House to vote on impeachment inquiry procedures to impeach Crooked Donald

  • Tiny
  • 10-30-2019, 12:21 PM
The republican senators are too scared to vote their conscience. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Senator Tiny would not vote to impeach Donald Trump. But then he wouldn't have voted to impeach Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, or convict anyone for drug possession or prostitution. However this should be a more difficult issue for people who wanted to prosecute Hillary Clinton for Benghazi and classified messages on her computer server.

Some Republican Senators undoubtedly fear a scenario where Warren or Sanders is elected president, Democrats control both houses of Congress, and Schumer ends the filibuster. And some believe that if Trump is impeached and removed from office, that's what's going to happen. The Democrats made huge gains in both houses of Congress after Nixon left office, and won the next presidential election. The stakes are much higher now. Instead of electing someone like Carter who's left of center, we're looking at electing a socialist, far to the left of anyone who's governed in Europe in recent years except Francoise Hollande. In addition to worrying about their jobs, some Republican Senators are worrying about whether the country will go down the tubes. And there are region specific concerns. For example, Senators Cornyn and Cruz in Texas undoubtedly worry about the loss of jobs in their state if the new president shuts down the oil and gas industry.

Elizabeth Warren is ahead of Trump in the polls by 5 points and Sanders is ahead by 6.5 percentage points. If this impeachment thing drags Trump down farther, the best thing he could do for his party, his country, and himself would be to find an excuse not to run in 2020. Maybe he's losing too much money from being president or he's got failing health. And he should get behind whoever the Republican nominee is. The reason I say it would be best for him, once the Democrats control the Justice Department they're going to come after him. While a criminal prosecution of Trump for Russia or Ukraine, based on what we know now, would be ludicrous, don't underestimate the vindictiveness of people in this new partisan America, and the ability of out-of-control prosecutors to screw over whoever they want to.
  • Tiny
  • 10-30-2019, 12:26 PM
what in the transcript of the call with the Ukraine president (incoming meaning Trump was correct to speak to him before allowing any aid) shows any bribe, quid pro quid or abuse of power?

to date not one person has contradicted the transcript as false or inaccurate.

and no one will including Vindman who's opinion is just that, a biased opinion without substance. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I believe both ideas, about Joe Biden and the computer server in the Ukraine, verge on nutty, but for the sake of argument assume Trump's got good reasons for his concerns. Zelensky speaks English. Don't you think Trump would have been far better off to invite him on a private walk in the Rose Garden and express his concerns there instead of doing it on a phone call with 15 people?
bambino's Avatar
Senator Tiny would not vote to impeach Donald Trump. But then he wouldn't have voted to impeach Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, or convict anyone for drug possession or prostitution. However this should be a more difficult issue for people who wanted to prosecute Hillary Clinton for Benghazi and classified messages on her computer server.

Some Republican Senators undoubtedly fear a scenario where Warren or Sanders is elected president, Democrats control both houses of Congress, and Schumer ends the filibuster. And some believe that if Trump is impeached and removed from office, that's what's going to happen. The Democrats made huge gains in both houses of Congress after Nixon left office, and won the next presidential election. The stakes are much higher now. Instead of electing someone like Carter who's left of center, we're looking at electing a socialist, far to the left of anyone who's governed in Europe in recent years except Francoise Hollande. In addition to worrying about their jobs, some Republican Senators are worrying about whether the country will go down the tubes. And there are region specific concerns. For example, Senators Cornyn and Cruz in Texas undoubtedly worry about the loss of jobs in their state if the new president shuts down the oil and gas industry.

Elizabeth Warren is ahead of Trump in the polls by 5 points and Sanders is ahead by 6.5 percentage points. If this impeachment thing drags Trump down farther, the best thing he could do for his party, his country, and himself would be to find an excuse not to run in 2020. Maybe he's losing too much money from being president or he's got failing health. And he should get behind whoever the Republican nominee is. The reason I say it would be best for him, once the Democrats control the Justice Department they're going to come after him. While a criminal prosecution of Trump for Russia or Ukraine, based on what we know now, would be ludicrous, don't underestimate the vindictiveness of people in this new partisan America, and the ability of out-of-control prosecutors to screw over whoever they want to. Originally Posted by Tiny
Trump will win in 2020. Hes not going anywhere. A Socialist will no be elected.
  • Tiny
  • 10-30-2019, 12:31 PM
I wouldn't care if there were. This type of negotiation goes on all the time. Presidents have the ability to grant and take away foreign aid. Presidents are in charge of enforcing laws. Biden is already on tape admitting he strong armed Ukraine into dropping an investigation into Hunter - while VP. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He's on tape admitting he strong armed Ukraine into dropping a prosecutor who wasn't investigating Hunter or Burisma.

