Sounds like you're paying someone to be nice to you. Don't you have family members for that? My questions were to address an overall change in the hobby , and not meant to be separated. What if none of us was honest, dependable and respectable? We're all just whores. The social standard around us is that we're all child abused lesbians who are good at fellatio thanks to our uncles. Our self esteem is low and we don't expect good treatment from men, so how honest and dependable and respectable can we be? My whole point is that just like you can't stereotype us, and have to go on our individual merits, you can't stereotype clients. Some people handle the adversities in their lives pretty well. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
What healthy need is a man trying to satisfy when he books an extended engagement? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Where in this thread was this question answered?
Where in this thread was this question answered? Originally Posted by Marshall
why don`t you answer some questions first? What is definition of a healthy man?
So much anger. Negative thoughts. If only...my friends. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
what do you expect in a thread where marshall participates?
why don`t you answer some questions first? Originally Posted by ninasastri
You gotta waterboard me first!

  • MrGiz
  • 05-12-2011, 03:31 PM

You gotta waterboard me first!

Originally Posted by Marshall
Some say there's already too much water between those ears!

Of course... that wouldn't be like me to say....

Guess I'm just a rumor repeater *
You gotta waterboard me first!

Originally Posted by Marshall
my pleasure darling..... when where?
Some say there's already too much water between those ears!

Of course... that wouldn't be like me to say....

Guess I'm just a rumor repeater * Originally Posted by MrGiz

hey i did not post that, you misquoted me [quote link edited by admin, it should be correct now]
  • MrGiz
  • 05-12-2011, 03:44 PM
Sorry... yeah.... if you notice.... the quotes have been screwed up all thru this thread.

Same thing just happened to you.... an eccie problem, apparently. I just fixxed mine....
Paying to talk to someone is creepy. Normal people have friends who will talk to you for free.......... Originally Posted by Marshall
Marshall, there is a big difference between talking and communicating and I think that's what you're not getting here. Talking makes up about 25% of communication...I'll let you draw your own conclusions about what makes up the other 75%...but it's not sex. Sex is merely the sum of the whole parts. In lay mans terms, some people ( men and women) are just as interested in seeing their partner naked with their clothes ON as they are naked with their clothes OFF. You don't have to cross boundaries to do that regardless of whether there is a financial transaction occurring or not.....

For some reason the above quoted Tiffani instead of Marshall???[I am trying to clean up the link quotes. I'm not sure why they are weird. I think you can make sure they are correct when you reply. If you see two quote links [in brackets] then edit out the incorrect one and leave in the one you are replying to. --SRO]
A man will always remember the way a woman made him feel, but what can become fuzzy rather quickly, are the things she did to make him feel that way. In terms of sex, he will remember the woman that couldn't get enough of him but not necessarily the specific tangible that made him feel that way. There are plenty of reviews out there where's it obvious that the man got so lost in the connection that he struggled to remember the "menu" that you are focused on....because it's not what she does, it's the way she does it WITH HIM. Make sense Marshall?
This is a common accurance in strip clubs also...guys coming in and venting, using the stripper as a Goddess/therapist. For human need. We all need a safe place and I guess these people decide they would rather get some sexual arousal/pleasure out of their dollar as well...human touch, human warmth or just plain bing heard goes a long way towards healing.
It's up to the lady to decide where her boundaries are and how to enforce them. And sorry kids, I think it's ridiculous to think any type of person is more needier than another. We's all just flesh and blood.
BTW Great quads, Camille!!
and marshall still fails to define what is "normal". normal people have friends. well so do abnormal ones. so what. Its not like marshall fails to see the point its just that he tries to provoke . I mean, i`d say NORMAL people (in marshalls sense) also have someone to fuck, right?? so why does he think NORMAL people are NORMAL because they pay for sex??
Marshalls logic is creepy. ... :-) because NORMAL people don`t need to pay or sex either...;-)

the fact that escorts are there to support marriages without doing any harm is nothing new per se. (too bad this option only exists for men, so per se its patriarchal institution as well) .
so why would marshall say people who need sexual substitutes are NORMAL and people who need friends are abnormal?

The answer is simple: because Marshal is not NORMAL but has sexual issues. right? he also thinks that people who take more than 5 minutes for sex have an erectile disfunction. I mean, seriously? Who is not normal here? I am not surprised he needs to pay people for sex only. :-)