Paul Ryan our VP nomination....One more step closer to ensuring an Obama-Free America

papitochulo's Avatar
CG4U I admire and respect your conviction and your perfect body
papitochulo's Avatar
Also, my niece is a special needs child my sister was able to get more benefits for her that were not covered before Obamacare due to her "high" income so I don't know all the details, but I know it has helped some people.
collegegirlforyou's Avatar
CollegeGirl, not throwing in the entire thing you wrote as it takes up lots of extra space, but I wonder, if you truly have done your homework on the Republican ticket, why in the world would you or any progressive woman want to vote for two guys who have openly expressed their intent to turn back all the Rights women have gained to the pre-1950s? Originally Posted by Solemate62

OK, again with soundbite logic. I would truly like a list of rights that the Romney-Ryan ticket plan on taking away from women? Abortion is a non-issue as it will never be completely outlawed, but i do worry about the amount of democrats who have said before officially that they favor every form or abortion including late term and partial birth. So if it takes a pro-life stance to make sure that we aren't going too overboard with the abortion option then i'll stand with them.
Mitt Romney's wife had to make an emergency landing yesterday and i was sick to see the amount of tweets from prominent liberals wishing her dead and using very sexist terms to show their dislike of her. Then Lets look at the way Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Condoleezza Rice, are talked about for being just republican women....and now you want to sell me the fairy tale that liberals are....what? Tolerant and accepting of everyone no matter their creed, gender, race, religion unless....they disagree with your political views then you are a bitch, cunt, a whore that just needs to get laid.
And on the topic of the party of tolerance about two months ago i was watching Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC talk for 15 minutes about the "crazy" religion of Mormonism. He actually said it was a crazy ridiculous religion. Now i am not a Mormon, but 6.1 million Americans are. It is a religion that is slandered and made fun of all over the place in our pop culture, but don't you dare attempt to insult Muslims, you may offend the 2.8 million Americans who currently worship Islam. So it's savvy and smart to attack Mormons or Christians in general, but it's "racist", intolerant, and ignorant to make fun of Islam. The selective tolerance of modern democrats is one of the most unattractive parts of their political ideology.
I respect people who vote Democrat based off of what works for them. We had a republican president for 8 years with Reagan, 4 years with Bush senior, 8 years with democrat Bill Clinton, another 8 years with republican Bush junior, then 4 years with democrat Obama. Thats 20 years with a republican in the white house and 12 years with a democrat, and if the republicans were out to strip women of all their rights and have us back to the way it was in the 50s then why hasn't it happened yet?? Surely 20 years would prove to give a few opportunities. I don't buy it. Again if Barack Obama has done good for your individual success and your family then yes you should vote for him. No argument there, and if he is representative to your values and beliefs then you have the obligation to vote your conscious. Just don't try to change my mind with platitudes and soundbites taken from left leaning media. I do my homework and i stay informed. I do not just watch fox news or read right wing websites, i watch and read anything i can to help me understand our political leaders. I do not like double standards and they do leave me suspicious of an underlying agenda being forced down my throat which is what i see with the Obama campaign and as a woman voter i'm obligated to vote my conscious and not believe that the party that celebrates sexism in their attacks on women across the political aisle really cares about me.
collegegirlforyou's Avatar
And just so i don't get taken completely out of context i am pro-choice, but i believe in having limits on the procedure such as no late term abortion or partial birth abortion, and seeing how abortion will never be outlawed I don't consider it a real issue when it comes to selecting a presidential candidate. I also believe in personal responsibility so it's a matter for the woman and not the state on how she will pay for such procedure. It's astonishing to me that individuals like Bloomberg can say that abortion is a human right, but getting a 32 oz soft drink is completely reckless and needs to be dealt with. LOL. Again just so i'm not completely blind sided by people getting heated over the issue I am pro-choice and smart enough to know that no president would ever criminalize the procedure. Again if it was going to happen by the hands of an evil republican it would probably have been done in those 20 years.....
Hell, Obama was pro-choice, pro-life, and then pro-choice again so who knows where he really stands on the issue like so many other of his positions, it just depends on which audience he is addressing.
There are extremists on both sides of the isle. Those are the ones that make me cringe.

I love my second amendment rights, just like I'm pro-choice.

On the extrerme side, I would be opposed to aborted-fetus skeet becoming a sport.

... PULL!

*Illegitimate rape baby parts splatter against the landscape.*

Try getting that mental image out of your head.

.....damn JJ ===> that's really out in LEFT field

CGFY ==> excellent editorials that truly define your educated stance on the known platform issues
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-23-2012, 02:53 PM
On the extrerme side, I would be opposed to aborted-fetus skeet becoming a sport. Originally Posted by JJ
In all seriousness...