It's an all-beef nothing burger. And the country is going to be brought to its knees by a crackhead who got kicked out the Army and was colluding with his father to sell influence? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I agree with your opinion of Hunter Biden's character.

Soon Biden will be polling third or fourth in the Dim primaries and America will be wondering who the fuss was over.

Hard pass. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This is good? Joe Biden is a little scary. Warren and Sanders are scary as hell, and bat shit crazy.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Rules commitee setting up the first official act of the public impeachment. Next up, Judiciary committee.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Rules commitee setting up the first official act of the public impeachment. Next up, Judiciary committee. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
the Revolution will be televised!

what are the Republicans going to do? attacking the process is old and stale.

is there another card in the deck to play? the Joker?
Impeach him for breaking what law exactly? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The only thing Trump is guilty of is winning an Election. He'll be a repeat offender in 2020.
Chung Tran's Avatar
The only thing Trump is guilty of is winning an Election. He'll be a repeat offender in 2020. Originally Posted by Levianon17
that's a tall order, making up the 12% deficit on Yang!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
the Revolution will be televised!

what are the Republicans going to do? attacking the process is old and stale.

is there another card in the deck to play? the Joker? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
They're just going to keep bitching and complaining that the whole thing is fake. Fitting that the House will vote on Halloween. This is not a trick, so the world will get a treat.

A B C's of impeachment:

When she stumbles on B, it does kind of sound childish.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Senator Tiny would not vote to impeach Donald Trump. But then he wouldn't have voted to impeach Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, or convict anyone for drug possession or prostitution. However this should be a more difficult issue for people who wanted to prosecute Hillary Clinton for Benghazi and classified messages on her computer server.

Some Republican Senators undoubtedly fear a scenario where Warren or Sanders is elected president, Democrats control both houses of Congress, and Schumer ends the filibuster. And some believe that if Trump is impeached and removed from office, that's what's going to happen. The Democrats made huge gains in both houses of Congress after Nixon left office, and won the next presidential election. The stakes are much higher now. Instead of electing someone like Carter who's left of center, we're looking at electing a socialist, far to the left of anyone who's governed in Europe in recent years except Francoise Hollande. In addition to worrying about their jobs, some Republican Senators are worrying about whether the country will go down the tubes. And there are region specific concerns. For example, Senators Cornyn and Cruz in Texas undoubtedly worry about the loss of jobs in their state if the new president shuts down the oil and gas industry.

Elizabeth Warren is ahead of Trump in the polls by 5 points and Sanders is ahead by 6.5 percentage points. If this impeachment thing drags Trump down farther, the best thing he could do for his party, his country, and himself would be to find an excuse not to run in 2020. Maybe he's losing too much money from being president or he's got failing health. And he should get behind whoever the Republican nominee is. The reason I say it would be best for him, once the Democrats control the Justice Department they're going to come after him. While a criminal prosecution of Trump for Russia or Ukraine, based on what we know now, would be ludicrous, don't underestimate the vindictiveness of people in this new partisan America, and the ability of out-of-control prosecutors to screw over whoever they want to. Originally Posted by Tiny

why would Trump not run? he's never backed down on anything before, why start now? especially now as President. you could call this the pinnacle achievement of his career. you have to figure he's considered running before, that's known. at the time he probably would have run as a Democrat but the point is, he clearly considered it in the past. Sanders can't defeat Trump no matter what polls claim. the only good thing about Sanders is he doesn't hide the fact he's a socialist. Warren clouds that fact but her far left agenda is basically the same as Sanders. how are they going to sell their huge social agenda without admitting they have to massively raise taxes? in a time of economic gain and record low unemployment that dog won't vote .. er hunt. bahaaa

you should know that polls are not unbiased and given the media's anti-Trump stance i could run against Trump and polls would say i'd win. just because i'm not Trump. a well conducted poll should not be biased but few are these days. most polls over-sample Democrats probably on purpose. if the point is to see if Democrats won't vote for Trump well what's the point, many won't. try polling only Republicans and you'll get a completely different result. recall that almost all polls had Clinton winning easily and that didn't happen. many of those polls were intentionally rigged to give the false impression Clinton was way ahead when in reality it was a near dead heat. that's what's funny about the Democrats. they are generally lazy voters. you tell them they are way ahead and what do they do? don't bother to turn out and vote then wonder why they lost. by the numbers if Democrats turned out in their so-called full strength they'd win every election.

