Bloomberg 2020

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Bloomberg says. "And the way you get the guns out of the kid's hands is to throw them up against the walls and frisk them."[/I]
"Ninety-five percent of murders, murderers and murder victims" are male minorities between 16 to 25, Bloomberg says.
This is actually not true -- not in New York City,
Originally Posted by Dev Null;106195226[I

Take it up with Mini-Mike. Those are his verbatim words. Just hope your own kids are not walking past a wall with Mini-Mike in da house...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I don't disagree that Trump has problems with AA's. But he is trying to correct that by taking positive actions that benifit actual people... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

He was NOT a racist until he ran for and won GEPOTUS.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
As usual. Trump took sole credit for the passing and signing of the Criminal Justice Reform Bill... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

He didn't build that?!? Oh yes he did. He made it a priority. He gathered input from others. He cajoled others to get behind it. He got 'er dun. That is called results. It's a thing leaders do.
Agent220's Avatar
He was NOT a racist until he ran for and won GEPOTUS. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So slumlord activity towards minority tenants, tactics to remove those said tenants in favor of whites, staff issues throughout his business doesn't count...

Are you serious?
Precious_b's Avatar
He's on tape saying "all minorities" ---it is a racist thing to say. But with all his money - he'll be able to buy his way out of it.

His apology stinks. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
...I don't disagree that Trump has problems with AA's. ... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So I guess you are saying AA's from Shithole Countries isn't showing a propensity towards racism. This whole country needs the new sensitivity training program from fearless cheeto. Guess that is why you never call him out to apologize for it like you whine others should for slights supposed or that have taken care of.

So slumlord activity towards minority tenants, tactics to remove those said tenants in favor of whites, staff issues throughout his business doesn't count...

Are you serious? Originally Posted by Agent220
As we know trump says that is a hackjob (which in the parlance of the real world means it's true) I would appreciate a link saying that he targeted a certain part of the population. As far as I know, he was a slumlord with a terrible reputation.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So slumlord activity towards minority tenants... Originally Posted by Agent220
I'm certain you are well versed in landlord/tenant relations plus NYC rent control. Eh Comrade? Though I do wonder if supply or demand are in your lexicon. Wait! I know. Let's just have the gubmint own everything and apportion things out for free or have them use other peoples money to pay for the losses. Yeah, that's the ticket - other peoples money. What could possibly go wrong Comrade?

You might check into how that is working in Sweden (I think). Apparently, the peasants, also know as the people who pay the egregious tax rates, are a bit atwitter over not getting their allotted (rationed) housing in favor of immigrants.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...AA's from Shithole Countries... Originally Posted by Precious_b

Seeing whereas you are such a copy-pasta pony soldier, feel free to post the link - to that exact quote. Because, and it could just be me (but it ain't), the AA insertion would tend to appear as if it may have come from your own racist-like thought patterns. Pony up.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He didn't build that?!? Oh yes he did. He made it a priority. He gathered input from others. He cajoled others to get behind it. He got 'er dun. That is called results. It's a thing leaders do. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Without Democrats pushing for it he wouldn't have "got 'er dun". Bipartisan support "got 'er dun". With Liberals and Democrats solidly behind it. I doubt Trump had to do much arm-twisting to get the bill passed.

All I'm saying is Trump, in the SOTU address, made it sound like he and he alone got the bill through Congress, which would be a lie.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Hey, do you guys know what "Docking"is? Where two dudebros link up foreskins like a waterweenie and jack each other off that way? These political threads are like that.

You guys sound like you scratch your buttholes then go touch all the hot dogs on the 7-11 hot dog roller.
Ha! I know. But I just can't help myself!

Hey, do you guys know what "Docking"is? Where two dudebros link up foreskins like a waterweenie and jack each other off that way? These political threads are like that.

You guys sound like you scratch your buttholes then go touch all the hot dogs on the 7-11 hot dog roller. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Careful Ellen, you'll get pinworms over here lol.
Agent220's Avatar
Hey, do you guys know what "Docking"is? Where two dudebros link up foreskins like a waterweenie and jack each other off that way? These political threads are like that.

You guys sound like you scratch your buttholes then go touch all the hot dogs on the 7-11 hot dog roller. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Elections have consequences...Charlottesville for one has me very alert. Make Racists Afraid Again.
pussycat's Avatar
Like it or not Bloomberg is the alternative the Clinton wing of the party is counting on. They are the neo-liberal/neo-conservative wing which wants open borders, un-regulated trade, and give aways to the Chinese as along as GM and Apple can make money off of them. They want to repeal the 2nd Amendment, make eating sugary drinks a crime, and restore the ban on incandescent light bulbs!

Most Democratic voters want Sanders. The billionaire class of Dems which the Clintons lead are scared to death of this. These people make their fortunes doing business with the Chinese, the Mexicans, want more wars like in Iran or even Russia to prop up the stock values of the defense contractors.

Bloomberg can easily be the nominee. All they have to do is rig some super delegates the way they've rigged the debate qualifications which they've already done.

He's their billionaire, and they are relying on him to open up free trade and open borders again, not to mention the additional little wars they would love to have.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Without Democrats pushing for it he wouldn't have "got 'er dun". Bipartisan support "got 'er dun". ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I got it now. You are saying that GEPOTUS reached across party lines to pass and then sign prison reform. Nice! What a deal maker and inclusive steward he is for our country. Thanks for the insight.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So I guess you are saying AA's from Shithole Countries isn't showing a propensity towards racism. .. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I'm saying it absolutely does. The person that would say or write that down seems clearly racist. Now, let's figure out where you got that phrase. Got a source for "AA's from Shithole Countries"?

'cause I got say, the mere syntactle nature of that gem is not practical. Like how are they Americans, if they are trying to get in. Or are you also an open border gumball where everyone in the free world is American? Which would, of course, negate America or any other country from having an identity.

But, let's have you show the source of your claimed "AA's from Shithole Countries".Ima be guessing that there is only one finger pointing out, but three pointing back.