
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You got a link to that, WYID? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You got a link to that, WYID? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The better question is why don't you know that information already? Are your news regurgitaters not sharing it with you? That would be Extremely Dangerous - IMHO. Of course, there is the internets, unless yours are being censored or suppressed. Did the Ministry of Truth tell you it comes from some UltraMAGA source?

Maybe try to search engine this: "harvard poll trump desantis 2024"
^-- She looks so sad-sack --^

Here's a complimentary bung-hole flashlight for ya

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Nothing you said is true or accurate. Here's a short list of "irregularities" that occurred in many states, swing states especially:
BTW: Most of those practices were in direct violation of existing laws and were enacted by people without the regulatory to enact them and the list is actually larger than above.Maybe math is still a thing. ((1,000/1,000,000) X 100 = .1%). Basically, it could take 0.1% of the Demonicrats to pull it off. However, there are computers involved so that ratio can be greatly reduced. Notwithstanding; math does not explain 5 swing states "pausing" vote counting at 1AM with Trump in the lead and then getting a vote dump of ballots at 6 AM for F Joe Biden to push him over the top.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
We are now more than 20 months past the 2020 election and no fraud has been uncovered that would come close to altering the outcome of the election. I get tired of people like you presenting "what if" scenarios about possible fraud. Your last paragraph is absolutely ridiculous. There was no "dump" of ballots in any of the 5 swing states. Mail-in ballots are counted in several states AFTER polls have closed and since the majority of mail-in ballots are cast by Democrats, there will be a major swing in the counts.

As to your points:

- Mail-in ballots can be received up to seven (7) days after
the election and still be counted
- These ballots can be missing postmarks and still be counted
- The signature on the ballot doesn’t even have to match with
that of the registered voter
- And, as a bonus, they have banned the Green Party from the
ballot to prevent erosion of the Biden vote

Some true, some not true depending on the state. The number of ballots received after 7 days is miniscule. A post mark is not required on mail-in ballots. I have a relatibe in a senior living facility which collects votes from its residents and returns them in mass to the election precinct. In the state of Texas, 2 people, one from each party, review the signature on each mail-in ballot to the signature on file for a match. I am sure every state has a similar protocol. Yes, the Green party candidate was removed from the ballot in Pennsylvania, a state won by Biden by 80,000 votes. Hawkins received .2% of the vote nationwide which even if he was on the ballot in Pa. would not have meant anything, even if 100% of the Green party voters voted for Biden.

So try again. So far you have NOTHING concrete.