Up yours USMC!

Assup is a Dimshit, too? He's more accomplished than we thought! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Remind us again, who is the "Dimshit" who started a Dipshit of the Year poll and nominated himself to be a leading contender.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How cute! BigAssShits WKing for Assup again. Precious!

BigAssShits >>> <<< Assup the Dimshit Dipshit
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-29-2014, 07:26 AM
Still can't find any first-hand accounts of Ronnie (your hero) actually claiming he saw combat in WWII, can you? If Ronnie (your hero) really lied about something so easy to fact-check, don't you think the Dimocrats would have used it against him? Originally Posted by lustylad
I can fact check your lies. I never claimed he saw combat, I linked an article that claimed he acted as if he came back from the war when in fact he never left friendly soil.

You are the liar, Jimmy Stewart gained weight to get into the service, once there they put him in a cushy unit making films like Reagan. He requested out.....something Ronnie Reagan never did. So while his fellow actors were off in real combat , Reagan elected to stay home and make movies. Guilt was probably what caused him to return the salute in 1980 and beyond. Here is a quote for you....defend this one! I'm sure COG will chime in to defend Reagan too.

Here is another great graph that Reagan lovers should be proud of...

Here he is selling cancer!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not defending Reagan, I don't like Reagan. I'm defending the truth. Show the link, or STFU.
Yes you did, weasel. There is no meaningful difference between “serve” an agenda and “promote” an agenda. So tell me - exactly what agenda was Reagan serving through the simple act of saluting?

I took it out. You put it back in, so you must think it fits. Are you an asshole in addition to being a weasel? Originally Posted by lustylad
You took out the asshole comment after you saw I never show disrespect to anyone then you want to try to pin me down on something.
90% of the threads posted by the right here are a play on words.
By the way the "Agenda" he was serving was the Conservatives, that do what ever to keep the Military votes.
That is what Reagan was best at. The Conservatives are the ones that doing the promoting. Maybe you should get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the words before you speak.

Reagan was a servant of the right not a leader as some may think.
lustylad's Avatar
I can fact check your lies. I never claimed he saw combat, I linked an article that claimed he acted as if he came back from the war when in fact he never left friendly soil.

You are the liar... Originally Posted by WTF

What the fuck did I lie about? Be careful calling me or anyone else a "liar". For the record, I never said you claimed he saw combat. I am questioning the pseudo-historian who says in your link that Reagan told a lot of people he saw combat in WWII. Got any back-up for that, fagboy? I suspect your pseudo-historian is the one who is confusing Reagan the actor with the real-life Reagan. Like I said, if Reagan actually went around saying false things about his WWII service, it would have been front-page news at the time and the Dems would have been all over it.

Now stop calling me a liar, fagboy. If you can unearth a first-hand account of Reagan lying about his service record (rather than reminiscing about his wartime movie roles), I will concede the point. If you can't, then man up and admit it's just another libtard attempt to slander one of our most successful 20th-century Presidents.


Some folks say that he said he was there. I do not know for sure that he did or not, but he certainly implied it in my opinion.
lustylad's Avatar
You took out the asshole comment after you saw I never show disrespect to anyone then you want to try to pin me down on something.
90% of the threads posted by the right here are a play on words.
By the way the "Agenda" he was serving was the Conservatives, that do what ever to keep the Military votes.
That is what Reagan was best at. The Conservatives are the ones that doing the promoting. Maybe you should get a dictionary and look up the meaning of the words before you speak.

Reagan was a servant of the right not a leader as some may think. Originally Posted by slingblade

Perhaps you didn't notice, but on this forum insults are considered de rigueur. In your case I will make an exception, since you are so thin-skinned.

So you are having second thoughts about being a weasel and now admit you did in fact say Reagan was serving/promoting an agenda through the simple act of saluting? Good. You're not playing on words anymore, slingblade. That's progress. And you claim the agenda was to "keep the Military votes"? Hmmm. Let's think about that for a sec. Reagan took office at a time when our military's confidence and self-esteem were beaten down by our Vietnam experience. Isn't it part of the Commander-in-Chief's job description to uplift, inspire and strengthen the morale of the armed forces under his command? If a simple salute contributes to this goal, why do you have to disparage and dismiss it as a cynical act of groveling for the military vote? When Obama held a pep rally at Fort Campbell to congratulate Seal Team Six, was he just groveling for the military vote too? Or how about this? Just groveling again?

Think about it. If you still want to be so damn cynical, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. But at least be fair and consistent enough to apply your cynicism to ALL of our Commanders-in-Chief, not just the ones you happen to dislike.

I B Hankering's Avatar

Some folks say that he said he was there. I do not know for sure that he did or not, but he certainly implied it in my opinion. Originally Posted by slingblade
So Salon is the POS hook you drunkenly hang your hat on, slingblade? Read the article you cited, slingblade, and note how Salon and you try to insinuate something into his words other than what Reagan actually said, slingblade.

Reagan never claimed the "he" went to Europe, slingblade. Reagan stated elements of "his unit" went to Europe, slingblade:

Salon: "In November 1983, he told Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir during a White House visit that while serving in the U. S. Army film corps, his unit had shot footage of the Nazi concentration camps as they were liberated. He repeated the same tale to Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and other witnesses. Reagan had indeed served in the Army and worked on morale-boosting movies for the War Department. But he had done so without ever leaving Hollywood for the entire duration of the war."

