Biden Family $$$$ Money

berryberry's Avatar
Indeed Salty, indeed !!!
... Let's not forget all the Biden Family Corruption $$$$$
being revealed every day...

Banking records coming soon! ... Will they tell the tale??

Whatever you do... Wherever you go... Please keep reading!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Being revealed where? On Tucker's podcast?

Unless these things are being "revealed" in a court of law, they don't mean anything. Some day, maybe trump folks will catch on to that part. Maybe.
Being revealed where? On Tucker's podcast?

Unless these things are being "revealed" in a court of law, they don't mean anything. Some day, maybe trump folks will catch on to that part. Maybe. Originally Posted by tommy156
... Then no need for you to be so concerned...

... But then: Joe gave Hunter all the wisdom - and -

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
A very good summary Salty

-Hunter Biden’s associates were invited to the White House over 80 times when Joe was VP

-Joe Biden spoke to Hunter Biden’s business associates at least 20 times by phone

-Hunter Biden flew on Air Force 2 at least 15 times, many times meeting with business associates

-Hunter Biden’s Mexican billionaire business associates flew on Air Force Two

-Joe Biden used pseudonyms to send official govt info to Hunter Biden

-Hunter Biden associates sent multiple requests for special favors to the White House while Joe was VP (the White House has refused to turn over 200+ emails)

-Joe Biden met directly with Burisma executives, prior to the firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin

-Joe Biden met with the Moscow Mayor’s wife, who then wired $3.5 million to Hunter Biden’a firm

REMINDER: Your kids getting paid IS BRIBERY.
... And yet - somehow there's "No Evidence"...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Leftists are just afraid to open their eyes to all the evidence against the Senile Biden Crime Family Salty
... They SEE it there, mate... and surely need to contort
themselves into three or four different gyrations just to
claim "No Evidence" - just like the liberal news media.

#### Salty
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EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending 'threatening' text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10million deal
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Joe Biden BUSTED taking a $200,000 DIRECT Payment

“This summer, Joe Biden said, where's the money? Well, we found some.”

• Bank records obtained by the House Committee on Oversight have revealed a $200,000 direct payment from James and Sarah Biden to Joe Biden in the form of a personal check.


• In 2018, James Biden received $600,000 in loans from AmeriCorps,
a financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator. According to Bankruptcy Court documents, James Biden received these loans.

• On March 1, 2018, AmeriCorps wired a $200,000 loan into James and Sarah Biden's personal bank account, not their business bank account.

• The Same Day, James Biden wrote a $200,000 check from this same personal bank account to Joe Biden. James Biden wrote this check to Joe Biden as a “loan repayment”

“Some immediate questions President Biden must answer for the American people:

Does he have documents proving he lent such a large sum of money to his brother? And what were the terms of such financial agreement?

Did he have similar financial agreements with other family members that led them to make similar large payments to him?

And did he know that the same day James Biden wrote him a check for $200,000, James Biden had just received a loan for the exact same amount from business dealings with a company that was in financial distress and failing?”
Any idea why,
- No Special Counsel investigation into Biden and his family’s business dealings
- No investigation by the IRS into Biden and family
- No investigation by the Delaware District Attorney into Biden and his family
Any idea why,
- No Special Counsel investigation into Biden and his family’s business dealings
- No investigation by the IRS into Biden and family
- No investigation by the Delaware District Attorney into Biden and his family Originally Posted by Chase7
... Oh, I surely got some ideas, mate.

And thanks to Bambino for pointing out the NEW revelations
from the House Oversight Committee.

So the failing AmeriCorps "payed" James Biden - who then
quickly sent the money to Joe Biden.

Hmmmm... It seems like "money launderings" that we
hear so much about from Organised Crime...

... But we will surely continue to "Follow the Money"...

### Salty
... Crikey! Marjorie Taylor Greene ("MTG") surely must
have read me thread here - 'cause I heard from her today.

She was sayin' that they got more financial evidence of
"money launderings" and what-not and will be revealing them soon.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Biden paid for his $3 million beach house in CASH. No mortgage. No loan. Cash. How did the poorest man in Washington get so rich?
bambino's Avatar

The FBI received information about possible criminal activity involving the Biden family from more than 40 informants over an extended period of time, but most avenues of investigation were thwarted, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, revealed in a bombshell letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, released Wednesday.

This letter is based on years of investigation, including the provision of information, records, and allegations from multiple Justice Department whistleblowers that indicate there is - and has been - an effort among certain Justice Department and FBI officials to improperly delay and stop full and complete investigative activity into the Biden family, including but not limited to FD-1023s referencing the Biden family," Grassley wrote.

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