Oakland Mayor " snitches " on I.C.E.,announces impending raid

You retarded ass fuckers on here paying for pussy break the law every day... So shut your fucking mouths with the fake outrage .... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Check out this video, if you got the balls.

All fucked-up brain-washed lefties need to see this video. This is potentially some of the shit you will be importing with open boarders.

Also this is an advocacy video for anti-gun control. The folks in Mexico can't protect themselves against animals like this except to call the police due to their strict gun control laws. Funny thing. The guy (and his son) being tortured and killed in the video is 5-0. 5-0 is scared shitless of these animals. No body can fuck with them.

I've watched it several times. Pretty damn brutal, I'd have to say. WHERE THE FUCK'S MY UZI!!!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I said I know more about politics and pussy than you. Originally Posted by WTF
That's something to be real proud of, what a legacy you will leave.
LexusLover's Avatar
This board has an alert section which talks about police raids and at times gives heads ups before one happens. Originally Posted by WTF
Where is that "section"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is the Alert Section Originally Posted by WTF
So you are trying to tell these folks that people post "alerts" in the "alert section" that warns them of specific raids that are going to take place in the future ....

.. speaking of BooBoo's ... I suppose it would be too much for an ignorant dumbass like you to provide a link to a post that has the same credibility and value as the Mayor of a city disclosing such information ... in other words a post by someone YOU KNOW by name and position to verify they know what they are talking about!

Or is it just more valueless bullshit like you post? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you asking for real world information on another poster? Originally Posted by WTF
I just asked for a "link" .... and you can't provide one! ... So!!!!

You post the "attack" by lying about what I posted: VVVVVV

So according to you....only if a poster posts his real world information is the post then creditable? Originally Posted by WTF
I don't see a link for any post in an "Alert's Section" ...

which talks about police raids and at times gives heads ups before one happens.
I didn't ask for RW information on anyone ... I just asked for ...
a link to a post that has the same credibility and value as the Mayor of a city disclosing such information ... in other words a post by someone YOU KNOW by name and position to verify they know what they are talking about!

.. it is appropriate to PRESUME you're just bullshitting again!

Like I said: "... more valueless bullshit like you post...!
And all you had to post was you were just making up shit to make a point!

I said I know more about politics and pussy than you. Originally Posted by WTF
As for your "expertise" ... it explains why you don't write reviews ... if you know as much about pussy as you do politics.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that was as brutal video to watch...

those guys were animals!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2018, 09:13 AM
That's something to be real proud of, what a legacy you will leave. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Only surpassed by your April Fool pranks on a Hooker board. . . and I've never cheated on my wife with a hooker.

Now did I say i was proud to know more than you about those two subjects? But we are on a Hooker Board posting in the Political section. Think about that..

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2018, 09:16 AM
As for your "expertise" ... it explains why you don't write reviews ... if you know as much about pussy as you do politics. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How many reviews you got Counselor?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2018, 09:21 AM

All fucked-up brain-washed lefties need to see this video. This is potentially some of the shit you will be importing with open boarders.
Originally Posted by Muscleup
We have murder here now chickenshit.

I bet you were one of the fools crying about invading Iraq because of Saddam's sons raping women....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2018, 09:32 AM
I never thought of social security as being political. Also you sleep under the same amount of security that I and millions other do. So you benefit from the millions spent on the military that I do. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Do you still think sleeping under 20 Trillion dollars in debt is any kind of monetary security for this country?

At some point ....for this country to continue that security you so crave , you will have to give up your SS and Medicare benefits to pay for it because you were such a political novice, you wanted Trump tax cuts and did not have the political smarts to understand your actions would cost you future benefits in old age.

Because you thought SS/Medicare was not political.

Shall I saw a little prayer for you DJ? Will that make it all better?

lustylad's Avatar
We have murder here now chickenshit. Originally Posted by WTF
^^^ This is the quality of "argument" you see in all of the moronic buffoon's posts! Think about what this jackass just said... as long as a single murder takes place among our citizens, it means we should throw open our borders and let the most vicious killers on the planet flood in and slaughter us wantonly.

And anyone who objects to the idea is "chickenshit"!

How can a person in possession of any rational faculties post this shit and expect to be taken seriously?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2018, 01:45 PM
.. as long as a single murder takes place among our citizens, it means we should throw open our borders and let the most vicious killers on the planet flood in and slaughter us wantonly.

And anyone who objects to the idea is "chickenshit"!
Originally Posted by lustylad
First off we have more than one murder, we have less per capita than Mexico but more than Canada.

Should Canada close the border on us?

Quit being such a chickenshit before we ship you to Syria for a gassing by Trump's buddy Putin!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Only surpassed by your April Fool pranks on a Hooker board. . . and I've never cheated on my wife with a hooker. Originally Posted by WTF
I can understand a prick without a stitch of humor not liking the April Fool jokes. A couple of them were really funny and still remembered today.

Yes, I cheated on my wife, however I was never a pimp that ran a business that was geared to married men cheating on their wives and greatly profiting off the misery of others. What I did affected me only, and I didn't enjoy a good lifestyle based on the degrading of family values for many men. Then again, I did what I did....call it a mid life crisis, and have yet to play holier than thou putting down those who did cheat on their wives. Us tricks/ex tricks all have reasons for doing what we did that your 'greatness' would never know. I do realize that until the day I die, I lived a portion of my life in a glass house, however there is so much more to me than to sum up my life by my time fucking hookers (1999-2006).

Now that I've said this, I still think that prostitution should be legalized with controls, and I still appreciate places like this and ASPD. This is all better than the street scene. I appreciated places like LaFemme, XTC, Wildflowers, and several other places which kept people off the streets and in a safe environment to do their cheating.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

Shall I saw a little prayer for you DJ? Will that make it all better?

Originally Posted by WTF

Shove your prayer. I don't need an admitted atheist patronizing me.
Most of those murders take place in your sainted dimbocrat controlled cities. Many of which have those "common sense" gun laws you try to push on the rest of us. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, the list goes on. As for Canada, Trudeau has proven to be about as inept at policy as Obumbler. We aren't chicken, YOU are. We want to defend our loved ones from these animals YOU want to let roam free in our country. So let's just house them all on your block and see how you like it.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Most of those murders take place in your sainted dimbocrat controlled cities. Many of which have those "common sense" gun laws you try to push on the rest of us. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, the list goes on. As for Canada, Trudeau has proven to be about as inept at policy as Obumbler. We aren't chicken, YOU are. We want to defend our loved ones from these animals YOU want to let roam free in our country. So let's just house them all on your block and see how you like it. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Detroit's shitty reputation even goes back into the mid 1970's.

lustylad's Avatar
First off we have more than one murder, we have less per capita than Mexico but more than Canada.

Should Canada close the border on us? Originally Posted by WTF
Each time I think you can't outdumb yourself, you surprise me!

Nobody is talking about closing borders, you demented dipshit. That's another ridiculous straw man. We're talking about keeping all crossings legal. And that's easy for Canada to do since we're not trying to sneak across their border illegally!

You really enjoy making yourself look like an ass, dontcha?

Now go ahead and outdumb your last post!