Luke, this is the Political forum. Imho, you do not take that beef to other forums, especially to fuck with someones income. It is a shitty thing to do, just like all tje fucking fat comment continually towards you in every fucking thread by the same posters is shitty.

Derails every single thread. It is stupid, I'm on your side there.

You keep following her around to threads and you may get points like LexusLover did for following me around like a creepy shadow!

I do not know all the rules but fucking with a ladies business from something that started IN HERE ain't cool. Originally Posted by WTF
On the contrary, I don't follow her around - as I stated before - I had 2 threads I started in the sandbox one about advice on weight loss meds and the other asking providers if they want over weight hobbyist to let them know about their size before scheduling.
She referenced them and ridiculed me on both situations - my comment didn't affect her business not one bit since she only recommended a photographer.
I was totally in the right to comment on her last review since many of the people who responded believed it was fabricated including a MOD.

If she doesn't want to mess with her funds maybe she should think twice about insulting me because I am fat. As I stated about 90 percent of the hobbyist are over weight. All it would take is the average hobbyist to research and look at her individual post and see her disdain for fat people and thereby dismiss her - she's her own worst enemy and she's not innocent by any means.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2017, 10:35 PM
I never hear you being quite when people lie about you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I'm not part of a 10 member cyber bullying crew going after one poster relentlessly. If 9 other posters say joined me in making fun of your whatever. Say you real life gay lover actually bit your dick off. How funny would that be of me to constantly bring that up along with 9 other posters every time you posted here?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'm not part of a 10 member cyber bullying crew going after one poster relentlessly. If 9 other posters say joined me in making fun of your whatever. Say you real life gay lover actually bit your dick off. How funny would that be of me to constantly bring that up along with 9 other posters every time you posted here? Originally Posted by WTF
Sorry WTF, you're still my pal but you still don't get this guy. He needs to go.

That's the last I'm going to say to you publicly about it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2017, 10:41 PM
Sorry WTF, you're still my pal but you still don't get this guy. He needs to go. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Have him take LexusLiar with him!

And your right...I hardly follow any thread Luke is in because of all the monkey fuck fat comments by the exact same posters. Every thread turns into the exact same shit. I'm hoping to point out just how stupid that looks...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Have him take LexusLiar with him!

And your right...I hardly follow any thread Luke is in because of all the monkey fuck fat comments by the exact same posters. Every thread turns into the exact same shit. I'm hoping to point out just how stupid that looks... Originally Posted by WTF
Jeeezzz....reading your posts defending your FAT ASSHOLE BUDDY looks even stupider.
Jeeezzz....reading your posts defending your FAT ASSHOLE BUDDY looks even stupider. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
At least he's trying to make sense of all this bur again you are living proof that you rather have chaos and drama in this forum - carry on!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm not part of a 10 member cyber bullying crew going after one poster relentlessly. If 9 other posters say joined me in making fun of your whatever. Say you real life gay lover actually bit your dick off. How funny would that be of me to constantly bring that up along with 9 other posters every time you posted here? Originally Posted by WTF
you want an application? bahahaa and wtf made you the forum's sjw at large? you get as much negativity as that fatass. so your real point is he's a delicate snowflake you are are rough and tumble?

At least he's trying to make sense of all this bur again you are living proof that you rather have chaos and drama in this forum - carry on! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

if we all agree to refer to you as "Your Royal Exalted FATASS" would that make you feel better?

