I guess I have been lucky, they just dont reply to my requests and therefore saved me and them the trouble of being told that I am not her type...
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar
I don't open my legs to anyone who passes screening! In other words I can change my mind anytime I want for any reason I want it's my body! Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Are you on here looking for a boyfriend or working as a professional sex provider?

Either one is fine, but it would be nice if you let everyone know. Right now, I for one am confused. It sure seems like you are talking about civilian sex to me.
I am going to catch hell for this, however my situation fits this concern perfectly. I am usually easy going and I dont care if youre short, tall, overweight, or thin as long as good hygiene and respect are good. I had a session in which I should had CLEARLY ran when he opened the door. I did screen and had even seen a picture of him. I should had turned and walked away, however this was the first time I had ever been in this type situation and I honestly let guilt take over because I didnt want to hurt his feelings. I made the best of the situation. I will be the first to admit, it was NOT my best and probably deserved some negativity. However next day I was told that I was tied for his ATF.. so maybe I did do well?
The kicker- it got out that I pondered the thought of turning away immediately for "personal preference" and suddenly I was the worst provider known to man. A negative review was then threatened.

I think it is a catch 22. If I had turned and left, I would had received a horrible review. If I did what I did, I still receive a horrible review. I think honesty is the best route however keep in mind, feelings could be hurt. I wonder if a situation such as mine would had been better if suddenly I claimed the "flu bug" or "aunt flow"? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Lacy, I'm sorry that happened to you. It's unfortunate that the fella threated you with negativity AFTER he raved about you. But then again, wouldn't his credibility be lost if he did that? I mean, if a fella raves about your BCD activities, and then wants to revolk such a review because he finds out you weren't truely attracted to him, I just don't see how that would wash? His negative comments would be lost to the wind. Also, how did your true feelings leak out and get to him? People really need to be careful about what they say here on Eccie. People here do try to hurt eachother as much as they can. It's unfortunate.
And I do agree with some who have said this is NOT match dot com. I know I'm the only one here who does this hobby for the money, so I could really care less what the fella looks like or what race he is. His cleanliness, health and demeanor are my only concerns. Is he safe? Respectful? Clean? Healthy? These are the true issues a real pro should be concerned with. Not race. But alot of people are racists. If you are, you should know this vital detail prior to any meeting. It's just not right to leave a man hanging like that. Over what? His race. Actually, it's down right cruel.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I don't view her comment, you quoted, as her looking for a BF or speaking in regards to civilian sex. She speaking in regards to hobbyists.

She expanded on stating that just because they pass screening via references doesn't mean she'll fuck them upon arrival IF she finds there to be an issue.
Thus her comment: *I don't open my legs to anyone who passes screening* Though I think she meant to say *just anyone*.

Just because references vouch for them. Doesn't mean that a gent is 100% OKAY to see. Sorry, but some gals give lame ass vouches for just about anyone & everyone they see. Even IF there is an issue. Esecially if their vouching for someone who is a frequent $ to them.
Some providers don't know how to speak up and express concerns about hobbyists they've seen, for fear it'll get back to him. So they just give an OK vouch. It's the provider expecting to see him who then encounters issues that should of been relayed to her. So in jest the last step of screening takes place in person (visually).
May NOT make sense to all. But it sure does to some.

Are you on here looking for a boyfriend or working as a professional sex provider?

Either one is fine, but it would be nice if you let everyone know. Right now, I for one am confused. It sure seems like you are talking about civilian sex to me. Originally Posted by Wetwork Daddy
Mature Companion's Avatar
Race may not be an issue for you. Just as it's not for me or others.
BUT.......race is an issue for some. We don't have to like it. Nor do we have the right to harp on folks about it. It's their right!!!

And yet, again your making claims that she left him hanging.
No she didn't. He showed up and she declined. For her own reasons.
Doesn't make her cruel and sure as hell didn't leave him hanging. In fact it makes no sense at all to state that she left him hanging.
To leave someone hanging is to not respond back nor show up.

Thus that never occurred. Both parties were present. Just not suited to proceed any further.
Men do it ALL the time when they show up and find a reason to not go through with a date. And ladies have the same right to decline proceeding forward with a date, IF upon meeting in person they find there to be an issue in which they don't feel it best to continue with BCD.

