attacked. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You may be right JD.
Wakeup's Avatar
If you'd met him, you'd know that he was kind of a dick...just like all us soldiers...nothing wrong calling him what he was...doesn't diminish what he did. Same with talking to Luttrell...dick, of the first magnitude...
If you'd met him, you'd know that he was kind of a dick...just like all us soldiers...nothing wrong calling him what he was...doesn't diminish what he did. Same with talking to Luttrell...dick, of the first magnitude... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I agree with Wakeup! I suspect every sniper has a "kind of a dick" in their personality.

Without it, I don't believe they could effectively do what needs to be done.

It doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. In fact, it probably is a trait every good sniper has in common.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet that fact eludes the braying asses of the Idiot Klan, err, Clan.

Boys (and occasional whooker), you don't have to go batshit when someone disagrees with you. It's a sign of emotional instability.

Carry on! I'm sure you'll find some way to blame THIS movie on Obama, too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah it takes a regular bad ass to publicly smear and call a man a dick after he is dead and gone. Great job on that movie review Matt Taibbi !
I have never had a desire to read "TRS" but after their glorification of the surviving Boston Marathon bomber, lies about rape at Duke University,
and now this.............Well the rag isnt even worthy to wipe with. Originally Posted by rioseco
Typical. Demonize a film reviewer.

Why not defend your position without the tantrums?

You're not the only one, but fast becoming the easy one. There ARE other ways to debate an issue, or respond to a.movie (it's still ONLY a HOLLYWOOD movie.)

Again, why do you idiots take everything personally, and then wail like banshees when someone calls you on it?
