The Alabama Senate Race Thread

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  • 12-13-2017, 05:58 PM
Who's twitler?

Trump never went all in, you lying jackass. He campaigned for Luther Strange in the primary and hasn't returned to Alabama since.

Campaigned in Florida where they share media market with Alabama right before the election. trump was all in with Moore!

And Moore's not the big loser here. It's you... and your fellow libtard dems. You're crying beneath your breath. You won't be able to lie and say you're running against the "Grand Old Pedophile" party in 2018.

That is true....the GOP dodged a bullet by Moore not getting elected. They would have ''Me too'd'' Trump and Moore to death. They still might, these women got their fangs out!

!!! Originally Posted by lustylad
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Originally Posted by WTF
Hookers should have their fangs out for you. You outed one of them. Now take Moore’s defense and say that never happened. Jackass
Let us not get distracted men, 0zombies GO FUCK YOURSELVES again...
bambino's Avatar
Let us not get distracted men, 0zombies GO FUCK YOURSELVES again... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yeah, Jordan took down Rosey like he would bend the pencil necked, limp dicked SnitchFuck like a pretzel.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hopefully Senator Shelby cut a deal with Jones. Originally Posted by LexusLover
on what?? as a bohica guy?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Moore should have won this race. clearly, the fake sexual harassment charge from 40 years ago hurt him. He lost the women vote. For Jones, it was enough to beat Moore with the write in votes added.

Should a woman have the right to a abortion at 9 months? Is it still her right at that point? At what point is it no longer her right? Should the father have any rights besides financial responsibility? I am guessing that the majority of people think that a line should be drawn somewhere. Originally Posted by goodolboy
That's one thing that always irks me. I'd say 90+% of those i talk to who are pro-abortion are also pro, SCREW THE HUBBY/Father knowing about you getting it, LET ALONE getting a say. BUT SCREW him again, if you decide to keep it cause now the bastards on the hook financially...

That would depend on the American. Originally Posted by goodolboy
And it also depends on where. I wouldn't be surprised to see 'republican strongholds' dotted with smatterings of people being pro abortion just like dem strongholds will have smatterings of peopel pro life..

Moore should have won this race. clearly, the fake sexual harassment charge from 40 years ago hurt him. He lost the women vote. For Jones, it was enough to beat Moore with the write in votes added. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
IMO that was the entire goal OF those accusations.. TO COST him the election.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
IMO that was the entire goal OF those accusations.. TO COST him the election. Originally Posted by garhkal
you know how the democrats are accusing republicans of vote suppression, Dems can't complain when they do their own vote suppression against republicans with dirty tricks.
goodolboy's Avatar
you know how the democrats are accusing republicans of vote suppression, Dems can't complain when they do their own vote suppression against republicans with dirty tricks. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I predict a large number of decades old last minute accusations during the mid term elections.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I predict a large number of decades old last minute accusations during the mid term elections. Originally Posted by goodolboy
yeah, scare the women out of their minds. that's the trick!
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  • WTF
  • 12-13-2017, 10:48 PM
Give it a day and let the truth come out...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Care to share the so called truth?

Pray do tell just what truth was coming...White Girls Bleed?
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  • WTF
  • 12-13-2017, 10:53 PM

IMO that was the entire goal OF those accusations.. TO COST him the election. Originally Posted by garhkal
Mission Accomplished!

garhkal...that is the goal of all the opponents of a politician!

What do you think the goal of the women who accused Al Franken? To get him elected President? What do you think the goal of the Benghazi investigation was? To make Clinton a hero?
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  • WTF
  • 12-13-2017, 10:55 PM
Yeah, Jordan took down Rosey like he would bend the pencil necked, limp dicked SnitchFuck like a pretzel. Originally Posted by bambino
You have issues dude.
Care to share the so called truth?

Pray do tell just what truth was coming... Originally Posted by WTF

Alabama Democrat Admit Voter Fraud Getting Doug Jones Elected using Reddit to Encourage Cross State Voting, and Letting Felons Vote
bambino's Avatar
You have issues dude. Originally Posted by WTF
You’re the one with issues you lying POS.