Sugar daddy dating & info ??

It has nothing to do with fearing emotions or fearing intimacy, it's the fact that the people who search for love in all the wrong places pose a threat and a danger to many people, including themselves. Originally Posted by GrimRose Riam
I feel the exact same way! As one gent said, they are looking for stablity they never had. To me, that sounds like you prey on the weak. What emotionally healthy normal person wants a basket case? Bit of an exaggeration but really?

My SD offered me a 2karat diamond ring in front of Magic and his wife (he purposed at dinner) but he was insane. Everyone said and still thinks I'm crazy to have left that life. I still feel I made the right chose!

If you marry for $$$, you earn every penny! It's true and I wasn't prepared to be miserable for $$$. No thanks!
bladtinzu's Avatar

Don't start flaming; we've seen your reviews for $60 bbbj Mary staying at the flap house. Then you review and say she wasn't in a good part of town and the room was dirty. You don't have to lie! I know the reality of this game and rightly take more precautions. Originally Posted by Da Hottie Roxi
I know that wasn't me. I refuse to even do the backpage thing because they are so low class there. But then again I don't mind spending thousands if I see a woman who interests me and I can at least half ass act like I care about for a couple of hours.
Gotyour6's Avatar
I really don't believe this is true...I understand what you said in a later post as each person is different...but spending time with a person doesn't necessarily mean you will develop any kind of feelings at all. Some will remain neutral. In fact I find that, and I hope nobody takes offense to this, the truly normal/sane people will get into a SD/SB relationship understanding very well that it is just a mutual understanding rather than a relationship at all.

People who get emotional and fall in love in such type relationships...sort of frighten me. Which is one reasons I have turned down or stepped out of a few SD/SB relationships, because they were looking for someone to "Love," they were looking for someone to spend the rest of their lives with. That idea frightens me a bit, as I'm very anti-marriage. It has nothing to do with fearing emotions or fearing intimacy, it's the fact that the people who search for love in all the wrong places pose a threat and a danger to many people, including themselves.

I'm not quite sure if I'm just rambling here, or if I'm making any sense at all. Originally Posted by GrimRose Riam
Not once did I mention falling in love.
But if they got hurt or sick I would be concerned. I would even help with medical bills etc. Why? Because I care.

With a provider I would say oh, bummer. and move on to the nexy one.
I know that wasn't me. I refuse to even do the backpage thing because they are so low class there. But then again I don't mind spending thousands if I see a woman who interests me and I can at least half ass act like I care about for a couple of hours. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
bladtinzu's Avatar
I feel the exact same way! As one gent said, they are looking for stablity they never had. To me, that sounds like you prey on the weak. What emotionally healthy normal person wants a basket case? Bit of an exaggeration but really?

My SD offered me a 2karat diamond ring in front of Magic and his wife (he purposed at dinner) but he was insane. Everyone said and still thinks I'm crazy to have left that life. I still feel I made the right chose!

If you marry for $$$, you earn every penny! It's true and I wasn't prepared to be miserable for $$$. No thanks! Originally Posted by Da Hottie Roxi

Only 2 carats... Better have been IF color D or you were getting rooked.. lmao
Utanks's Avatar
I really don't believe this is true...I understand what you said in a later post as each person is different...but spending time with a person doesn't necessarily mean you will develop any kind of feelings at all. Some will remain neutral. In fact I find that, and I hope nobody takes offense to this, the truly normal/sane people will get into a SD/SB relationship understanding very well that it is just a mutual understanding rather than a relationship at all. Originally Posted by GrimRose Riam
Well, from a single encounter approach I can agree emotional detachment is fairly normal. However, if the statement is qualified as: if you spend enough time with someone... then I would say remaining emotionally detached is difficult if not impossible. Not "love" mind you, but real care and affection will take place. The key thing to remember is there is a distinct difference in applying "GFE" between a provider transaction and a SD/sb scenario. Transactional GFE encounters can be reduced to acting essentially. Spending substantial time with someone in the SD arena that you treat as an intimate partner (or essentially a more natural GFE) is going to generate real feelings on both sides.
.. what sites do u recommend?? Originally Posted by Sweet Lexxxi dd's
I recommend you get off the internet and mingle where the money is.
I understand what you said in a later post as each person is different...but spending time with a person doesn't necessarily mean you will develop any kind of feelings at all. Some will remain neutral. Originally Posted by GrimRose Riam
I am not going to spend time with someone I don't like and for the most part, the women aren't like that either. So if the two of you like each other and spend time with other, chances are you are going to develop feelings. The women I have as SBs don't have a problem attracting men.

In fact I find that, and I hope nobody takes offense to this, the truly normal/sane people will get into a SD/SB relationship understanding very well that it is just a mutual understanding rather than a relationship at all. Originally Posted by GrimRose Riam
It is a relationship and a mutual understanding. Part of the understanding though is that either of you can end the relationship for any reason at any time.