You have no idea how much patience it take sometimes to tolerate some of your musings...

But ridiculing the death of a yet unborn living human being...

That one was way out of line.
.....damn JJ ===> that's really out in LEFT field

CGFY ==> excellent editorials that truly define your educated stance on the known platform issues Originally Posted by dennisrn

In all seriousness...

You have no idea how much patience it take sometimes to tolerate some of your musings...

But ridiculing the death of a yet unborn living human being...

That one was way out of line. Originally Posted by Mokoa
I said I opposed it.

Too much? It may have been a little too much. Sorry.

Everyone! sorry.

Er... sorry.


S.. Ok, I'm going now... Sorry.
Okay, I'm done... Sorry.
Our country had better return to "United" States of America before it's too late. The divisioning of racial and asset class sectoring since this last election is detrimental to our country's future. I'm old enough that it won't concern me; however it will concern my children, and grandchildren.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
Winston Churchill
Precious_b's Avatar
I think what a friend told me is going to be true.
No matter who is elected this time round, it isn't going to be good for them.
The election after is probably when things have a chance to improve.
.....I have already seen predictions of the nominees for 2016 to include Hillary Clinton versus Jeb Bush leading all suggestions.....
sooner or later I could see a Caroline Kennedy/Chelsea Clinton Democratic ticket...
  • Laz
  • 09-24-2012, 08:29 AM
Getting elected to the presidency in our current financial situation is not a blessing. Whoever wins is going to have a hard time simply due to the massive debt and crappy economy.
collegegirlforyou's Avatar
I think what a friend told me is going to be true.
No matter who is elected this time round, it isn't going to be good for them.
The election after is probably when things have a chance to improve. Originally Posted by Precious_b

I have to say that i think if Romney gets elected with a republican majority in the senate and congress then we can see a slight correction in the path of the economy inside of 24 months and things could be turned around within one presidential term. If someone seriously wants to change things for the better they can. We have seen it before. Without senate majority it will be much tougher.
"United" may take a lot longer.... we are on the final mile of a presidential term where the entire administration has brought about class warfare on a scale that if it had been a republican then the media would had been calling him out for be divisive and completely isolating not only Americans, but our foreign allies in hopes of creating an entitlement majority and appeasing ruthless dictators. Romney gets racked over the coals for saying that there are 47% of Americans that won't vote him because they are dependent on the government. Meanwhile, Obama has video after video talking about redistribution of wealth, government run businesses, and other socialistic ideas. The double standard is completely absurd and should be addressed more.
The division of racial separation has been created by democrats within the last few decades. It stems from the "no child left behind" which Bush had no choice but to put in law because of the leftest 90's era of Bill Clinton. The immigration issue faced now was distributed in that era to Bush, which had no choice but to follow through in the 2000 decade. Thus, allowing 10 to 15 million illegals to come inside, destroying construction & manufacturing industry. Now, the decade of 2010+ is ruled by their voting, allowed by democrats during the 2008 election, which even then (before being caught, & after election) determined the outcome with false voters of Acorn and voter fraud will determine the 2012 results also. It embarrasses me in many ways to be an American these days in which the voter booth is an option, not a right, simply because anyone who has a job, can vote and will be signed up as a legal vote. In my days, that was earned by being gainfully employed and contributing to our great society and being born in the United States. Now, it is, if you crossed the border illegally, you have the "right" to be American and go to a sanctuary city where you cant be deported, have babies on our soil then have more rights than a true grit American with 8 generations of family that actually created this country. Its amazing how our own government throughout the years allowed this to happen! Not saying that immigration isn't part of our culture but after 230 plus years of a great civilization, its time to draw the line to what immigration means. We don't owe you because you are not from here and decide you want to live here, meaning, there is not one nation on planet earth that would allow any immigrant to cross its border and demand what it offers to its own citizens. Democratic forum actually destroys what our nation was founded upon. If JFK was alive today he would NOT be a democrat, do the math. Our divide in our own country is not the two parties, it is a leftest socialistic machine that operates and controls our media, our work, our religion, our thoughts, our family; Stop this!
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
CG4U!!!! Bravo!!!!
Wow amazing how all the HOT, sexy SMART women are conservatives while the fuglies or pain-day-hahs are ALL liberal: pelosi, Hillary, etc.
CG4U rules and too bad too many others are addicted to kool aid and can't SEE the truth but when in 3 monkey mode (see no evil, hear no evil, speak only lies) rather impossible to wake up from the Obamanation