Clinton herself drank her own cooked kool-aid padded polls and didn't bother to campaign hard down the stretch. of course her health could easily be a factor in that but the bottom line is Trump was everywhere in the last month hitting multiple states a day. you could also see it in the vp campaigns where Kaine struggled to get a few dozen to show up at his rallies in sunny Miami in October while Pence gets 600+ in a cold Virginia rain, outdoors.

i think you've made it clear you aren't fond of either Warren or Sanders as president so why would you say it's best for Trump not to run when he's the ultimate Anti-Left candidate? and who else would the Republicans run? Pence? Romeny? Ted Cruz?

finally, Trump will never see one day in jail. that's not going to happen. he might be fined or some sort of back tax issue so he writes a check and it goes away. jaxboi is acting like a rabid dog in his belief Trump will end up in prison but we all know the reality is he won't.

I believe both ideas, about Joe Biden and the computer server in the Ukraine, verge on nutty, but for the sake of argument assume Trump's got good reasons for his concerns. Zelensky speaks English. Don't you think Trump would have been far better off to invite him on a private walk in the Rose Garden and express his concerns there instead of doing it on a phone call with 15 people? Originally Posted by Tiny

there is nothing nutty about Biden at all, except that he's a nut. the man is on video claiming he withheld aid to Ukraine on order to force the top prosecutor out. how is this not a quid pro quo? certainly you don't believe Biden's son got those gigs with China and Burisma simply on his merits? he is a lawyer obviously but he has no background from his prior legal work in those fields. if he had a background in such areas then you might have an argument for his roles but there is none.

i'm sure you recall that the DNC didn't allow the FBI direct access to their servers when they were compromised yeah? only CrowdStrike had direct access and provided the FBI with an image to examine. that image could easily have been altered to show "evidence" Russian hackers had accessed them. so who really knows? only CrowdStrike. as far as servers that could mean several things, one being servers in Ukraine that were used in the accessing of the DNC network. someone had to use a server to access the data .. unless the Seth Rich story is actually true, that it was an inside job. it's one or the other. some experts say the amount of data taken indicates a usb flash drive was used due to the transfer times involved. which leads right back to CrowdStrike as they were the ones who had direct access. anything provided after the fact to the FBI can't be considered to be pristine.

so there is nothing nutty about the events with the DNC Server hacks except that they did not allow the FBI to directly investigate what happened which could have cleared up a great many of these questions. that questions persist is the direct fault of the DNC's actions.
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2019, 02:27 PM
By Tiny- Senator Tiny would not vote to impeach Donald Trump. But then he wouldn't have voted to impeach Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, or convict anyone for drug possession or prostitution. However this should be a more difficult issue for people who wanted to prosecute Hillary Clinton for Benghazi and classified messages on her computer server.

Senators vote at trial to acquit or convict - impeachment vote is by the House.

The Senate's Impeachment Role The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and that "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments…[but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3). The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are subject to impeachment.
The concept of impeachment originated in England and was adopted by many of the American colonial governments and state constitutions. As adopted by the framers, this congressional power is a fundamental component of the constitutional system of “checks and balances.” Through the impeachment process, Congress charges and then tries an official of the federal government for “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The definition of “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” was not specified in the Constitution and has long been subject to debate.
In impeachment proceedings, the House of Representatives charges an official of the federal government by approving, by majority vote, articles of impeachment. A committee of representatives, called “managers,” acts as prosecutors before the Senate. The Senate sits as a High Court of Impeachment in which senators consider evidence, hear witnesses, and vote to acquit or convict the impeached official. In the case of presidential impeachment trials, the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official upon conviction is removal from office. In some cases, the Senate has also disqualified such officials from holding public offices in the future. There is no appeal. Since 1789, about half of Senate impeachment trials have resulted in conviction and removal from office.