No? oh well .. don't say we didn't try.

you get the shit you deserve here and you have no one else to blame or whine to (See DED's reply) except yourself.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-18-2017, 02:06 AM
I don't think what I did was wrong - she has called me "fat" or made some fat innuendos more times than you can shake a stick- keep in mind she admits she was once overweight and had to lose 35 lbs - those are her words.
If she wants to make fat jokes and criticize fat hobbyist she just excluded 90 percent of her clientele which probably explains her lack of reviews respective to the years she has been active.
A very plus sized women was asking for advice and looks like R.M didn't dare call her a fat ass. So if she thinks she can call me out for being over weight in this forum and go to other forums and pretend to be a sweet lady she's sadly mistaken.
Also, I have posted inquired in the national sandbox that R.M has referenced in this forum. She simply can't stand it when the roles are reversed.
If she ever advertises in San Antonio I will warn any hobbyist who may be overweight to reconsider their decision based on how she has slandered men who happen to be overweight- she made her bed now she's going to have to deal with consequences. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I can get to places on here that you cant. Think about that one real long and hard.
You are giving these guys very sound advice - the fat jokes and innuendos are not bothering me it's so predictable that I know it's coming.
There's an old wise saying that goes : Whose the bigger Fool? The Fool or the one who follows the Fool?
A lot of these hobbyist who claim I get on their nerve should let that sink in.
R.M is a provider first - no one forces her to come to the political forum - if she spent more times recruiting clients than responding to me she may become successful.
Just look at my post that I have created and you will see R.M responds to all of the in a negative fashion as if she is getting some kind of orgasm or stress release from calling me a fat ass.
Rey Leguna is the same he repeats the same repetitive boring insults at me - I assume he thinks he's funny but if you tell a joke a million times it doesn't have the same connection as when it was first told it becomes dated and boring. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I call you fat and only you so take that personal. Get the facts straight. Go ahead and start threads about me. You may find your ass handed too you at the same too also.
Luke, this is the Political forum. Imho, you do not take that beef to other forums, especially to fuck with someones income. It is a shitty thing to do, just like all tje fucking fat comment continually towards you in every fucking thread by the same posters is shitty.

Derails every single thread. It is stupid, I'm on your side there.

You keep following her around to threads and you may get points like LexusLover did for following me around like a creepy shadow!

I do not know all the rules but fucking with a ladies business from something that started IN HERE ain't cool. Originally Posted by WTF
I have a feeling he wont take this advise.
On the contrary, I don't follow her around - as I stated before - I had 2 threads I started in the sandbox one about advice on weight loss meds and the other asking providers if they want over weight hobbyist to let them know about their size before scheduling.
She referenced them and ridiculed me on both situations - my comment didn't affect her business not one bit since she only recommended a photographer.
I was totally in the right to comment on her last review since many of the people who responded believed it was fabricated including a MOD.

If she doesn't want to mess with her funds maybe she should think twice about insulting me because I am fat. As I stated about 90 percent of the hobbyist are over weight. All it would take is the average hobbyist to research and look at her individual post and see her disdain for fat people and thereby dismiss her - she's her own worst enemy and she's not innocent by any means. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You don't mess with my funds and its sounds like that is your intent. Please go ahead with your long winded babble. Just remember I can go to places here you cant. So keep it up and you just find the shoe on the other foot there. Remember not too many people around here care for you because of your behavior.
Oh and if you think for one minute your actions arn't being watched you are a greater fool than I thought. WTF is correct and you are not. So keep it up if you want to. There may be a bed for you lay in as well. Self edit. I did not go to those threads and start a stink like you did in the business section. You don't like to play fair and we all get that. I just refuse to pull a pussy move but I am capable of it. Sweet dreams Don "Luke" Corleone.
LexusLover's Avatar

You keep following her around to threads and you may get points like LexusLover did for following me around like a creepy shadow!
Originally Posted by WTF
And you "know" this how?
And you "know" this how? Originally Posted by LexusLover
because you have a reputation of being a stalker and a creep- now you are going to deny that you never done such a thing.
I can get to places on here that you cant. Think about that one real long and hard.

I call you fat and only you so take that personal. Get the facts straight. Go ahead and start threads about me. You may find your ass handed too you at the same too also.

I have a feeling he wont take this advise.

