Odds on Trump's Impeachment

Good response. You make some good points. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

To me... this is how I Justify what you said

Is Trump a liar? I don't think so. He plays hot and cold. He understand that situations are fluid. He is a business man. He knows sometimes a policy that is bad could be good in a different situation. He is practical. People look at him and know he will make the right call at the right moment. It might be different than he said 5 minutes ago, but it will be the right call for the right now.
Is he an adulterer? I have no idea... What is clear however and evidenced all over is the fact that his previous wives love him and his current wife loves him. He currently is married and has children and grandchildren who adore him. Anyone can see he has a good family.
Thief? I have no idea if he is a thief. He is not in jail or a criminal and I am sure if the Democrats had any evidence of him being a thief he would be in jail
Tax evader? Avoiding taxes through knowing the tax code is the most american thing in the world to me. Why not avoid paying taxes if you can. Its good business.
Putin Kiss Ass? Trump wants to get along with Russia. That's a good thing. Most republicans I know would tell you that if Russia helped Trump get elected we owe them the same type of gratitude we showed the French after the war of independence.
Misogynist? I am glad that he has a beautiful wife and his daughter is gorgeous. What a good example. Too many women in our society in my opinion stop caring for themselves and focus on career instead of taking care of themselves. It's a problem. It's a cultural problem. Go to Asia and notice the girls around town in Japan and Korea and Thailand. Take one of those girls and put them in the States for a few years. You will notice them not improve but a drastic decline in attitude and appearance in most cases.
Grab them by the pussy? He was talking trash. Just saying basically. "I am such a star I can just grab them by the pussy. They let you do it" He is tooting his own horn to Billy Bush who is egging him on.
Morals? Every Christian knows that our religion is not based on perfection. It is based on imperfection and reliance on something greater than ourselves, but striving to fulfil our dreams and goals in life. Relying on a redeemer for where we fall short. Christians understand because they see his family and all he has achieved. They know that tone matters. Its funny because Trump made fun of Obama because of his tone and yet Trumps tone makes a huge difference. Illegal immigration is down and economy is way up. You can attribute that to Trumps tone on immigration and deregulation.
Belief in God? Bringing back the pledge of allegiance. Allowing Betsy Davos as the secretary of education. His Supreme Court pic. He is no saint, but he sure is picking a team that is pretty good.
America First? Trump has been completely outspoken about this. "I am the president of America and not the world." Making it clear he is bringing jobs and money back to the US worker.
Trump is the epitome of someone who has reached a peak where most humans long to be. He is completely content with who he is. He loves himself unconditionally. Some would say that is your primary objective in life. He certainly does with every move he makes.
That's the way I see it. There is more, but thats how I justify it. I like him though. I'm a big fan since before he even ran.
  • grean
  • 02-27-2017, 10:14 PM
How do people know he will make the right call in the right moment? Thr information we have to make any predictions as to what he will do is all pretty bad. Trump U was found to be swindling people for their money. He has filed bankruptcy how many times?? He hasn't released his tax returns so we don't know where his personal finances are. Sure he may have used a loss carry forwad to avoid taxes. What I take from that is that he made bad business decisions and made a net loss so big he gets to carry forward a net loss to offset any owed taxes. He did not do anything savy to avoid taxes. So no, he has shown that he never does anything right. He didn't have a profitable business with revenue turnover so high that after normal allowed deductions he still had a lot of money after PAYING TAXES. No, the man is a con artist and you are just one of his many easy marks.

You think we should thank Russia for attempting to violate and tamper with what we hold most dear in our democracy?? REALLY?

Sometimes my brothers and I would fight. Our friends knew to stay out of it. If my brother's friend came at me, my brother would stop fighting me and kick the hell out of him. My brother may have been pissed at me, but I'm his brother. Republicans may disagree with Democrats, they are both Americans. Russia fucking with one gets the furry of both....

Christians are taught to love thy neighbor and to give mercy and compassion to the weak. Trump is going against everything they are taught.

Trump is not content with himself. He is not confident. He's a fraud and he is a bully. Bullirs are at the core, just pathetic pussies.
You have a dizzying intellect stupid Originally Posted by Fishy2
Much more than yours, and that is why you run like a pussy from backing your lies
themystic's Avatar
Fishy I think your response is a perfect example of why I'm proud to be an American. Even though we have completely different view points and opinions on the subjects, we could at least express our opinions without rancor or hatred towards one another. You did a great job of explaining why you support DJT. You made some really good points

I hope that sometime soon our politicians are able to do the same with each other that we have done in our exchange. Your response is very similar to many of my best friends viewpoints. The best thing is we are both proud Americans and want the best for our country, even though we disagree on how we do that.

