Michele Bachmann Says If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wave, it's not really that simple. It wouldn't be that way in a capitalist system, but we are more of a fascist economic system than capitalist, and this does happen.

But if I read your posts correctly, you like to brag about the money you make, yet it doesn't appear that you employ anybody. You must be one of the greedy ones. Don't you try to manage your trades so you make the biggest profit you can? Labor is a commodity as well, what is wrong with a company wanting to get the most bang for its labor buck?

Why don't you hire someone, provide them insurance and benefits, and put your money where your mouth is. You are no different than those you are complaining about.
waverunner234's Avatar
But if I read your posts correctly, you like to brag about the money you make, yet it doesn't appear that you employ anybody. You must be one of the greedy ones. Don't you try to manage your trades so you make the biggest profit you can? Labor is a commodity as well, what is wrong with a company wanting to get the most bang for its labor buck?

Why don't you hire someone, provide them insurance and benefits, and put your money where your mouth is. You are no different than those you are complaining about. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well COT First I don't brag about money I make. I've never mentioned even any amount I have made (or lost). The only thing I've said is that I make enough and that I have no worries about money.
And that I was going to buy a new Audi soon. But lots of people do that.
Of course I want to outsmart the market and make as much as I can. But I don't want to say that I abuse other traders because they can do exactly the same and try to outperform me. And I don't blame them. I'm just smarter most of the time. Actually we often work together via worldwide forums and Skype and we try to outperform big banks and hedge funds. And we often succeed.

Now why would I hire someone? To do what? I have no work that someone else could do for me regarding trading.
I do employ someone part time for cleaning and other stuff. That person is illegal but priceless to me so yes I do pay very good but it's just a few hours per week. It is a set amount per week but it covers at least 4 times minimum wage. Sometimes more.

Walmart survived when the Feds upped the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 in the last few years didn't they?
Doesn't that prove enough?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It really doesn't prove anything, but you have proved my point. Thank you.
waverunner234's Avatar
Look what I got when I was trading Euro Dollar tonight:
I B Hankering's Avatar
Arguments against Minimum Wage Laws Opponents of the minimum wage claim it has these effects:

May cause price inflation as businesses try to compensate by raising the prices of the goods being sold. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
This is the most obvious reason why a mandatory minimum wage does not work. Anaximander sums it up thus:

You hike minimum wage to a living wage,
look for considerable price inflation
across the board.
The poor will have more money
for all of a month tops before
prices jump to compensate.
And though they may be making more,
everything will subsequently cost more.
Hence it is a zero sum gain. Originally Posted by anaximander
and it's explained again @ http://www.heritage.org/Research/Rep...e-Minimum-Wage

The shortfall between wages and prices is more or less relative. Price inflation occurs not only when producers raise prices to compensate for increase in costs, e.g., mandatory minimum wage, etc., it also occurs when more “money” is put into the economy. Object lesson – the Weimar Republic:

“In the month following May 20, 1922, the price of an egg rose from 800 Marks to 2,400; of a litre of milk from 1,800 to 3,800, of a kilo of flour from 2,400 to 6,600, of pork from 10,400 to 32,000. In the Ruhr, too, while salaries doubled (a workman's wage rose from 3,300 [Marks] an hour to 6,800) the cost of commodities trebled.”

waverunner234's Avatar
When I still lived in the Netherlands they already told me that America is way behind in mathematics if you compare high schools or colleges to an average European country.

After spending 10 years in the USA I can say in all honesty:

I B Hankering's Avatar
When I still lived in the Netherlands they already told me that America is way behind in mathematics if you compare high schools or colleges to an average European country.

After spending 10 years in the USA I can say in all honesty:

You've often demonstrated your ignorance in several subjects. Most apparent is your decision to move to and live in a country you so despise.
waverunner234's Avatar
You've often demonstrated your ignorance in several subjects. Most apparent is your decision to move to and live in a country you so despise. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I've never said I despise America, I did say that I despise El Paso, Texas, and I still stand fully behind that.
Further I have said that I love the climate in Southern California and I also stand behind that.

waverunner234's Avatar
I've never said I despise America, I did say that I despise El Paso, Texas, and I still stand fully behind that.
Further I have said that I love the climate in Southern California and I also stand behind that.

SO WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? Originally Posted by waverunner234
And in addition:

Many of you have tried and failed to get me on the words I said.
None of you have succeeded or will ever succeed!


Because I stand for what I say and I will defend it as necassery
waverunner234's Avatar
And don't get me wrong, I love America, I love the people here, I do adapt very well. My neighbors are my friends, so are most of the people I talk with on forums and on the phone.

It's just that I come across a lot of issues were I think why are people so difficult, why so patriotic in things that don't make sense, why why why a lot of things.

I love all of you and I think it is great that we can exchange our opinion on this forum were at one moment we can call each other stupid and the next moment we can talk about a subject were we feel the same.

And all that without any hard feelings.

That's great and I appreciate you all very much to make this possible.
It is difficult to argue with those informed economists who take statistics from the period after World War I when Germany faced crushing reparations payments and an economy ravaged by war that only recovered with the rise of the Nazis. Some economists might say given those circumstances that Nazism was good for the German economy. Factor into the equation the fact that spiraling inflation also meant that war reparations were repaid with currency worth only a fraction of what it was when those same reparations were levied.
There is no one more certain of his case as an economist explaining past events. It is regrettable that same science explained how beneficial derivatives are. Right up until banks failed all over the country. That was of course only about 20 years after Savings and Loans did the same thing. It mystifies we uneducated how people who so easily cite the historical record never learn from it.
I suppose saying that an increase in minimum wage only helps for a month makes sense of you aren't earning minimum wage. If you are earning minimum wage it means you only go hungry for 11 months.

This is the most obvious reason why a mandatory minimum wage does not work. Anaximander sums it up thus:

and it's explained again @ http://www.heritage.org/Research/Rep...e-Minimum-Wage

The shortfall between wages and prices is more or less relative. Price inflation occurs not only when producers raise prices to compensate for increase in costs, e.g., mandatory minimum wage, etc., it also occurs when more “money” is put into the economy. Object lesson – the Weimar Republic:

“In the month following May 20, 1922, the price of an egg rose from 800 Marks to 2,400; of a litre of milk from 1,800 to 3,800, of a kilo of flour from 2,400 to 6,600, of pork from 10,400 to 32,000. In the Ruhr, too, while salaries doubled (a workman's wage rose from 3,300 [Marks] an hour to 6,800) the cost of commodities trebled.”

http://nowandfutures.com/us_weimar.html Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Was it not Mark Twain who said, "If I owned Hell and Texas, I would live in Hell, and rent out Texas."?

I've never said I despise America, I did say that I despise El Paso, Texas, and I still stand fully behind that.
Further I have said that I love the climate in Southern California and I also stand behind that.

SO WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-16-2011, 08:21 AM
There are other ways to avoid sweatshops and the like. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Perhaps you can tell us what those other ways are.

“In the month following May 20, 1922, the price of an egg rose from 800 Marks to 2,400; of a litre of milk from 1,800 to 3,800, of a kilo of flour from 2,400 to 6,600, of pork from 10,400 to 32,000. In the Ruhr, too, while salaries doubled (a workman's wage rose from 3,300 [Marks] an hour to 6,800) the cost of commodities trebled.” Originally Posted by I B Hankering
All this does is prove my point that people who are well off benefit financially from the people who are not.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, Doove. Always a day brightener.

waverunner234's Avatar
COT I would expect more from you