You don't mess with my funds and its sounds like that is your intent. Please go ahead with your long winded babble. Just remember I can go to places here you cant. So keep it up and you just find the shoe on the other foot there. Remember not too many people around here care for you because of your behavior.
Oh and if you think for one minute your actions arn't being watched you are a greater fool than I thought. WTF is correct and you are not. So keep it up if you want to. There may be a bed for you lay in as well. Self edit. I did not go to those threads and start a stink like you did in the business section. You don't like to play fair and we all get that. I just refuse to pull a pussy move but I am capable of it. Sweet dreams Don "Luke" Corleone. Originally Posted by R.M.
My intentions were never to mess with your income, but you were dead wrong to ridicule fat people when they are basically 90 percent of your clientele. Let's face it R.M, Brad Pitt look alike with great bods and huge cocks don't make up the vast majority of your and any other providers clientele. But I am going to the high road and refrain from further insults towards you, but I am willing to bet you will not do the same.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-18-2017, 02:53 AM
It always comes out in the wash. I call you fat because you call me cunt. WE are both wrong. You know nothing about my clients and its best for you not to speculate on them as well. Stop following me around on my board posts.That's getting creepy. Lets see which road you take. I have just been fucking with ya and you been taking it seriously. One thing I will leave you with. This board is about entertainment soon as you get that you will be set free.
LexusLover's Avatar
.. now you are going to deny that you never done such a thing. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Are you asking me if I am going to "deny" I've never done something?

That sounds like a double negative.

So here's my answer: I've never stalked anyone on or off the board.

Responding to your bullshit or others' bullshit is not "stalking"!

When you post something about yourself and someone comments on what YOU POSTED, the answer is: Don't post RW information about yourself: whether it is you medical condition, weight, employment/work history, military history, family members, financial information, weapons you have at home, Mafia connections, or REVIEWS! You are the messenger, when you start trying to "shoot" the messenger.
Are you asking me if I am going to "deny" I've never done something?

That sounds like a double negative.

So here's my answer: I've never stalked anyone on or off the board.

Responding to your bullshit or others' bullshit is not "stalking"!

When you post something about yourself and someone comments on what YOU POSTED, the answer is: Don't post RW information about yourself: whether it is you medical condition, weight, employment/work history, military history, family members, financial information, weapons you have at home, Mafia connections, or REVIEWS! You are the messenger, when you start trying to "shoot" the messenger. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He is to stupid to know it, his new name for me will be Retarded SGM Luke
MT Pockets's Avatar
Bullshit... HFC made it easy for him over in the "our girl Condalisa" thread... all he had to do is answer a few simple questions mano e mano, veteran to serviceman, and provide a general idea of the nature of his military experience without revealing personal details. HFC threw down the gauntlet and Lubed WhinyAss fled like a cockroach caught in a flashlight beam! If I was a veteran, I would be infuriated to have everyone doubt me and mock me. I would go out of my way to prove them wrong and make them apologize, without outing myself. Lubed WhinyAss is obviously lying. He fits HFC's psychological profile for stolen valor poseurs. He knows he can't pass HFC's tests. The fat fuck deserves everything we throw at him. He is stolen valor sewer scum. You know it, I know it, he knows it!

And the fact that you keep defending him tells us you are either arguing in bad faith or completely clueless about his psychological profile. LubedAss craves attention - ANY kind of attention, good or bad. He provokes real veterans into attacking his obvious lies because it's all about him. Deep down, the LAST thing he wants is for us to stop the cyber-bullying. He THRIVES on it! If it truly bothered him, he wouldn't keep coming back for more!

You're a lib-retarded liar when you even try to defend the phony obese braggadocious POS. It's not about us... it's about HIM, his deep-seated misogyny, and his endless, pitiful primal scream for attention!
Originally Posted by lustylad
You are wrong about this. If Luke gave him real life info first of all he could ruin him. Also Sir HFC could say what ever he wanted about the proof given to him. His word is no better than the rest of us. If you think you can believe one word said here you are foolish. Also I bet I could research and bullshit someone I was who Luke said he was If I done my homework. Actually I have a friend that could fill in for me and do it easily. He ranked well above what they both claim to be. So I guess I need to start claiming to be a General LOL!