Historical Development
In The Federalist, No. 65, Alexander Hamilton wrote that impeachment is "a method of national inquest into the conduct of public men" accused of violating the “public trust.” Hamilton and his colleagues at the Constitutional Convention knew that the history of impeachment as a constitutional process dated from 14th-century England, when the fledgling Parliament sought to make the king's advisers accountable. By the mid-15th century, impeachment had fallen into disuse in England, but in the early 17th century, the excesses of the English kings prompted Parliament to revive its impeachment power. Even as the Constitution's framers toiled in Philadelphia in 1787, the impeachment trial of British official Warren Hastings was in progress in London and avidly followed in America. Hastings, who was eventually acquitted, was charged with oppression, bribery, and fraud as colonial administrator and first governor-general in India
The American colonial governments and early state constitutions followed the British pattern of trial before the upper legislative body on charges brought by the lower house. Despite these precedents, a major controversy arose at the Constitutional Convention about whether the Senate should act as the court of impeachment. Opposing that role for the Senate, James Madison and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney asserted that it would make the president too dependent on the legislative branch. They suggested, as alternative trial bodies, the Supreme Court or the chief justices of the state supreme courts. Hamilton and others argued, however, that such bodies would be too small and susceptible to corruption. In the end, after much wrangling, the framers selected the Senate as the trial forum. To Hamilton fell the task of explaining the convention's decision. In The Federalist, No. 65, he argued:
The Convention thought the Senate the most fit depository of this important trust. Where else than in the Senate could have been found a tribunal sufficiently dignified, or sufficiently independent? What other body would be likely to feel confidence enough in its own situation, to preserve unawed and uninfluenced the necessary impartiality between an individual accused, and the representatives of the people, his accusers?
There was also considerable debate at the convention in Philadelphia over the definition of impeachable crimes. In the early proposals, the president and other officials could be removed on impeachment and conviction for "corrupt conduct," or for "malpractice or neglect of duty." Later, the wording was changed to "treason, bribery, or corruption," and then to "treason or bribery" alone. Contending that "treason or bribery" was too narrow a definition, George Mason proposed adding "mal-administration" but switched to "other high crimes and misdemeanors against the state" when Madison commented that "mal-administration" was too broad. A final revision defined impeachable offenses as "treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
While the framers very clearly envisaged the occasional necessity of initiating impeachment proceedings, they put in place only a very general framework to guide future action. Perhaps most important, they did not clearly define what they meant by “high crimes and misdemeanors.” Nevertheless, the framers reshaped a tool the English Parliament used to curb kings and punish placemen into a powerful legislative check upon executive and judicial wrongdoing. In the American version of impeachment, the power of the English House of Commons to impeach anyone, for almost any alleged offense, was restrained, and the threat of death upon conviction was lifted. In the United States, impeachment reflected English tradition and precedent, while incorporating compromises insisted upon by the framers of the Constitution..
Since 1789, one principal question has persisted—how to define “high crimes and misdemeanors.” This question has been debated by members of Congress, defense attorneys, and legal scholars from the first impeachment trial to the most recent. Were misdemeanors lesser crimes, or merely misconducts? Did a high crime or misdemeanor have to be a violation of written law? In an unsuccessful attempt to impeach Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas in 1970, Representative Gerald Ford declared: "An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." This constitutional phrase remains a subject of continuing debate, pitting those who view impeachment as a response to an official’s perceived violation of the public trust against those who regard impeachment as being limited to indictable offenses.

