Hillary Clinton is kicking major Republican @ss in the latest general election polls

Obama has a law degree from HARVARD LAW SCHOOL.

No other human being on the planet can get into Harvard MBA with a 77 average in History, except Bush43. How did he do that? His father, an elected official called the Admissions office, that's how. Originally Posted by flghtr65
So George Bush's father was instrumental in getting Georgie Pooh into Harvard well I am sure there is truth to that. If by some chance though you are trying to insinuate Obama got into Harvard on his own merits you're greatly mistaken. In fact his boost into Harvard was greater than George's. Obama had the help of a Billionaire Saudi Prince named Al-Waleen bin Talal Below is a link to the story. Like any college Harvard will take money over grades any day.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
LOL<-#944!= http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/op...dogs.html?_r=1 Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

the only intelligent thing i got out of this ...

"The silver-haired 52-year-old, who sports colorful designer suits and once wore a monocle"

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So George Bush's father was instrumental in getting Georgie Pooh into Harvard well I am sure there is truth to that. If by some chance though you are trying to insinuate Obama got into Harvard on his own merits you're greatly mistaken. In fact his boost into Harvard was greater than George's. Obama had the help of a Billionaire Saudi Prince named Al-Waleen bin Talal Below is a link to the story. Like any college Harvard will take money over grades any day.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

the cliff's notes ....

Khalid al-Mansour was a piece of work. Although impressively well connected, the Texan-born attorney and black separatist had not met the paranoid racial fantasy unworthy of his energy.
Several of his speeches can still be seen on YouTube. In one, “A Little on the History of Jews,” he lectures the world’s Jews: “God gave you nothing. The children from Poland and Russia were promised nothing. But they are stealing the land the same as the Christians stole the lands from the Indians in America.”
For the record, bin Talal was the very same Saudi who had offered New York $10 million to help the city rebuild after 9/11, but who had his gift refused by Mayor Rudy Guiliani. In September 2001, Giuliani was in no mood to hear even a billionaire blame America for inciting the attacks with its pro-Israel stance, no matter how deep his pockets.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/saudi-bil...Ig9VcWihdwh.99

so .... Rudy is suddenly looking not so bad eh? ahahaha. didn't he say Obamtard doesn't love America? perhaps now we see part of the reason why.
the cliff's notes ....

Khalid al-Mansour was a piece of work. Although impressively well connected, the Texan-born attorney and black separatist had not met the paranoid racial fantasy unworthy of his energy.
Several of his speeches can still be seen on YouTube. In one, “A Little on the History of Jews,” he lectures the world’s Jews: “God gave you nothing. The children from Poland and Russia were promised nothing. But they are stealing the land the same as the Christians stole the lands from the Indians in America.”
For the record, bin Talal was the very same Saudi who had offered New York $10 million to help the city rebuild after 9/11, but who had his gift refused by Mayor Rudy Guiliani. In September 2001, Giuliani was in no mood to hear even a billionaire blame America for inciting the attacks with its pro-Israel stance, no matter how deep his pockets.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/saudi-bil...Ig9VcWihdwh.99

so .... Rudy is suddenly looking not so bad eh? ahahaha. didn't he say Obamtard doesn't love America? perhaps now we see part of the reason why.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Maybe Rudy refused all that Mullah for a good reason. Kind of like with the mob don't accept any favors cause then they own your ass forever.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
the only intelligent thing i got out of this ...

"The silver-haired 52-year-old, who sports colorful designer suits and once wore a monocle"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This is very unfair to Werner Klemperer who hated the Nazis that destroyed his country.
LexusLover's Avatar
The more folks tout Obaminable's "intellectual capacities" the guiltier he is made to look.

An "impaired mental condition" might offer him more cover in his "legacy."
An "impaired mental condition" might offer him more cover in his "legacy." Originally Posted by LexusLover
And what about George W. Shrub's "legacy"?


LexusLover's Avatar
And what about George W. Shrub's "legacy"?
Originally Posted by bigtex
What about it? (Another blogger's post?)

Like I have posted. YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE is improving Bush's!!!

Obaminable: "The War on Terror is over"!!


And he said the same lame-ass shit in 2013 ....

Keep looking back over your shoulder. Is that how you drive also?
YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE is improving Bush's!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Obama has not even come close to George W. Shrub's (who LLIdiot voted for 4 x's) lasting legacy as "The Most Unpopular President In Modern U.S. History."

When the Wilted Shrub hit rock friggin' bottom and became the first and only President in modern U.S. history with a disapproval rating to reach the "70's mark," there were only two ways for a Shrub to go.

He could either stay the same or move up. Ever so slightly!

And now LLIdiot tries to put a positive spin on it by making the feeble claim that Shrubbie's successor must be improving The Shrub's "legacy."

That's what I call an open and shut case of Idiotville Logic!

LexusLover's Avatar
Obama has not even come close ... to winning the war on terror!!!! Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey, goof-ball, thanks for the opportunity to .... FIFY!!!

And that was with your ATF .. Hillarious on board!!!!!

Since the thread is about your AFT!!!

I hope Obaminable finishes his occupancy of the WH as ..

.. the most popular President in the History of the United States.

After all ... being President is kinda like the Student Council President, right?
The Mayor of Idiotville says that as if his favorite Wilted Shrub (who he voted for 4 x's) actually came close to "winning the war on terror."

The only major accomplishment made by Shrubbie during his 8 years in office was to become the only President in "Modern History" with a disapproval rating (or should we say incompetence rating) in the 70's.


That's the Wilted Shrub's legacy! Live with it, Mayor Idiot!
LexusLover's Avatar
......The only major accomplishment made by ... Originally Posted by bigtex
Don't want to post about Hillarious do you?

Frankly, I can't blame you. Please post about anything but the topics at will.

Try to divert attention away from the truth. I'll keep calling you on it. OK?

Don't you need to get to Church shortly? Or did you appear at Friday Prayers?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Pretty bad for the libtards when the only thing that they can say about Bush is that his approval ratings were pretty low and his disapproval ratings were pretty high. You could say the same thing about the New York Yankees when they were winning pennants. Bush didn't need your approval Tampon and he wasn't looking for it. He was trying to win a war. Which he did before your boy threw it all away playing politics.

flghtr65's Avatar
. He was trying to win a war. Which he did before your boy threw it all away playing politics.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bush43 spent 2 trillion of tax payer money, 4,500 people died and no active WMD's were found, just corroded weapons from the 1980's that no longer work. You (J.D. Barleycorn provided the link by New York Times in a prior post). This is NOT WINNING. Bush43 wasted lives and taxpayer money!