More guns = more homicides. Period.

And the winner of racist of the year is . . . . Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Speedy wins SUCK-UP POLITICALLY CORRECT SHEEP of the YEAR again. . .

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speedy wins SUCK-UP POLITICALLY CORRECT SHEEP of the YEAR again. . .

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
From you, I take it as a compliment.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And the winner of racist of the year is . . . . Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I've seen worse. Found a relative doing geneaology research. Her claim to fame...she was tortured, raped, and murdered by two black men. The worse part. The magazine was the Root and they were celebrating that this 23 year old woman was paying the price for her ancestor's having slaves. They referred to the two murderers as "freedom fighters".

That was a real person dead and a publication celebrating it. Not a stupid cartoon that hits a nerve obviously.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I've seen worse. Found a relative doing geneaology research. Her claim to fame...she was tortured, raped, and murdered by two black men. The worse part. The magazine was the Root and they were celebrating that this 23 year old woman was paying the price for her ancestor's having slaves. They referred to the two murderers as "freedom fighters".

That was a real person dead and a publication celebrating it. Not a stupid cartoon that hits a nerve obviously. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
From Waffles the Cat:

"The reason crime is astronomical in America is largely due to descendants of the American slave trade, and illegal aliens."

I'm reading this forum. Certainly there are more racist acts in this world and more racist statements being made elsewhere. People are not criminals because of the color of their skin. Is Ben Carson a criminal?

I'm sorry if little old IIffy or anyone else thinks I"m sucking up to someone for some reason that is advantageous to me. Bullshit is bullshit and Waffles wallows in it.
Naw, they'd be looking for someone black. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're close enough. Besides you wanted equality.

You're close enough. Besides you wanted equality.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Not that kind of equality.
Not that kind of equality. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Without knowing it that's what you signed up for. Lock and load dummy.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
woomby. what an idiot you really are. more guns = more security. why is that so hard for a libtard like you to understand?
  • MrGiz
  • 10-07-2015, 09:40 PM
Without knowing it that's what you signed up for. Lock and load dummy ,
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You're missing the entire WR agenda... he doesn't give a flying fuck about any of his asinine posts... NOBODY is that sTuPiD... including him!
southtown4488's Avatar
the US has about ten times the number of gun homicides per capita compared to other western democracies, England and Australia. England and Australia have very strict gun laws in comparison, if we want to keep having ten times the rate of gun murders we should do nothing. . .. if we want to have much less gun murders we should enact similar gun control. Its that simple.
RedLeg505's Avatar
if we want to have much less gun murders we should enact similar gun control. Its that simple. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Will you be "controlling" all the gangbangers in the big cities shooting each other up? When and how?? Until you do, you will continue to have this high gun homicide rate... It's that simple.
LexusLover's Avatar
....if we want to keep having ten times the rate of gun murders we should do nothing. . .. if we want to have much less gun murders we should enact similar gun control. Its that simple. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Then quit wasting your time whining on a hooker board, and crank up the ....

... "Get Rid of the Second Amendment" Movement.

Of course, you'll elect to keep yours.
Then quit wasting your time whining on a hooker board, and crank up the ....

... "Get Rid of the Second Amendment" Movement.

Of course, you'll elect to keep yours. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is the same type person that's ok with sanctuary cities and the harboring of illegals at taxpayer expense.
Will you be "controlling" all the gangbangers in the big cities shooting each other up? When and how?? Until you do, you will continue to have this high gun homicide rate... It's that simple. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
This is the same type of person that's ok with sanctuary cities and illegals being given all "rights" and privileges. Like Mexifornia is doing by granting illegals drivers license and voting rights. Bet he supports the La Raza Reconquista movement to take back the southwestern US for Me-ji-co that they lost in their war with the US.
I know what the crazy lefties will say but face it, mass shooters are usually pretty bad marksmen who only kill the defenseless at point blank range. Put them up against a competent shooter at anything beyond 10 yards and I'll go with the armed citizen for the win. Inside 10 yards, I'll still take the armed citizen but blood on both sides may be shed. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
With a common 9mm handgun, I'll agree, especially with a moving target. However, those Chicago gang members are evidence against this.

From Waffles the Cat:

"The reason crime is astronomical in America is largely due to descendants of the American slave trade, and illegal aliens."

I'm reading this forum. Certainly there are more racist acts in this world and more racist statements being made elsewhere. People are not criminals because of the color of their skin. Is Ben Carson a criminal?

Bullshit is bullshit and Waffles wallows in it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Care to show FBI statistics disproving his theory? It is generally accepted that the chief cause of death for African American males aged 18-35 is other African American males aged 18-35. Bullshit is a key plank in the Democratic plantform.

the US has about ten times the number of gun homicides per capita compared to other western democracies, England and Australia. England and Australia have very strict gun laws in comparison, if we want to keep having ten times the rate of gun murders we should do nothing. . .. if we want to have much less gun murders we should enact similar gun control. Its that simple. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Feel free to set the example by giving up your guns and report back. The political reality is that most males, Rep, Dim and Indy are against gun control.