The facts do not justify the fear

Lol n wtf?.. You actually admit you're from Pittsburg and grew up with all that lead from the still mills on your brain? That explains a lot. That would make a trump hugger really waco
Lol n wtf?.. You actually admit you're from Pittsburg and grew up with all that lead from the still mills on your brain? That explains a lot. That would make a trump hugger really waco Originally Posted by Tsmokies
LOL. really getting under your skin apparently. What does any of that have to do with the thread.

The left is perpetuating fear. There is a difference betweend prudence and fear. Prudence is what Trump is doing and taking precautions. Fear is the DEMPanic.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sometimes you make it really hard to follow whatever your point is.

I think everyone, especially HF and myself, agrees with you that federal prosecutors and others (FBI g-men) should be held accountable. They are NOT above the law. That's exactly why we need to go after Comey, Brennan et al. for abusing the FISA process to spy on a political campaign.

But then you go off in the opposite direction calling AG Barr "corrupt". Far from being corrupt, Barr is the Eliot Ness of the DOJ. He's the one who was brought in to root out corruption and make sure nothing of this sort ever happens again. And that means to EITHER side. Not just my side or your side.

AG Barr, aka Eliot Ness, told Congress "I think spying on a political campaign is a BIG DEAL."

He didn't say I think spying on one side's political campaign is a big deal, but spying on the other side's political campaign isn't a big deal.

The infamous 1972 Watergate break-in was an attempt to spy on the Democrats campaign. It was such a BIG DEAL that it led to Nixon's resignation from the Presidency two years later. The 2016 FISA scandal was an attempt to spy on the Republican campaign. In some ways it was an even BIGGER DEAL than Watergate, considering how the perpetrators directly enlisted the machinery of the federal government and subverted the judiciary to do their dirty work, instead of just hiring the job out to a crew of outside "plumbers" for plausible deniability.

Get it now? Originally Posted by lustylad

Excellent post and I too wonder why he doesn't get it. One minute he is saying of course he doesn't want a corrupt FBI and in the next breath, it's not a story he is interested in because it is about White people and their White privilege. I have no idea what he believes or what the hell he is talking about. And your understanding of what Barr is doing is spot on.

So I have to wonder, does he really not understand the discussion or is it all about deflection because he doesn't want this to impact the narrative he is so invested in.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sometimes you make it really hard to follow whatever your point is.

I think everyone, especially HF and myself, agrees with you that federal prosecutors and others (FBI g-men) should be held accountable. They are NOT above the law. That's exactly why we need to go after Comey, Brennan et al. for abusing the FISA process to spy on a political campaign.

But then you go off in the opposite direction calling AG Barr "corrupt". Far from being corrupt, Barr is the Eliot Ness of the DOJ. He's the one who was brought in to root out corruption and make sure nothing of this sort ever happens again. And that means to EITHER side. Not just my side or your side.

AG Barr, aka Eliot Ness, told Congress "I think spying on a political campaign is a BIG DEAL."

He didn't say I think spying on one side's political campaign is a big deal, but spying on the other side's political campaign isn't a big deal.

The infamous 1972 Watergate break-in was an attempt to spy on the Democrats campaign. It was such a BIG DEAL that it led to Nixon's resignation from the Presidency two years later. The 2016 FISA scandal was an attempt to spy on the Republican campaign. In some ways it was an even BIGGER DEAL than Watergate, considering how the perpetrators directly enlisted the machinery of the federal government and subverted the judiciary to do their dirty work, instead of just hiring the job out to a crew of outside "plumbers" for plausible deniability.

Get it now?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Let's play the "what if" game. What do you think the worse case scenario is? Or would be?

Watergate came directly from the president. How the fuck is this a "BIGGER DEAL" if it was only in the DOJ?

Excellent post and I too wonder why he doesn't get it. One minute he is saying of course he doesn't want a corrupt FBI and in the next breath, it's not a story he is interested in because it is about White people and their White privilege. I have no idea what he believes or what the hell he is talking about. And your understanding of what Barr is doing is spot on.

So I have to wonder, does he really not understand the discussion or is it all about deflection because he doesn't want this to impact the narrative he is so invested in. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The DOJ has always been corrupt. I'm way over your heads in this discussion. Looking above and beyond. Leading from behind.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Let's play the "what if" game. What do you think the worse case scenario is? Or would be?