It's true that Reagan spent virtually all the war years flying a desk at the First Motion Picture Unit, USAAF, in Culver City. But that hardly means he did not passionately want to fight for his country overseas. Army doctors found his vision to be so defective, at "7/200 bilateral," that a tank could advance within seven feet of him before he could identify it as Japanese. His Warner Bros. colleague Eddie Albert, a veteran of the Pacific War, later told me about presenting Reagan with a souvenir from the bloodbath of Tarawa. "I've never forgotten the way he looked. Like I'd humiliated him."

In the spring of 1945, Capt. Reagan, as the FMPU's intelligence officer, spent weeks processing raw color footage from the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps. The images so burned into his brain that later in life - quite understandably - he imagined he had been there at Ohrdruf and Buchenwald. He kept one of those Army reels to show to each of his children in early adolescence, so that they could learn about man's inhumanity to man. Ask Patti. Ask Ron.

BTW, it's a matter of record that neither FDR nor Eisenhower served in Europe during WWI, but that doesn't denigrate the service they did provide.
Still can't find any first-hand accounts of Ronnie (your hero) actually claiming he saw combat in WWII, can you? If Ronnie (your hero) really lied about something so easy to fact-check, don't you think the Dimocrats would have used it against him? Originally Posted by lustylad

We had this argument years ago....before you showed up. The story has been around for years about Reagan lying about being in the ETO.....as pointed out by Slingblade.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Some folks say that he said he was there. I do not know for sure that he did or not, but he certainly implied it in my opinion. Originally Posted by slingblade

Here is more of that "90% play on words". The Reagan story began in Israel when Reagan was telling the president of that country that he had saved footage of the concentration camps because he thought that one day it would need to be shown because after everyone forgot about it that they would begin to disbelieve that it ever happened. This was overheard by a Hebrew speaking aid who did not have a complete command of English. He reported that Reagan said that he "shot" the video while he was in Germany. Later he corrected the story that Reagan never said that he was in Germany or shot any film. You know the left though, never let the truth get in the way of try to discredit a republican. Even to using the Holocaust to do it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
We had this argument years ago....before you showed up. The story has been around for years about Reagan lying about being in the ETO.....as pointed out by Slingblade. Originally Posted by timpage
You'd be the one who is lying, Little Timmy-tard. If Reagan had actually claimed he'd served in the ETO as you lyingly postulate, Little Timmy-tard, you can damn well bet your lib-retarded ass that Salon would have quoted Reagan chapter and verse rather than insinuate like they did in the article slingblade cited, Little Timmy-tard.
Republicans lie....OK
Democrats lie ........bad.
lustylad's Avatar

Some folks say that he said he was there. I do not know for sure that he did or not, but he certainly implied it in my opinion. Originally Posted by slingblade

We had this argument years ago....before you showed up. The story has been around for years about Reagan lying about being in the ETO.....as pointed out by Slingblade. Originally Posted by timpage

Well, I was reading the salon article with an open mind until I came to the last sentence where the author calls Reagan a "demented half-wit". At this point I would be more persuaded by what Yitzhak Shamir and/or Simon Wiesenthal recalled in their memoirs.

Perhaps you didn't notice, but on this forum insults are considered de rigueur. In your case I will make an exception, since you are so thin-skinned.

So you are having second thoughts about being a weasel and now admit you did in fact say Reagan was serving/promoting an agenda through the simple act of saluting? Good. You're not playing on words anymore, slingblade. That's progress. And you claim the agenda was to "keep the Military votes"? Hmmm. Let's think about that for a sec. Reagan took office at a time when our military's confidence and self-esteem were beaten down by our Vietnam experience. Isn't it part of the Commander-in-Chief's job description to uplift, inspire and strengthen the morale of the armed forces under his command? If a simple salute contributes to this goal, why do you have to disparage and dismiss it as a cynical act of groveling for the military vote? When Obama held a pep rally at Fort Campbell to congratulate Seal Team Six, was he just groveling for the military vote too? Or how about this? Just groveling again?

Think about it. If you still want to be so damn cynical, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. But at least be fair and consistent enough to apply your cynicism to ALL of our Commanders-in-Chief, not just the ones you happen to dislike.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well, I was reading the salon article with an open mind until I came to the last sentence where the author calls Reagan a "demented half-wit". At this point I would be more persuaded by what Yitzhak Shamir and/or Simon Wiesenthal recalled in their memoirs.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I am not thin skinned I just have never been a "fashionista" . Just as you stated about the article. Once someone starts the name calling you do not really respect anything they have to say.

The rest of your post does not make any sense. I am not the one worried about a salute from Reagan ,Bush or Obama. I just gave it back to your side like you guys always do minus the name calling. I do not admit anything I simply tried to understand it for you. LOL!
Reagan was hired actor from day one. He made a living as a pretend soldier and nothing changed when he was the POTUS. Not a bad guy just not really on top of things. He counted on people to make all the tough decisions and just kept smiling and waving. I do agree that Charisma is an important quality needed to be a leader and he did have that going for him. Dems are a little less apt to choose someone for that reason compared to Reps. Just as Reps always bring up that there women are prettier. Seems like those things are more important to you guys.

Reading your response it seems like you are making accusations and then commenting on them as though they were fact rather than just your opinion. I don't mean this as an insult but your thinking process is stereotypical for conservatives by most studies. As in you can only comprehend things from your own narrowed perspective. The term ethnocentric seems to fit quite well

So my opinion on this is open to be revisited but not by any type of insults.