Influential Impeachment Cases
The bitter animosities growing out of the Civil War gave rise to the first impeachment trial of a United States president, that of President Andrew Johnson in 1868. When Johnson succeeded to the presidency in 1865, following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, his ideas for a lenient Reconstruction of the Southern states clashed with the wishes of a majority of the Congress, controlled by Radical Republicans who favored much stronger action. Over the next three years, Johnson and Congress were locked in battle.
The Tenure of Office Act, violation of which was to be the legal basis for impeachment, was passed over Johnson's veto on March 2, 1867. It forbade the president to remove civil officers appointed with the consent of the Senate without the approval of the Senate. Despite the certain consequences, Johnson decided to remove Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, an ally of the Radical Republicans. This act enraged Johnson’s political enemies and set in motion the first presidential impeachment.
Johnson's Senate trial began on March 5, 1868, operating under newly revised rules and procedures. On May 16, after weeks of tense and dramatic proceedings, the Senate took a test vote on Article XI, a catch-all charge thought by the House managers most likely to achieve a conviction. The drama of the vote has become legendary. With 36 votes for “guilty” needed to constitute a two-thirds majority for conviction, the roll call produced 35 votes for “guilty” and 19 votes for “not guilty.” Seven Republicans, known as the “Republican Recusants,” joined the 12 Democrats in supporting Johnson. Ten days later, a vote on two more articles produced the same results. To head off further defeats, the Radical Republicans moved to adjourn the trial sine die, abruptly ending the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson. The president was saved from removal, and the independence of the executive was strengthened.
Another influential impeachment trial came in 1905, when Florida District Judge Charles Swayne was impeached for filing false travel vouchers, improper use of private railroad cars, unlawfully imprisoning two attorneys for contempt, and living outside of his district. Swayne's trial consumed nearly three months of the Senate schedule before it ended on February 27, 1905, when the Senate voted to acquit. There was little doubt that Swayne was guilty of some of the offenses charged against him. Indeed, his counsel admitted as much, and called the lapses "inadvertent." The Senate refused to convict Swayne, however, because many senators did not believe his offenses amounted to "high crimes and misdemeanors." During this long trial, it was suggested that a Senate committee, rather than the Senate as a whole, should hear impeachment evidence, and Senator George F. Hoar of Massachusetts proposed that the presiding officer appoint such a committee. While Hoar's proposal would eventually be embodied in Rule XI of the Senate's impeachment rules, in 1905 the resolution was referred to the Rules Committee, which took no action.
The next impeachment trial was that of Judge Robert Archbald of the Commerce Court. In 1913 Archbald was charged with serious acts of misconduct stretching over many years, including using his office to obtain advantageous business deals and free trips to Europe. As in the Swayne case, none of the articles of impeachment charged an indictable offense. Yet, apparently because of the seriousness and extent of the charges, the Senate convicted Archbald. At the conclusion of the trial, the suggestion of an impeachment committee surfaced once again. Archbald’s defense attorney argued that many senators were not in attendance when evidence was taken before the full Senate, relying instead on testimony printed in the Congressional Record, and recommended the use of a committee to hear evidence in future trials.
In 1933 the House Judiciary Committee recommended censure, rather than impeachment, for federal judge Harold Louderback of California. A minority of the committee, however, took the issue to the floor of the House where they persuaded that body to adopt five articles of impeachment, charging Louderback with conspiracy, abuse of power, showing favoritism, and bringing “the court of which he is a judge unto disrepute.” Louderback's Senate trial consumed nearly all of May 1933, during the First Hundred Days of the New Deal era, one of the busiest legislative periods in congressional history. Democrats charged Republicans with using the trial to delay a banking reform bill, a charge Republicans denied. Tempers in the Senate frayed as witness after witness cast doubt on the charges. The Senate finally voted on May 24, 1933, acquitting Louderback on all five articles.
The Louderback trial again brought to the fore the problem of attendance at impeachment trials in the midst of a busy legislative calendar. After the trial, Representative Hatton Sumners of Texas, one of the House managers, recalled the scanty attendance: "At one time only three senators were present, and for ten days we presented evidence to what was practically an empty chamber." In 1934 Senator Henry Ashurst of Arizona, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, offered the resolution that became Rule XI after its adoption the following year. Rule XI provided:
That in the trial of any impeachment the Presiding Officer of the Senate, if the Senate so orders, shall appoint a committee of senators to receive evidence and take testimony at such times and places as the committee may determine…
Rule XI was not used in the next impeachment trial, that of Florida district judge Halsted Ritter in 1936. Ritter was charged with a wide range of improprieties and misconduct that included practicing law while serving as a judge, filing false income tax returns, and extortion. Ritter's counsel argued that the judge had committed no offense that could be labeled a high crime or misdemeanor and was guilty only of exercising "poor judgment." In fact, Ritter was found "not guilty" by narrow margins on six of seven articles of impeachment, but on the seventh article he was found guilty, by exactly the required two-thirds vote. The Senate was putting judges “on notice that Congress would remove them from office if the sum total of their conduct was regarded as showing unfitness for judicial office,” commented The New York Times, “regardless of whether a specific high crime or misdemeanor, in the language of the Constitution, could be established under ordinary rules of evidence.” (“Judge Ritter Convicted by Senate,” April 18, 1936)
During the summer of 1974, in the wake of the Watergate scandal, the Senate prepared for the possibility of a second presidential impeachment trial, as the House of Representatives moved ever closer to impeaching President Richard Nixon. In July the Senate adopted a resolution directing the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration to review the existing impeachment rules and precedents and recommend revisions. The committee, aided by Senate parliamentarian Floyd Riddick, devoted long hours to the Senate’s constitutional role in impeachment proceedings. The committee was meeting on August 8, 1974, when President Nixon announced that he would resign. Despite this unprecedented event, the panel continued with its work under a mandate from the Senate to file a report by September 1. The report contained recommendations that were primarily technical changes in the rules that had been adopted in 1868 for the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson. With the resignation of President Nixon, no further action was taken.
The committee’s recommendations were revised in 1986, however, and informed the debates on how to conduct the trials of three federal judges between 1986 and 1989. The impeachment of Harry E. Claiborne in 1986 finally put into action Rule XI, and the Senate established a special trial committee to hear evidence and report to the full Senate. Likewise, Senate trial committees considered evidence in the cases of Alcee Hastings (1989), Walter Nixon, Jr. (1989), and G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. (2010), all of whom were convicted and removed from office. Nixon challenged the use of an impeachment committee on constitutional grounds. In 1993, in the case Nixon v. United States, the Supreme Court upheld the Senate’s right to determine its own procedures, including the use of a trial committee.

