Looks like the big P finally died

boardman's Avatar
C'mon girls. What good are boundaries if you don't know where they are? Right?

I am currently calculating the odds of CS debuting here as VN, CS or a with a(nother) new handle. The book will be opened shortly.
dearhunter's Avatar
But, she worked so hard for the "cumslut" label.

It would be such a waste to walk away from it.
boardman's Avatar
All the stuff that got transferred and no one bothered to transfer one of her epic threADs.
Gawd, which stage of grief is this? Anger? Denial?
A really good piece of ass (and some new reviews) would surely hurry this process along.
Wayward's Avatar

First you have to hang on to a brand, cumslut is a brand and "b" CS VN or FDS as she is known to her closest mongers, will never be forgotten. Shrines have been put up for her in SHMB land.
  • Booth
  • 01-07-2010, 04:28 PM
Just wanted to add my name to the "I got banned" list. Is there a special chatroom or thread for us?

I'm thinking the earlier you were banned the more respectable you probably are. But the newly banned shouldn't feel too badly - better late than never.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I seemed to me that the mother of the founder of that other website was more disappointed with the lack of donations instead of the death of her daughter or the website itself. At least I saw it like that. I might be mistaken. Originally Posted by urine trouble
I agree. She talked about $$$$ more then my ex BF and that was all he ever did.
jacksparrow's Avatar
I just found out about this thread, it took me almost an hour to read it all, good too see many familiar faces, and I see some canadian friends, like CB and htowner. LOL. ASPD is gone and with it a lot of good memories, now that is history, time to make new memories, and enjoy what is coming ahead, because that is what I am planning on doing. I still have a big smile on my face from the great massage I had today by cindy at the racetracks.
C'mon girls. What good are boundaries if you don't know where they are? Right?

I am currently calculating the odds of CS debuting here as VN, CS or a with a(nother) new handle. The book will be opened shortly. Originally Posted by boardman
Htowner's Avatar
Man it feels weird. I was on there since April of 2003.
It is like something missing on the computer or a family member moved out.
Can I get a twelve step program somewhere?
Would anyone pay me if I started one?
carkido45's Avatar
metal_head's Avatar
Can I get a twelve step program somewhere? Originally Posted by Htowner
Do you admit you are powerless over ASPD—that your life has become unmanageable? Will you come to believe that a Power greater than yourself could restore you to sanity?
I have been a member of the P since April 2002. I've been active mostly in strip club section. The P died for me several months prior to its official demise when ck1942 decided to stop issuing BCD credit for strip club reviews. First we protested and asked to vote on the matter. ck1942 didn't even want us to vote on it. Then he eventually let us vote and when we voted 'Yes' for BCD credits by a large margin, he ignored us. Never understood why he did it; the official line was "you can't verify the provider". Like as if you really can verify every AMP provider that had been reviewed on the P. Nevertheless, I am pleased to see that things will be different aroundhere and that we will be given credit for strip club reviews.
sinhouston's Avatar
I joined the P in the early days, back in 2000. For a while, it was a fairly small community and was certainly a fun place to be. It was fresh and new and all of us horny bastards finally had a place to call home. :-) I remember spending hours online back in those days. Online turned into some friendships where we would call each other and talk on the phone about this and that. Guys had each others backs but then again, it was a pretty tight knit group. I remember a cat fight that went on forever between the owner of the P and another provider...it was classic. Sides were taken, other boards popped up but nothing lasted like the P.

However it wasn't always peaches and cream. What you saw during the final weeks of ASPD was reminicient of the wrath you would take early on if you weren't on the owners side. She would bitch like there was no tomorrow and if you dared cross her, she would flame you with a diatribe of profanity and capital letters until the cows came home. So it didn't suprise me when Jade came out at the end. It was so much like the early days, it gave me the shivers.

After Black Tuesday, everything really changed. I remember BT clearly. My phone was burning up as I'm sure everyone elses was too. Girls had our numbers, we had theirs...there was a trust between so many. It was a sad day to say the least. Not because places had closed, at least not for a lot of folks. It was because we lost some friends in the process. What a shitty time.

Change however is inevitible and now here we are at other message boards sharing the same "hobby". Change can be good and I hope in this case it is. This seems like a decent place to be and I sure hope it stays that way.
I too joined in 2000 but mostly lurked. Jade and Angel's tirades reminded me of way back when Amber used to complain about not having enough money to keep the site up. Someone would foot the bill and we got an extra month or so of drama.

In recent weeks Jade was obviously trying to guilt everyone with Amber's memory for donations to the memorial fund - which I don't believe ever existed. I believe they were trying to capitalize some how off of Amber because every other word out of their mouths was "money".

Things may have not been perfect with CK but he's hell of a lot better than that douche bag!
  • meryt
  • 01-08-2010, 11:01 AM
What you saw during the final weeks of ASPD was reminicient of the wrath you would take early on if you weren't on the owners side. She would bitch like there was no tomorrow and if you dared cross her, she would flame you with a diatribe of profanity and capital letters until the cows came home. Originally Posted by sinhouston