People who get emotional and fall in love in such type relationships...sort of frighten me. Which is one reasons I have turned down or stepped out of a few SD/SB relationships, because they were looking for someone to "Love," they were looking for someone to spend the rest of their lives with. That idea frightens me a bit, as I'm very anti-marriage. It has nothing to do with fearing emotions or fearing intimacy, it's the fact that the people who search for love in all the wrong places pose a threat and a danger to many people, including themselves.

I'm not quite sure if I'm just rambling here, or if I'm making any sense at all. Originally Posted by GrimRose Riam
No, you are making sense, and this is a very valid criticism of the SB-SD model. Several of my SBs have met men who proclaim to want a no strings attached, non-serious relationship when they really want a girlfriend or wife. Maybe initially the men really don't want that, but they have great sex and enjoy the person's company so much that they forget prior boundaries.

I have had things the other way too. A SB who wanted me to father her child (and pay child support and babysit said child. LOL.), and another SB who wouldn't leave after I told her to move on.

In my case, twice I became infatuated with two of my SBs so much that I envisioned a relationship moving beyond the fun stage. My SBs quickly got my head from out of the clouds and back to Planet Earth though.

For the most part, I think it is fair to say that most men mature more slowly emotionally than women do. I know I did. What would happen is that I'd call or text a woman, and she wouldn't respond right away, and I would take it personally and get miffed. I don't now. I just assume she is busy and will get back to me later. With an established SB, I have rarely had a problem with them getting back to me.

But I don't think 15 or 20 years ago, I could have handled the fun and unbelievable sex and walked away not wanting more. I would have wanted more time, more sex, more fun, more intimacy, and more commitment. I would have pushed the boundaries.

Now I don't, and that is why I think I have the collection of SBs that I do, this emotional maturity. One time I made a comment to my oldest SB that I "needed" to see her, and she bent over backwards to come see me. I just wanted to have a drink and dinner with her if she was free. No big deal, but she thought something was really wrong. When I asked why, she said in the two years that I had known her, I had never needed anything.

So yeah, there is the risk that emotions will enter the picture, and things will end badly, but more often than not, bringing in emotions and feelings enhance the encounters. If things do become emotionally negative, it is time to end the relationship.
Gotyour6's Avatar
From sex to helping her out.
I wouldnt do this for a provider even if we had a sb relationship. I would look at her different and she would just want money I think.

Can a provider be an SB, not the same way an 18 year old non provider can be.

Me: Let me try and set up a weekend. Friday to Saturday. Not sure if it can be this weekend. Plus we have to get you a school girl outfit (wink) 3:01 PM
AshleySB: Lol of course we can't ever forget about the school girl outfit 3:03 PM
Me: Something to remember, don't shop for clothing that is school girl related in your office. 3:15 PM
AshleySB: Haha why's that 3:20 PM
Me: Let's see, thinking.of you in the little.out fit. Things tend to grow a bit. 3:22 PM
AshleySB: Okay okay okay I get the idea. Find anything good? 3:24 PM
Me: I did. Miss detention cutie. There are a couple of others. Not sure where they sell them local. 3:28 PM
AshleySB: Lol can't help that I'm a bad girl 3:29 PM
Me: Not going to get a good girl one. You need to be in detention :-) get in the bot tub little girl. 3:31 PM
AshleySB: Maybe I need to be taught a lesson 3:34 PM
Me: You are so fucking sexy. 3:36 PM
AshleySB: I'm sorry I can't help it 3:39 PM
Me: I love it, you are amazing. I like that you are very sexual. Its a nice change than someone that just has sex. Refreshing 3:40 PM
AshleySB: Makes things more entertaining 3:42 PM
Me: Role play is fun :-) well, you make it fun. 3:51 PM
AshleySB: Orly now lol 3:54 PM
AshleySB: Wow I just got a call from Paula, the lady taking care of Rhett. He got loose and they can't find him 3:54 PM
Me: Want to go up there and look for him? 3:55 PM
AshleySB: Idk the area I won't be any help. I'm so worried. She told me he kept crossing the street with traffic :'( 3:57 PM
Me: I can pick you up right now. 3:58 PM
AshleySB: You don't have to 4:02 PM
Me: Do you want to go? 4:03 PM
AshleySB: Yes more than anything 4:03 PM
Me: I will be at the place I dropped you off last in 15 minutes. 4:04 PM
AshleySB: The office building? 4:15 PM
Me: Yep here now 4:16 PM
AshleySB: Thank you again, really means a lot to me. Told you he was a beautiful dog =] 5:04 PM
Me: not a problem doll you don't need any more stress 5:06 PM
Me: Want a picture of your puppy 6:56 PM
AshleySB: MMS Received 7:03 PM
Me: That was quick :-) you doing ok now 7:06 PM
AshleySB: Yea much better 7:37 PM
AshleySB: When Paula was driving me home she was curious and implied we were something more than just the whole friend of stepdad thing. 8:06 PM
AshleySB: Oh and she thinks your cute lol 8:12 PM
Me: Lol, when she asked if we were related I knew she knew. 8:15 PM
AshleySB: Is it that obvious or something? When we were in the car she asked if we were more and I was like no the age difference and your married, she said so hasn't sto 8:17 PM
AshleySB: pped ppl before. 8:17 PM
rogerdodger's Avatar

as you and i both understand ... it's an entirely different mindset. it's dating with the ice cream on top and whipped cream with no anticipation (mostly) of an LTR. I know none of the SB ladies i have met whether we got any further than a quick dinner/coffee ever anticipated that the 'relationship' (well that's what it is) would evolve to something long term and exclusive.

