Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

Precious_b's Avatar

Originally Posted by LexusLover

That first one is a helluva read (I haven't.)
The second one ain't worth spit *BUT* it is near the top of the list of books that have had an influence on people.
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  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 01:20 PM
That first one is a helluva read (I haven't.)
The second one ain't worth spit *BUT* it is near the top of the list of books that have had an influence on people. Originally Posted by Precious_b
LexusLover is trying to change the subject...he is getting his ass handed to him on this oil independence nonsense

These silly fuckers think Biden is at fault for high oil prices and it has nothing to do with demand.

Anyone with half a brain knew there'd be a surge in demand after Covid restrictions slacked
Precious_b's Avatar
LexusLover is trying to change the subject...he is getting his ass handed to him on this oil independence nonsense

These silly fuckers think Biden is at fault for high oil prices and it has nothing to do with demand.

Anyone with half a brain knew there'd be a surge in demand after Covid restrictions slacked Originally Posted by WTF

I ain't gonna say that about him.
My stance is that it is silly to keep digging around like a dog for a bone.
Oil supply is going to dry up. The difficulty in finding new sources is the writing on the wall. Why do you think the Saudis put that massive one they've been dipping in for near hundred years on the block? Cost effectiveness is peaking. They can't just stick and hole in the ground and have it spurt sky high anymore.

to *me*, it is best to make use of petroleum for other things than just locomotion and electric grid. Lubricants, dyes, paint, etc. It is very viable in other fields. Why hasten it's demise?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That first one is a helluva read (I haven't.)
The second one ain't worth spit *BUT* it is near the top of the list of books that have had an influence on people. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Mein Kampf (My Struggle or My Battle/Fight) is exactly what it appears to be, a National Socialism manifesto. no, it's not worth spit but reading it for context on Hitler doesn't make one a NAZI. i've never read it. i may get around to it or not.

Hitler made a nice chunk of change on the sales. didn't pay the taxes either then had the debt waived after he became chancellor. estimates vary but Hitler by the time he committed suicide in 1945 could have made as much as 10 million in total on sales. what is known is that by 1933 alone he'd made 1.2 million Reichsmarks, about 5 million euros in 2017 money.

interestingly, after becoming chancellor Hitler tried to distance himself from the book.


Arabic edition of Mein Kampf

Although Hitler originally wrote Mein Kampf mostly for the followers of National Socialism, it grew in popularity after he rose to power. (Two other books written by party members, Gottfried Feder's Breaking The Interest Slavery and Alfred Rosenberg's The Myth of the Twentieth Century, have since lapsed into comparative literary obscurity.)[22] Hitler had made about 1.2 million Reichsmarks from the income of the book by 1933 (equivalent to €5,139,482 in 2017), when the average annual income of a teacher was about 4,800 Marks (equivalent to €20,558 in 2017).[22][23] He accumulated a tax debt of 405,500 Reichsmark (very roughly in 2015 1.1 million GBP, 1.4 million EUR, 1.5 million USD) from the sale of about 240,000 copies before he became chancellor in 1933 (at which time his debt was waived).[22][23]

Hitler began to distance himself from the book after becoming chancellor of Germany in 1933. He dismissed it as "fantasies behind bars" that were little more than a series of articles for the Völkischer Beobachter, and later told Hans Frank that "If I had had any idea in 1924 that I would have become Reich chancellor, I never would have written the book."[24] Nevertheless, Mein Kampf was a bestseller in Germany during the 1930s.[25] During Hitler's years in power, the book was in high demand in libraries and often reviewed and quoted in other publications. It was given free to every newlywed couple and every soldier fighting at the front.[22] By 1939 it had sold 5.2 million copies in eleven languages.[26] By the end of the war, about 10 million copies of the book had been sold or distributed in Germany.[citation needed]

the rights to Mein Kampf are now in the public domain meaning anyone can publish it now. it would be interesting to see if anyone actually tries. bhahaaa

the book is not outright banned in Germany, neither is owning it. there are of course some restrictions.

Current availability

At the time of his suicide, Hitler's official place of residence was in Munich, which led to his entire estate, including all rights to Mein Kampf, changing to the ownership of the state of Bavaria. The government of Bavaria, in agreement with the federal government of Germany, refused to allow any copying or printing of the book in Germany. It also opposed copying and printing in other countries, but with less success. As per German copyright law, the entire text entered the public domain on 1 January 2016, upon the expiration of the calendar year 70 years after the author's death.[51]

Owning and buying the book in Germany is not an offence. Trading in old copies is lawful as well, unless it is done in such a fashion as to "promote hatred or war." In particular, the unmodified edition is not covered by §86 StGB that forbids dissemination of means of propaganda of unconstitutional organizations, since it is a "pre-constitutional work" and as such cannot be opposed to the free and democratic basic order, according to a 1979 decision of the Federal Court of Justice of Germany.[52] Most German libraries carry heavily commented and excerpted versions of Mein Kampf. In 2008, Stephan Kramer, secretary-general of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, not only recommended lifting the ban, but volunteered the help of his organization in editing and annotating the text, saying that it is time for the book to be made available to all online.[53]

A variety of restrictions or special circumstances apply in other countries.

how many here know that Hitler is not Adolf Hitler's real family name? it isn't. his father Alois Hitler Sr. was a bastard and as was common back in the day was forbidden from using his father's name, whoever that actually was. there is plenty of debate on who was his father. regardless, without being formally recognized he used his mother's maiden name.