Senate Impeachment Trials
NamePositionDate of Final Senate ActionResult Blount, William Senator Jan 11, 1799 Expelled, charges dismissed Pickering, John Judge Mar 12, 1804 Guilty, removed from office Chase, Samuel Justice Mar 1, 1805 Not guilty Peck, James H. Judge Jan 31, 1831 Not guilty Humphreys, West H. Judge Jun 26, 1862 Guilty Johnson, Andrew President May 15/26, 1868 Not guilty Delahay, Mark H. Judge Feb 28, 18731 Resigned Belknap, William Secretary of War Aug 1, 1876 Not guilty Swayne, Charles Judge Feb 27, 1905 Not guilty Archbald, Robert Judge Jan 13, 1913 Guilty, removed English, George W. Judge Dec 13, 1926 Resigned, charges dismissed Louderback, Harold Judge May 24, 1933 Not guilty Ritter, Halstead Judge Apr 17, 1936 Guilty, removed from office Claiborne, Harry E. Judge Oct 9, 1986 Guilty, removed from office Hastings, Alcee Judge Oct 20, 1989 Guilty, removed from office Nixon, Walter Judge Nov 3, 1989 Guilty, removed from office Clinton, William J. President Feb 12, 1999 Not guilty Kent, Samuel B. Judge Jul 22, 2009 Resigned, case dismissed Porteous, G. Thomas, Jr. Judge Dec 8, 2010 Guilty, removed from office
1. Date of impeachment; No Senate action taken due to Delahay's resignation on December 12, 1873.

From US Senate web site - FYI, Respectfully.

Those DPST's who believe the House vote to impeach Trump removes him from office and puts him in prison are a lost cause to DPST idiotology.
lustylad's Avatar
Trump tweeted this morning, for y'all to focus on the substance instead of the process. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
what are the Republicans going to do? attacking the process is old and stale. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The substance is that Biden is corrupt, so yes - we should focus on that incontrovertible fact.

The dim-retards are the ones who are focusing on the PROCESS by which trumpy exposed and spotlighted the Biden corruption.

So I agree that you should tell your dim-retard friends to stop attacking the process and start focusing on the substance of what the Bidens did!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
that's a tall order, making up the 12% deficit on Yang! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Making up a made up number is easy.
matchingmole's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

you should know that polls are not unbiased and given the media's anti-Trump stance i could run against Trump and polls would say i'd win. just because i'm not Trump. a well conducted poll should not be biased but few are these days. most polls over-sample Democrats probably on purpose. if the point is to see if Democrats won't vote for Trump well what's the point, many won't. try polling only Republicans and you'll get a completely different result. recall that almost all polls had Clinton winning easily and that didn't happen. many of those polls were intentionally rigged to give the false impression Clinton was way ahead when in reality it was a near dead heat. that's what's funny about the Democrats. they are generally lazy voters. you tell them they are way ahead and what do they do? don't bother to turn out and vote then wonder why they lost. by the numbers if Democrats turned out in their so-called full strength they'd win every election.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Do you have ANY proof that any of the polling companies that have Trump with low approval ratings or losing in 2020 to several Democratic contenders have biased samples? You do realize that even Rasmussen, a notorious pro-Republican polling company, has Trump's approval rating at -5%.

The polls in 2016 had Clinton winning the popular vote by 2%. Clinton won the popular vote by 2%. At the state level the polls proved to be somewhat inaccurate. In 2018 the polls were VERY accurate in their predictions. In presidential races other than 2016, the polling companies were also VERY accurate. However, in 2012, Gallup, one of the most respected polling companies, predicted a Romney victory. Polling companies in 2012 erred on the side of Republicans.

So it's impossible to say that polling companies are biased one way or the other. In my opinion, they sample fairly and sometimes they miss.