And I do agree with some who have said this is NOT match dot com. I know I'm the only one here who does this hobby for the money, so I could really care less what the fella looks like or what race he is. His cleanliness, health and demeanor are my only concerns. Is he safe? Respectful? Clean? Healthy? These are the true issues a real pro should be concerned with. Not race. But alot of people are racists. If you are, you should know this vital detail prior to any meeting. It's just not right to leave a man hanging like that. Over what? His race. Actually, it's down right cruel. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Randall Creed's Avatar
Post #108 is dead on.
Dragon7769's Avatar
Wow...... So all you guys who said - business business business and if he passed screening then he should get what he came there for. Try this shoe on. you're a male provider.... you screen this person and only when they show up you realize they are actually a MAN.... well you don't see men.... he passed screening so bend over buttercup and take it. Thats exactly what some of you guys are saying Molly should have done. And thats BULL.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Molly is saying this guy was, in her opinion, not fit for an intimate session with any provider based on other factors than race. Believe her or not, that is her position. I personally dont feel race should ever be an issue but cleanliness, hygiene etc are definite issues. This is complicated by race but regardless of what a lot of people say or think, Molly's position is based on other factors. Obviously no one believes her and I dont know the truth but it seems the true issue is whether a provider can turn away a slob regardless of race or nationality. My position on that is give him a "limited non-touch session and reduce your donation". I dont think any provider should be forced to engage in BCD activities if the issue is cleanliness and hygiene.
atlcomedy's Avatar
My position on that is give him a "limited non-touch session and reduce your donation". I dont think any provider should be forced to engage in BCD activities if the issue is cleanliness and hygiene. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
1) are you a male or female?

2) if you are a male you probably understand how unappealing having a "non-touch" session would be when you booked a "touch" session?

3) if you are a female your posts make a lot more sense

4) if it was a hygiene issue why even start the thread....I think everybody can understand that...and why not say that until now?????
whitechocolate's Avatar
Non touch type sessions used to be in vogue "many years ago". Guys accepted just watching a woman strip and masturbate. Yes, if you want a "touch" session, that is fine but the provider is saying that is not an option because the client is a "slob". This "real" issue was not spelled out until Ms. Molly's last post. Many doubt her. I have no idea what the truth is. It seems most people agree that providers can turn away slobs. As I said, I feel providers should not turn away anyone for race or nationality. Nationality, other than hispanic, can be a big issue as well.
I think plan B would result in a very tense, and testy, situation.

Most men of any fortitude do not like to be insulted. I doubt there could be a bigger insult to any man than to be told by a Hooker that he was not up to her standards.
Race may not be an issue for you. Just as it's not for me or others.
BUT.......race is an issue for some. We don't have to like it. Nor do we have the right to harp on folks about it. It's their right!!!

And yet, again your making claims that she left him hanging.
No she didn't. He showed up and she declined. For her own reasons.
Doesn't make her cruel and sure as hell didn't leave him hanging. In fact it makes no sense at all to state that she left him hanging.
To leave someone hanging is to not respond back nor show up.
Thus that never occurred. Both parties were present. Just not suited to proceed any further.
Men do it ALL the time when they show up and find a reason to not go through with a date. And ladies have the same right to decline proceeding forward with a date, IF upon meeting in person they find there to be an issue in which they don't feel it best to continue with BCD. Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
I NEVER said she doesn't have a right to be a racist. She has every right to see who she wishes to see. What I am stating, is that if you have an NBA or other policy it should be known before you schedule any dates. In my humble opinion, he was left hanging, or to be more accurate, he was left stiff. The fella walked away with no action. So your opinion of being left hanging is different then mine. I will not argue the 2. I often try to put myself in peoples shoes to determine how I think they would feel, and if I were him I'd feel left hanging.

By the way, she said it was over hygene issues. Ok fine. I wasn't there, I don't know. But the fella said it was because he had AA features. Again, I don't care if people have NBA policies. That is their right. Just let the fellas know before hand so he doesn't take time out of his day to meet you then. Is it too hard to be a little curtious now days?? I guess so. Is it too hard to speak up and state your preferences?

Also, if it was over hygene issues only, couldn't she have offered the fella a shower to freshen up? Isn't that a common curtesy when offereing incall?? I understand, perhaps she didn't want to offend him. But he left offended anyway because he was left hanging.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
1) are you a male or female?
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Since he is showing 8 reviews, I'm going with Male.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I'll be nice an simply say is writing reviews is now the eccie vouch for male?