Alois Schicklgruber


he eventually petitioned the Austrian Government to recognize his stepfather's name as his own, Hiedler. in some fluke of record keeping it was misspelled as "Hitler".

Alois Hitler Sr. (born Alois Schicklgruber; 7 June 1837 – 3 January 1903) was an Austrian civil servant in the customs service, and the father of Adolf Hitler, dictator of Nazi Germany.

Alois Schicklgruber was born out of wedlock. His mother was Maria Schicklgruber, however his biological father remains a mystery. That uncertain parentage has led to claims that Alois's third wife, Klara (Adolf's mother), may have also been either Alois's first cousin once removed or his half-niece. Alois's unknown father also meant that Adolf Hitler himself could not prove the identity of his paternal grandfather was, and thus could not prove his own "Aryan descent" according to Nazi race laws. In 1876, Alois convinced the Austrian government to acknowledge his deceased stepfather Johann Georg Hiedler as his biological father. Alois then legally changed his last name to that of his stepfather's. However during this process, the Austrian authorities misspelled his name as "Hitler" for unknown reasons. This meant that Klara was legally recognized as Alois's first cousin once removed.[1]

Adolf Hitler's parents met in 1876. While Alois was still married to his second wife, he began an affair with Klara, whom he hired as a household servant. Their relationship continued in secrecy until Alois's wife died and Klara became pregnant which prompted Alois to marry her in 1885. According to a close friend, Alois was "awfully rough" with his wife Klara and "hardly ever spoke a word to her at home". Alois treated his children with similar contempt and he often beat them.[2][3]

so if events had turned out differently Adolf Hitler would have been known as Adolf Schicklgruber.


Precious_b's Avatar
still hanging on to that Russia thing?

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Specifically what Russian thing?
Do that, and I can address your point.

Be clear, concise, precise.
Precious_b's Avatar
Mein Kampf (My Struggle or My Battle/Fight) is exactly what it appears to be, a National Socialism manifesto. no, it's not worth spit but reading it for context on Hitler doesn't make one a NAZI. i've never read it. i may get around to it or not.

... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
To be specific, it's not worth a spit to read since the book, from what I heard, is just a guy transcribing adolph diatribes. The presentation is the spit bucket. The ideology and affect (I never know when to put 'affect' or 'effect') it had puts it in the top list of books that influenced.
Now, if it had the Harper Collins make over in the writing department...
LexusLover's Avatar
... from what I heard, .. Originally Posted by Precious_b
So, you've not read either one, but you have an opinion on them!

That's similar to the remarks on here made about me ...

... you know? ... the little immature school yard remarks!

"ass handed to me"...... that's more worn out than his tongue!
We need full energy independence And we need it now!

Its easy! Originally Posted by winn dixie
It seems the ones who are saying that energy independence is a farce are also “rootin’ for Putin”.
LexusLover's Avatar
It seems the ones who are saying that energy independence is a farce are also “rootin’ for Putin”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's not the only person for whom they are "rootin"!

The Chinese are back in the production in the Gulf of Mexico and Bitten has signed off through his administration for an auction of the leasehold interests in the Northern Gulf of Mexico ... just in time for the Chinese, who are already cutting a deal with Pemex.

So not only is Bitten stopping U.S. production he is selling the productive properties to the Chinese in an auction! And he neglected to disclose that to his DumboCratic supporters in Congress.
LexusLover's Avatar
As the OP worships his "climate change" administration, perhaps he does not want you to see TRUTH:


Biden administration launching auction of more than 80m acres for fossil fuel extraction that experts call ‘incredibly reckless’
Just four days after landmark climate talks in Scotland in which Joe Biden vowed the US will “lead by example” in tackling dangerous global heating, the president’s own administration is providing a jarring contradiction – the largest ever sale of oil and gas drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico.

The US federal government is on Wednesday launching an auction of more than 80m acres of the gulf for fossil fuel extraction, a record sell-off that will lock in years, and potentially decades, of planet-heating emissions.

The enormous size of the lease sale – covering an area that is twice as large as Florida – is a blunt repudiation of Biden’s previous promise to shut down new drilling on public lands and waters. It has stunned environmentalists who argue the auction punctures the US’s shaky credibility on the climate crisis and will make it harder to avert catastrophic impacts from soaring global heating.

