How much does quality writing matter?

discreetgent's Avatar

It's not just friction and imagination you know. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Friction is good, fiction not so much
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  • 07-29-2010, 08:42 AM
Friction is good, fiction not so much Originally Posted by discreetgent
The Eros ads I'm talking about don't have a link to a web site.
Why would you assume I'm so callous as to not do research?

It's not just friction and imagination you know. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I wouldn't and didn't assume that—my point was just that it doesn't seem worth getting pissed off about. Surely there are enough lovely ladies who have their rates posted that not seeing the ones who don't isn't any real loss?

I feel it is important to put together my ad with proper grammar and to use spell check. I am intelligent, but not a brainiac. I can still have my personality show in a post without using slang or abbreviating words simply because I am too lazy to type them out. I do not sound professional by any means, as I am not this super serious lady. I am young, fun, and easy going. So, I guess what I am getting at is there is a middle ground, but spelling and grammar are a must. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
I agree that a middle ground is nice. I've seen some ladies always write as if they're posting a term paper in their ads and on their sites. I'm certain most gents can see past the facade.

Just testing out the smiles. I hope you all are enjoying your day!
I agree that a middle ground is nice. I've seen some ladies always write as if they're posting a term paper in their ads and on their sites. I'm certain most gents can see past the facade. Originally Posted by GiamarieLynn
I personally know a few ladies that write a lot on their websites. I enjoy reading the way they are able to articulate who they are and what gentleman they would be interested in seeing. I'm sure a lot of men do get tired of reading their text. Then again, these ladies aren't looking to appeal to most men.
I personally know a few ladies that write a lot on their websites. I enjoy reading the way they are able to articulate who they are and what gentleman they would be interested in seeing. I'm sure a lot of men do get tired of reading their text. Then again, these ladies aren't looking to appeal to most men. Originally Posted by Ansley
I love it when ladies have a lot of material on their site. Blogs, articles, stories, etc. They all give me insight into the woman and her personality.

It's great to know what books she has been reading, what subjects she studied in school, and all that kind of jazz. It makes it a lot easier for me to relate to her.
I agree that a middle ground is nice. I've seen some ladies always write as if they're posting a term paper in their ads and on their sites. I'm certain most gents can see past the facade. Originally Posted by GiamarieLynn
Anytime you are dealing with advertising -- and that is what the escort is doing -- you will necessarily be dealing with truncated information at best, and implicit misrepresentations at worst.

Some escorts will put on their websites that they love roses, when in reality they hate roses. I have no idea why they would do such a thing, but some definitely do it. I guess it is all a part of the "facade."

Sometimes their facade becomes contradictory, like the 25 year old escort who has been escorting for 9 years. The fact that these data points are on different pages doesn't mean a hobbyist won't connect the dots and say "Wow! She was escorting at 16! Either that, or she is lying about her age or how long she has been escorting. Either way, this doesn't look good."

But, understanding that ALL advertising is aimed at influencing decisions and is thus manipulative in some form or fashion; I nevertheless enjoy the larger amount of data that some escorts provide; because a lot of that data is actually honest and useful, and can be used to improve the quality of our experience together.

Not only that, you can read a lot in between the lines.
onehitwonder's Avatar
[quote=atlcomedy;414724]Mostly for the guys, but I'm sure we'll get some feedback from the ladies...

I'll do my very best. Here we go..................

The impetus for this thread was seeing some ads on another site (& not BP/CL either) where the spelling and grammar was poor and SOMEONE LEFT CAPS LOCK ON or worse aLtErNaTiOn BeTWeEn CaPs AnD nO CaPs. The ladies placing these ads are paying good money for them. Is it carelessness or not knowing (ignorance) that this is not effective?
IMVHO, me being in the adult entertainment business most of my adult life in one capacity or another and having been in the postition to place ads for studios, SC's etc.....

The alteration (between caps and no caps) that you mentioned above is a way to draw attention to the ad. And is usually is done by the younger ladies and is intended to be "cute" or creative. While the more mature, established ladies tend to be straight and to the point. As far as spelling and grammar, well that may come from a lack of education, as well as carelessness or just being in a hurry. But hey, when you look like some of these women my guess is that most fella's could get over it pretty fast! Like I said, in my very humble opinion.............

sabre692's Avatar
I look at spelling and grammar closely. It seems that the younger generation (I am included in that range unfortunately) do not take this as serious as we should. Literacy is more important that people realize because it leaves lasting impressions to the generations to come. I look at grammar and/or spelling mistakes in a persons ad and make a guess to their level of education. Being uneducated isn't wrong, it is just a criteria that I personally look for in a Lady when searching.

Of course the little head talks to the big head and they get into a fight and then at the end go to sleep angry...
On the sugarbaby site I get a pretty good impression of who I am dealing with when "with that" becomes "wit dat." The sad part is that I've seen it in bios for those in their twenties and those in their forties. sigh

I just saw this on that site. A SB IM'ed me, this is in her bio. She states she's 42:

kind honest ,cool easy go very clean person ,
looking for discreet relationship the right person who knows to get and give back ,no time to spend time no shopping, no gifts net quite meetings fun sex
and support ,if u think u r the 1 contact me please.
I guess it depends on my mood and how much time I have to develop a post (or an ad for that matter) as to whether it contains perfect syntax and grammar. Most of the time I am somewhat proper - at least on the written page.

One of my biggest pet peeves about grammar is the improper usage of to, too, or two and their, there, or they're. Grrr!

@69bobby69 ~ I use full English in texting as well. Most of my friends have complained about it at one time or another because of the limited space. So, I started using a New Pic Text to send lengthy texts (usually without any picture) because it will hold 1000 charcters. Woohoo!

To each their own but I will always err on the side of more intelligent musings.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Most of the time I am somewhat proper - at least on the written page.
heather nicole

Right on!
onehitwonder's Avatar
Really? Cool. I'll have to start using that function on my phone. I tend to be long winded when it comes to a keyboard, phone, telegram, smoke signals, tin can and string.....well you get the picture...teehee
sakari.verlee's Avatar
While I am new to advertising on a public site, I do think the representation you give in your bio will determine the majority of your responses. I want hobbiest to be entriged from reading my bio, as much as they are when they look at my pictures. I really try to express my personality in my bio, but the one word I keep using to describe myself, is adaptable. I have rewritten mine so many times now, I am starting to confuse myself. It's exciting to transform yourself into the object of someones desires. Honestly, I am thankful that I found this site. I enjoy providing, it has given more self-confidence.

You know what they say, opinions are like assholes, everbodies got one. My reply, yeah but mine is exit only. My sense of humor, it's funny to me.

Feedback is always welcomed.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Good points are made by all. I tend to look at how the ad is written for a first impression. But the reviews will usually lead to my final decision.