Why do you think people hate trump? They don't. This is just another projection by trumpys. trumpys hate Clinton so they assume non-trumpys hate trump. Never-trumpers don't hate trump. Disgust isn't hate.
He wouldn't be in power without a legion of losers who are trying to live vicariously through him. He has always been a liar and a scumbag. You act like you still can't see or admit it. I don't even hold a grudge you voted for him.
What really gets me is your lying and your refusal to open your fucking eyes. Every day you shit out your "list" of traits you claim that anybody that disagrees with you about trump. While you pretend the shit you make up is going to happen.
We talk about things trump has actually done, while you project your fears onto non-trumpys.
You can't admit trump is trump. He has lied over 20000 times. You can't admit he is a self-centered cocksucker. You and your 30% are just like the "graduates" of trump u except they're getting a refund. You bought the same bill of goods they did. And like you, they just wanted to be like trump (that where that new jealousy claim comes from).That was trump's small scale version.
You thought you were ignored before.
Posters - please consider some professional help
Life is much better without hatred - poliitcal , racist, TDS, Marxist, etc.
Life can be better for U. Originally Posted by oeb11