"The Republican Party Will Adapt, Evolve or Die

and i guess democrats dont have to adapt to anything ever, is that the message your putting out
HOw abOut MOnday?
new stall opening soon in the Salina Glory Hole my ass continued on to my final destination. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You one SICK mother fucker....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope. Clean bill of health. Doing great. Business is booming. Kids not locked in a closet. Life is wonderful here in pre-Apocalyptic America.

You, on the other hand, hate everything! sucks to be you, Slobbrin! REALLY SUCKS!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The democratic party of the 1960s has already died. It was taken over by the body snatchers of socialism. The GOP is resisting the white blood cells of the Tea Party. The infection has spread a great deal but unlike the democrats they're not dead yet. What we have now is a very sick GOP and a zombie democrat.
The democratic party of the 1960s has already died. It left us when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed and Strom Thurmond "cut and run."........What we have now is my family full of Idiot's, me, my brothers IB & JL and of course our Patriarch, LexiLiar himself. The South shall rise again! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Fixed it for you. No Charge!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that only passed because of the GOP? Maybe you're referring to the time when the GOP president Eisenhower integrated the southern schools because the democrats stood outside and blocked the doors. Are you referring to that democratic party? The one that enslaved black people, mistreated black people, and put black people in chains (and you call yourself a democrat).
Are you referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that only passed because of the GOP? Maybe you're referring to the time when the GOP president Eisenhower integrated the southern schools because the democrats stood outside and blocked the doors. Are you referring to that democratic party? The one that enslaved black people, mistreated black people, and put black people in chains (and you call yourself a democrat). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, I'm referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that when passed caused most of the Southern Racist DINO's to "cut and run" to the Republican Party, where they still reside today.
cowboy8055's Avatar
No, I'm referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that when passed caused most of the Southern Racist DINO's to "cut and run" to the Republican Party, where they still reside today. Originally Posted by bigtex
The Reps came to the aid of blacks long before the dems. They tried to initiate civil rights in the mid 50's but got blocked by dems, especially racist LBJ. Infamous LBJ quote " I'll get those ni**ers voting democrat for 200 years." For many dems Civil Rights was all about securing black votes. We should probably surrender the issue of racism to the dems. Nobody can compete with their expertise on the subject. After all, they were the party of racism, segregation and the KKK.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-30-2014, 03:05 PM
The Reps came to the aid of blacks long before the dems. They tried to initiate civil rights in the mid 50's but got blocked by dems, especially racist LBJ. Infamous LBJ quote " I'll get those ni**ers voting democrat for 200 years." For many dems Civil Rights was all about securing black votes. We should probably surrender the issue of racism to the dems. Nobody can compete with their expertise on the subject. After all, they were the party of racism, segregation and the KKK. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

Hard to think of a more useless argument. I doubt many of the Dems or Reps from the 50s and 60s are politically active now, do you? What THEY thought and pushed for actually does not matter one bit. The issue is what today's political parties push for. Anyone who votes Dem or Rep today because of what a Dem or Rep stood for in the '50s is a stupid fool.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I just find it interesting that dems continually throw out the race card with little or no evidence of actual racism occurring. You would think they'd be a little more humble about it considering their history.
No, I'm referring to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that when passed caused most of the Southern Racist DINO's to "cut and run" to the Republican Party, where they still reside today. Originally Posted by bigtex

Yssup Rider's Avatar
another YouTube from Slobbrin.

Who'd have thunk it?
"The Republican Party Will Adapt, Evolve or Die"

No shit Sherlock...........what a fucking stupid statement !

Go back to calling people "douchebags"; you are much better at following than leading.