General Kelly sets the Congress women from Florida straight.

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  • 10-20-2017, 05:23 PM
Seems like Kelly confirmed his conversation with Trump publicly himself. You are stupid. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes....and that is what the family said he said you dipshit.

That is why imho , it is a fucking miscommunication issue.

What someone told Kelly in his time of grief , Trump retold to this family and it did not go over as well.

Surprise , surprise....the widow was not a Marine General and those words instead of comfort were hurtful.

So nobody lied....but everyone mistook wtf was the objective.

Are you really this dense? I mean fuck....I'm not giving Trump a hard time for wtf he said....just everything he did afterward ....when all he had to do was say that was not his intent. No he brought Obama and Kelly's son into the mix.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There was no "misunderstanding". That lying, lib-retard cunt -- Wilson -- from Florida knew exactly what she was doing. Again, the first reports from the AP (the Miami Herald) quote the widow as saying she couldn't remember what was said, and the lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida stating that she "didn't hear everything". But that didn't stop the the lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida claiming she knew what the fuck Trump said. What kinda morons believe a liar that tells them she didn't hear what was said, but then claims this is what he said?
"He asked me about previous Presidents, and I said, I can tell you that President Obama, who was my Commander-in-Chief when I was on active duty, did not call my family. That was not a criticism. That was just to simply say, I don’t believe President Obama called. That’s not a negative thing." Originally Posted by lustylad
"I don't believe President Obama called"???!!! What's that supposed to mean? Either he called or he didn't, which one is it? General Kelly in fact is saying that unless his memory fails him, Obama probably didn't call. What a sleazy 4-star general!
bambino's Avatar
Yes....and that is what the family said he said you dipshit.

That is why imho , it is a fucking miscommunication issue.

What someone told Kelly in his time of grief , Trump retold to this family and it did not go over as well.

Surprise , surprise....the widow was not a Marine General and those words instead of comfort were hurtful.

So nobody lied....but everyone mistook wtf was the objective.

Are you really this dense? I mean fuck....I'm not giving Trump a hard time for wtf he said....just everything he did afterward ....when all he had to do was say that was not his intent. No he brought Obama and Kelly's son into the mix. Originally Posted by WTF
You’re the one who’s dense ya fucking MOWRON. You have know idea what was said. Neither do I. The fucking Rhinestone Cowboy admits she didn’t hear the whole conversation. The Widow says she doesn’t remember everything that Trump said. Kelly and Trump know exactly what was said. And they said Rhinestone was lying. To hear this women talk after this episode she created is obvious that she’s a fucking nut. She clearly wanted to diss Trump instead of keeping her piehole shut. First off, Trump wants to make these calls. Which is commendable. He also sought advice from someone who’s an expert on these things was also commendable. It’s obvious that the Rhinestone Cowboy was grandstanding. It was none of her business to get involved to begin with. What about that don’t you understand.

The widows statement:

Mall Fraud Snitchy, a total idiot
I B Hankering's Avatar
“They know the risk, they know what they sign up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid.”

– President Trump to the widow of Sgt La David Johnson, who died in a special operation in Niger.
I drank Purple drank and FUCKed Kelly's bag. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Good idea, groid.
lustylad's Avatar
"I don't believe President Obama called"???!!! What's that supposed to mean? Either he called or he didn't, which one is it? General Kelly in fact is saying that unless his memory fails him, Obama probably didn't call. What a sleazy 4-star general! Originally Posted by andymarksman
You're a sleazy asshole desperately looking for a "gotcha" on Kelly, aintcha naziboy? He said he doesn't remember a call from Obama. Maybe you're too stupid to know a record is kept of all calls made by the POTUS. Go look up the record before you call Kelly a liar, you sleazy lowlife piece of shit!
flghtr65's Avatar

What someone told Kelly in his time of grief , Trump retold to this family and it did not go over as well.

Surprise , surprise....the widow was not a Marine General and those words instead of comfort were hurtful.
Originally Posted by WTF

A robot probably could have made that condolence call with more sympathy than Trump.
flghtr65's Avatar
“They know the risk, they know what they sign up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid.”

– President Trump to the widow of Sgt La David Johnson, who died in a special operation in Niger.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How do you know what was said Corpy? According to the White House there is no transcript of Trump's call to the family of Johnson.
I B Hankering's Avatar

As you can see from the lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida's voting record, flighty, the lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida is genuinely callous and unsympathetic to the needs of service personnel, flighty. The lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida has voted against every veteran's bill that she has ever seen, flighty

How do you know what was said? According to the White House there is no transcript of Trump's call to the family of Johnson.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
From this Judge Jeanine Facebook page, flighty. It's much like Kelly reported he heard Trump say in his comments to the lame-stream media on Wednesday, flighty.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Even though my heart goes out to the widow, I can't help but feel she's a part of this 'collusion'. Perhaps Wilson manipulated her into listening in on the phone call, perhaps the widow volunteered to allow Wilson to listen in, either way it shows gross disrespect for our President.

As far as Wilson goes, we have our country covered with bitches who haven't got a clue about anything except for self promoting.

One the east coast we have Wilson, in the central part of the USA we have Sheila Jxxxxxx Lxx (I didn't spell her full name as it may conjure up memories of the civil war, and I would be devastated if I dared offend anybody). In the west we have Maxine Waters. Before anybody throws the overused and diluted by being overused race card, just know my feelings are anti-stupid, not anti-black.
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  • 10-21-2017, 05:04 AM

As you can see from the lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida's voting record, flighty, the lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida is genuinely callous and unsympathetic to the needs of service personnel, flighty. The lying, lib-retard cunt from Florida has voted against every veteran's bill that she has ever seen, flighty

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering now we know the real reason why Kelly lied about what she said during the dedication of the naming of the FBI Building.

All makes sense now. I was wondering why he'd lie about that .

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  • WTF
  • 10-21-2017, 05:14 AM

As far as Wilson goes, we have our country covered with bitches who haven't got a clue about anything except for self promoting.

One the east coast we have Wilson, in the central part of the USA we have Sheila Jxxxxxx Lxx (I didn't spell her full name as it may conjure up memories of the civil war, and I would be devastated if I dared offend anybody). In the west we have Maxine Waters. Before anybody throws the overused and diluted by being overused race card, just know my feelings are anti-stupid, not anti-black. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Maybe you're anti female and it is just a coincidence those three females happen to be black.

Plenty of stupid in our government...starting at the very top with the Pussy Grabber in Chief.

70% of Puerto Rica still does not have electricity and Trump rates himself a 10 on his efforts there!

I've tried to be nice and give both parties the benefit of doubt in this issue but it seems that most of you want to direct blame. I'm down with that. Trump is the President, instead of bringing this country together he is dividing it , all he had to do was say he was Sorry and he meant no harm....instead he has gone after the blacks yet again. See how that works?

bambino's Avatar
Maybe you're anti female and it is just a coincidence those three females happen to be black.

Plenty of stupid in our government...starting at the very top with the Pussy Grabber in Chief.

70% of Puerto Rica still does not have electricity and Trump rates himself a 10 on his efforts there!

I've tried to be nice and give both parties the benefit of doubt in this issue but it seems that most of you want to direct blame. I'm down with that. Trump is the President, instead of bringing this country together he is dividing it , all he had to do was say he was Sorry and he meant no harm....instead he has gone after the blacks yet again. See how that works?

Originally Posted by WTF
Your limp dick is anti female!!!!