Watergate came directly from the president. How the fuck is this a "BIGGER DEAL" if it was only in the DOJ?

The DOJ has always been corrupt. I'm way over your heads in this discussion. Looking above and beyond. Leading from behind.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

What do you mean "only at the DOJ"? Since you introduced Russian troll farms to a conversation about possible election interference by persons in the Trump administration, FBI, DOJ and possibly, probably IMHO, CIA, I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Worst case scenario? I laid it all out before but since I'm self quarantined with lots of time on my hands, I'll do it again.

Let's start at the top. Obama. What if Durhams investigation shows this whole conspiracy to stop the Trump nomination ala Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, McCabe, Comey and a list to long to mention, started with the knowledge and approval of Obama? Remember Obama changing the rules of the intelligence community days before leaving office?

I will no longer give citations. You can either address the issue or not but there will be no more "kill the messenger".

With only days until Donald Trump takes office, the Obama administration on Thursday announced new rules that will let the NSA share vast amounts of private data gathered without warrant, court orders or congressional authorization with 16 other agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security.

The new rules allow employees doing intelligence work for those agencies to sift through raw data collected under a broad, Reagan-era executive order that gives the NSA virtually unlimited authority to intercept communications abroad. Previously, NSA analysts would filter out information they deemed irrelevant and mask the names of innocent Americans before passing it along.

What if that was done with the specific purpose of gathering or "making up" information to make it easier to spy on Trump in hopes of bring down Trump?
And what about all that "un-masking that was done possibly illegally but any investigation has been stymied.

What about the Steele dossier and Fusion GPS?

What connection if any did former CIA Director Brennan play in setting up George Papadopolous?

Worst case scenario going far beyond the misdeeds of just the President but an entire cabal that reached into the DOJ, FBI, NSA, DNI, CIA and every other 3 letter agency that existed during the Obama administration?

"IF" all true, would that constitute a "bigger deal" than Watergate? I think it would.

But let me simplify the basic argument I have been making from the beginning which I believed you tried your damnedest to deflect from, with a couple of simple questions that require ( but I won't hold you to it ) only a yes or no answer.


Fox news reported from day one that the Trump/ Russia conspiracy on election interference had no basis in fact while CNN/ MSNBC ( sticking to only cable news ) said there was ample evidence form day one but never produced it telling us Robert Mueller would do that and prove Trump was Russian agent.

Who got that story right, Fox news or CNN and MSNBC?

From day one, Fox news said there was FISA abuse, CNN and MSNBC said there was not.

Who was right? Who lied about these two issues and only these two issues for over two years?

Please address your answers to these two questions?
HedonistForever's Avatar

The DOJ has always been corrupt.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
And you don't care? No way for a "self respecting citizen to act, wouldn't you agree?

The FBI, part of the DOJ has never been called out for criminal acts by 2 different FISA court judges. That has never happened in the history of the FBI, DOJ and FISA court, ever.

That's what makes this story different. Funny thing is, you are smart enough to know this so the only excuse for your deflection is partisanship not that the DOJ has always been corrupt.

In my opinion, you don't want to address it now because it hurts your TRUMP and only Trump is bad narrative.

The only thing you are leading in, is the race to see who can deflect from the facts most and yes, you are winning! OK, maybe second only to Jaxson but you are damn close.
  • oeb11
  • 03-18-2020, 03:33 PM
Fascist DPST argument - "The DOJ has always been corrupt" - an unsupported, inaccurate statement.

But once stated - takes on a life in their narrative - and is then "Truth" to the "Woke" because that is what they want their reality to be. .

Quote - "I'm way over your heads in this discussion. Looking above and beyond. Leading from behind."
To "Leading from behind" (LFB) - ( the position, view, and perspective are entirely fitting for such a One.

The argumentative results are entirely consistent with the point of view.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The only thing you are leading in, is the race to see who can deflect from the facts most and yes, you are winning! OK, maybe second only to Jaxson but you are damn close. Originally Posted by HedonistForever


e9500 is winning by deflecting??? lol!!

ok where does ftw fall in this?
rexdutchman's Avatar
This "flu " Idiocy is to cover the nothing burger of Russian nothing and DOJ corruption just me
  • oeb11
  • 03-21-2020, 11:10 AM
All the fascist DPST's - 9500, ftw, j666, little a, and ilk - are just useful idiots for China.

Nothing more.