Gabriel Giffords open to gun confiscation

Munchmasterman's Avatar
So the government can TEMPORARILY place you in a cell, This is stupid. You implied this was possible, not me. This is the kind of statement which presents you as a flaming asshole. Having a person you live with, guns removed for a week or 2 is hardly a crazy or radical step. Judges don't take the guns on a whimwhich is only a "temporary confiscation" of your body, and you won't have a problem with it, because it does not deprive you of your "FREEDOM"!
So you see those as the same? No surprise there
A little late to have to explain the difference between people and guns and a store room and jail. And of course which one goes where.
In most states a "restraining order" AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES after the expiration of 2-3 weeks, if a hearing is not held on the request for injunctive relief.
So what's your point? A judge can still make one longer if he decides to.

"Bad facts make bad law." What bad facts? You must have some in mind since you added the quote.

As California goes, so goes the Nation. Right, Munch? Originally Posted by LexusLover
No. I don't think so.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
So you have no problems with a "temporary" removal of your fifth, fourth, second, and first amendment rights? Especially when there is no justification or definition for what "temporary" means. Do you know that in 1917 they made it a temporary law that you could not criticize the military....and that was finally overturned when Nixon was president 50 years later. Just like that "temporary" tax to buy wool for World War I uniforms that was finally removed in the 1990s. Same thing for a "temporary" law to stockpile helium for dirigible construction. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your rights aren't absolute and don't stand above the rights of others. I know you didn't check the bill-to-be for any fine print. If a judge signs the order I'd bet you justification under the law has been met and the time frame described.
So many people jailed under the can't criticize law. And none of your examples come home shit faced and pissed off at the world, ready to take it out on that "no good bitch" who is divorcing him.
It has everything to do with it. They are the ones pulling the triggers more often than any other. Without them, you don't need another law. Have you been to Chicago lately or kept up with what is going on there?
I don't even own a gun, but I would much rather see the scourge of society and "mentally irresponsible for their actions in a court of law" have their rights infringed upon long before you and your kind even think about infringing on mine. It's time to start protecting the productive members of society from those that are not. Originally Posted by nwarounder
This law is for a specific situation. It is designed to take guns out of a volatile mix temporarily. It's not going to clean up the streets. You're advocating suspension of due process. If the law is passed, taking the guns from relatives or room mates temporarily, would be following due process
Manassmuncher is saying...

"Justice Involved" saggers need to be released/absolved so they can have another bite at the apple... Penitentiary Affirmative Action...

Good Luck with that... Manassmuncher

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Don't ever try to speak for me.

You can barely speak for yourself.

I'm excusing this poor woman. She suffered a traumatic head injury. Just like the rest of the Austin Reacharound Crew. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Pretty funny from the guy in permanent orbit around a porn actors balls. You would know a reach around with painful clarity.
of course! brain damage is the ultimate excuse!

she should stick with it. it's working like it did for Brady lol Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So what the fuck is your excuse? Easy to understand why a person who had been shot in the head might be gun shy.
Easy to understand if you are at least stupid. If you're below stupid you'll just have to sit in the corner and eat the crayons you draw on the wall with.
You lying piece of shit. Num. 649