So who gets to drill? The Chinese for sure. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Has anyone checked to see how Kumola did on her trip to Poland ...

...on the Electric VPOTUS Airplane with those Electric Fighter Escorts and the Electric Recharging Aircraft?
Precious_b's Avatar
So, you've not read either one, but you have an opinion on them!

That's similar to the remarks on here made about me ...

... you know? ... the little immature school yard remarks!

"ass handed to me"...... that's more worn out than his tongue! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nope. The first would be a great one to read. My uncle, who had a massive library, had it on his shelf and even encouraged some of his neighbors to read it. The latter...Let me ask you than, is it a well written, clearly presented finely packaged piece of literature?

If so, I *will* read it. I have never heard or read others stating that it is. So, why bother? I am stating that it was an extemely influential book. Those doubting that followed the old maxim about history.

And if you can't stand name calling, what you doing on a hooker board?!?! LOL!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Specifically what Russian thing?
Do that, and I can address your point.

Be clear, concise, precise. Originally Posted by Precious_b

come on, man .. you know .. the thing!

so you don't subscribe to the whole "Trump was Putin's asset" narrative? yes/no.

To be specific, it's not worth a spit to read since the book, from what I heard, is just a guy transcribing adolph diatribes. The presentation is the spit bucket. The ideology and affect (I never know when to put 'affect' or 'effect') it had puts it in the top list of books that influenced.
Now, if it had the Harper Collins make over in the writing department... Originally Posted by Precious_b

and interesting to note he was allowed to write it while in prison for his famous beer hall putsch. also as i recall he lived in a rather opulent setting kinda like Al Capone did.

It seems the ones who are saying that energy independence is a farce are also “rootin’ for Putin”. Originally Posted by Jackie S

imagine that!

That's not the only person for whom they are "rootin"!

The Chinese are back in the production in the Gulf of Mexico and Bitten has signed off through his administration for an auction of the leasehold interests in the Northern Gulf of Mexico ... just in time for the Chinese, who are already cutting a deal with Pemex.

So not only is Bitten stopping U.S. production he is selling the productive properties to the Chinese in an auction! And he neglected to disclose that to his DumboCratic supporters in Congress. Originally Posted by LexusLover

double imagine that!
LexusLover's Avatar
And if you can't stand name calling, what you doing on a hooker board?!?! Originally Posted by Precious_b
And some people can't stand stopping at a "Stop" sign, but ...!

But as a matter of clarity I didn't complain about anyone calling me names, because they also make up shit about me and share their fabrications with some of the providers around .... revealing some really unfortunate insecurities and self-image issues.

I've saved my copy of the big book. I will pass it along with my first addition of With Santa Anna in Texas. Another one that is informative in my opinion. It's a translation of notes and remembrances of a soldier who came to Texas with Santa Anna.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-06-2022, 04:21 PM
So, you've not read either one, but you have an opinion on them!

That's similar to the remarks on here made about me ...

... you know? ... the little immature school yard remarks!

"ass handed to me"...... that's more worn out than his tongue! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Poir poir LexusLover lovers loves to comment on shit he knows nothing about and only comments after the fact on things he supposedly is versed crying about getting his ass handed to him.
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  • 03-06-2022, 04:34 PM

why shouldn't he? maybe you should have thought of that. oh wait .. you want high energy costs so you can make a few bucks on your dividends. you should know that solar isn't going to take out Oil anything soon if ever so while you are (for now) making bucks off the high prices of Oil wouldn't you be smart to reduce your own energy costs to profit even more?
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I had looked into both solar on the house and an EV truck.

The solar did not make economic sense. In fact I think I've read since that it may make even less as they are want to pay you less for excess electricity.

I'm a realist...the simple math led me to conclude that energy stocks were going to boom after this pandemic and the overhyped hysteria about Biden being green. Maybe you were stupid enough to think Biden isn't like every other politician....telling those greenies what they want to hear....anyone with half a brain could tell we need oil and gas to bridge for other sources. I bet a long bridge. Plus Bide was passing out drilling permits like candy.

You act as if one should be ashamed to make money off high oil prices.

My problem with solar

The companies will not guarantee certain metrics

The initial costs seem high

Labor shortage....the sales rep that came to my house was a Canadian student on a Visa. I can only imagine what the installation crew experience would be.

My neighbor just spent 70k on a system....way to much unless it replaced all my electric bill and charged up my EV that I would need to buy (good luck buy a electric truck right now)

So I'm waiting for costs to go down like TV's have on the solar I just bought a 22 Dodge Ram. Had to pay sticker, luckily I'd traded in a 21 Chevy that they gave me more than I paid after putting 13k miles on it.