but, it's totally different from a 'pay-to-play' provider situation. as you just described, i think many SDs have met their SB for something other than a roll in the hay.

i definitely want to be with a pretty woman. but i want to be with someone who LIKES BEING WITH ME mostly regardless of the situation. i think many of the providers here considering or discussion this sort of thing misses the point in that respect ... you get XXX an hour for sex, and you put out a nice product for that time and then 'out the door you go'. no problem or argument - understood and accepted.

SB ... for me is not like that. if i can't talk to her, she doesn;t talk to me, and we don;t share some of the simple things in life ... i never make it past dinner. not worth it to me to waste my time.

that being said ... it takes all kinds. and all income levels. and all expectations. one of the first i met was a former contestant in beauty pageants - she wanted $1000 per meeting and said it will never last more than 2 hours ... definitely not the attitude i wanted to be around.
John Bull's Avatar
Roger... That sounded like a Provider masquerading as a SB. IMHO Providers just can't do it. They may get some poor unknowing sap to believe they're SB's; but they really aren't.
Now I know there will be some bad words said to and about me by some Providers; but they have their agenda and we all know what that is. I have mine and all SD's have theirs. Problem for the Providers is that it's different. One's not better or worse than the other - just different.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Roger... That sounded like a Provider masquerading as a SB. IMHO Providers just can't do it. They may get some poor unknowing sap to believe they're SB's; but they really aren't.
Now I know there will be some bad words said to and about me by some Providers; but they have their agenda and we all know what that is. I have mine and all SD's have theirs. Problem for the Providers is that it's different. One's not better or worse than the other - just different. Originally Posted by John Bull
Not even in the same stadium yet they claim to be in the same ballpark?? Seriously??

And so what if they say something bad about you... Be like me I could give a flying fuck less what they think or say because at the end of the day if I call they will always be willing to see me because money talks.
You have to have Premium Access to log on to the Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby Forum. I think Jack Flash moderates it.

This entire thread is revolving around the basic tenant or definition, of who is a Hooker, and who isn't a Hooker.

In short, every Sugar Baby is a Hooker, but not every Hooker is a Sugar Baby.

And all of these old geezers, (I'm 65, so I can say that), who are fooling themselves, thinking that 23 year old "Tart" is being true to him only, should be standing by a midget who is yelling, "Boss, the plane, the plane", because you are living on Fantacy Island.

The rude awakening usely comes in the form of your discovering you have been paying her real boyfriend's rent for the past year.

Yes, I see only one Provider. I do a lot of extra things for Her, because I think I get my moneys worth, which I gage by the amount of enjoyment and fun I have. She is 39 years old, and is a pro. We see each other probably more than most SB-SD's do. But it is always on a Client-Provider basis. I have no illusions about what we do, and neither does she.

Payments are for services provided at that time, whether it is a 2 hour quicky, or a all week end trip.

This is what I call the ATF arrangement. I dig the shit out of her, she digs the shit out of the money I pay. It's a win-win.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Some of are not old geezers and like the sugar baby way.

Do what ever gets you off.

We are not fooling ourself at all.
Money stops, most of mine are gone, I dont care.
I know two who wouldnt give a shit and would remain with me because I am the only one who opens the door for them or who doesnt play XBox all day.

Hell, we walked her dog in a park and she was happy to do that. I dont even remember when the last time I gave her money or bought her anything other than cloths I want to see her in.

I will take the illusion, it is what I am paying for.
ForumPoster's Avatar
You have to have Premium Access to log on to the Sugar Daddy-Sugar Baby Forum. I think Jack Flash moderates it.

This entire thread is revolving around the basic tenant or definition, of who is a Hooker, and who isn't a Hooker.

In short, every Sugar Baby is a Hooker, but not every Hooker is a Sugar Baby.

And all of these old geezers, (I'm 65, so I can say that), who are fooling themselves, thinking that 23 year old "Tart" is being true to him only, should be standing by a midget who is yelling, "Boss, the plane, the plane", because you are living on Fantacy Island.

The rude awakening usely comes in the form of your discovering you have been paying her real boyfriend's rent for the past year.

Yes, I see only one Provider. I do a lot of extra things for Her, because I think I get my moneys worth, which I gage by the amount of enjoyment and fun I have. She is 39 years old, and is a pro. We see each other probably more than most SB-SD's do. But it is always on a Client-Provider basis. I have no illusions about what we do, and neither does she.

Payments are for services provided at that time, whether it is a 2 hour quicky, or a all week end trip.

This is what I call the ATF arrangement. I dig the shit out of her, she digs the shit out of the money I pay. It's a win-win. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Finally someone exercising common sense in lieu of self delusion