I can honestly say that your reply has helped me to focus more clearly on the main purpose of political debate. To support one another as Americans and as human beings. Ultimately we all, (Republicans, Democrats, independents, etc, ) want the same thing. A better quality of life

You have a good night Fishy and I appreciate your honest and thoughtful response
Fishy I think your response is a perfect example of why I'm proud to be an American. Even though we have completely different view points and opinions on the subjects, we could at least express our opinions without rancor or hatred towards one another. You did a great job of explaining why you support DJT. You made some really good points

I hope that sometime soon our politicians are able to do the same with each other that we have done in our exchange. Your response is very similar to many of my best friends viewpoints. The best thing is we are both proud Americans and want the best for our country, even though we disagree on how we do that.

I can honestly say that your reply has helped me to focus more clearly on the main purpose of political debate. To support one another as Americans and as human beings. Ultimately we all, (Republicans, Democrats, independents, etc, ) want the same thing. A better quality of life

You have a good night Fishy and I appreciate your honest and thoughtful response Originally Posted by themystic
Dude? REALLY? Name what these "good points" are? Nahhhhhh, won't be doing that will ya? Are you guys really adults with a brain?
themystic's Avatar
Dude? REALLY? Name what these "good points" are? Nahhhhhh, won't be doing that will ya? Are you guys really adults with a brain? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
His good points, which I do not share nor agree with, are that he explained why he felt the way he did. I threw some fastball, hardball's at Fishy. He addressed each issue I presented with answers. His answers. I respect that about anyone. I think people willing to stand up for what they believe in are " real adults with a brain"

I'm not sure I understand your question " Nahhhhh wont be doing that will ya?
TheWanderer's Avatar
Can't wait to watch his speech tonight. Bet you he reminds everyone again that he won the election and that the White House is running so smoothly.
  • grean
  • 02-28-2017, 05:59 AM
Can't wait to watch his speech tonight. Bet you he reminds everyone again that he won the election and that the White House is running so smoothly. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Holding my pinky to my thumb in front of my face
"It's so great. It's so wonderful. This is the most watched speech before congress in history...ever.I dunno. Somebody told me that. I won more votes...."

Mic drop
When Trump got elected, I was hoping he would surround himself with intelligent people. Nope. Their thin skins could be punctured with a banana. This administration is too stupid, clueless and insecure to react intelligently to criticism and questioning so they deal with it by banning news organizations and telling the American public that the news media is the "enemy of the people". This would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic and fascist. I'm sure Trump would ban SNL if he could.

Resist these whiny pussy crybabies.
Oops forgot...Trump was, is and always will be a pathological liar.
Holding my pinky to my thumb in front of my face
"It's so great. It's so wonderful. This is the most watched speech before congress in history...ever.I dunno. Somebody told me that. I won more votes...."

Mic drop Originally Posted by grean
LOL Classic!! How any adult with half a brain can back this lying petulent little child of a man is beyond me..but look above at the IQ of the people who voted for it..they actually ask people to "prove my lies are not true" The IQ of a retard 5th grader basically
themystic's Avatar
Oops forgot...Trump was, is and always will be a pathological liar. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Prolongus you put into words my thoughts pretty closely. What blows me away is almost every friend I have who are Trump supporters are damn good people. I know that's not the case with all of them, but generally speaking that's been my experience. It's like most fundamentalist Christians, my views are so far to the left of theirs, yet most are damn good people. These friends I speak of are well educated and financially successful. Unfortunately for them I think Trump is going to eventually turn into a giant source of embarasment. I have no idea what is going to take him down eventually, so much to choose from

As bad as this might sound I would much rather have the Trump Circus than the Pence " Holier than though reglious right " governing" Pence is is a religious fanatic. Someone said earlier in a tread that " Trump was a treat to our country, enjoy it while it lasts". I know what he means
  • grean
  • 02-28-2017, 10:07 AM
Prolongus you put into words my thoughts pretty closely. What blows me away is almost every friend I have who are Trump supporters are damn good people. I know that's not the case with all of them, but generally speaking that's been my experience. It's like most fundamentalist Christians, my views are so far to the left of theirs, yet most are damn good people. These friends I speak of are well educated and financially successful. Unfortunately for them I think Trump is going to eventually turn into a giant source of embarasment. I have no idea what is going to take him down eventually, so much to choose from

As bad as this might sound I would much rather have the Trump Circus than the Pence " Holier than though reglious right " governing" Pence is is a religious fanatic. Someone said earlier in a tread that " Trump was a treat to our country, enjoy it while it lasts". I know what he means Originally Posted by themystic
I love all my Trump supporting friends. They tolerate me...I like to think because deep down they really are more Hilary Haters than Trump supporters.

I know what you are saying about Trump over Pence. However, I think Pence would stop embarressing the nation. Also I think Bannon, Trump's puppet master who does make Trump dangerous, would be chased out of the WH by Pence. Because of that I would prefer Pence.

The supreme court is getting an ultra conservative anyway....
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
I'm more concerned about what will happen if he gets the boot than what he will do in office. His pathology will not allow him to lose gracefully. But the more he gets away with, the more emboldened he becomes. So, he will inevitably do himself in, if his skeletons don't bury him.