Barebacker bashing

Twist of Fate's Avatar
I do not allow myself to be baited into arguments and insult exchanges. I am here to exchange info, not to cause problems. It seems many people are brainwashed by the hypochondriac media, and are quick to tell me bullshit about STDs they learned in their freshman biology class, or even worse, the lies they learned in 6th grade sex education. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
WOW! Tell us what other lies we have been coerced to believe? Was the Holocaust a rumor also? I remember learning that in 6th grade also. You know us stupid folk who have enough respect for our body and others just don' know no betters. Please educate us with your superior knowledge of infectious disease almighty internet shmb poster.

But we should not cower or be ashamed
Yes, You should.
if you like bbfs fine cool get a S/O dnt try and do it with providers!!! I dnt think people are knocking you for prefferring it without a condom,but with a provider come on man??? seriously? I think people are bashing you for your lack of intelligence! Originally Posted by jazz1j
i think it is funny when guys put it like that...a PROVIDER.... i am starting to think that providers are probably more clean then the civi girls.
1...the provider at least 'says' she is getting texted every _____
2...the provider at least 'says' she is using a condom

single girls...not getting tested
single girls...not wearing condoms

im glad i saw one post that said herpes can be passed even without and outbreak. this is very true. that shit could also be stamped all over the back of her cervix and you would never know...mid outbreak. or a future cold sore wating to happen that turns into herpes on your cock.

valtrex doesnt i dont have herpes

i have broken up with a girl because she had a cold sore...becaue that is what, class? ....herpes. that shit is everywhere. and more than 1 in 4 girls in the general 'providing' age range have it. man it sucks bein a germaphobe and a sex addict at the same time.

the sad truth about herpes and i guess we can put HPV in the same group is many have it...but you never see it mentioned on here. why? a provider isnt going to say, ''i am herpe friendly'' and i guy is going to warn the rest of us say'n ''hey guys, i was clean, but i banged whats her name and now i have the hibity dibity'' why? because he does not want ot be put on a list of men to avoid and then no more hobby time for him. so im guessing everyone just goes on about their day, not hobby'n when they have an 'issue' and not providing when somthing is going wrong downstairs. this is kinda bothersome to me...

sorry, this was more of a herpe rant than anything to do with BBFS. i work in the medical field and see it all to much.

anyway, we all know what the risks are and every one takes a diff level of risk. and watch out for herpes....cuz that shit is everywhere.
Perhaps this thread was created by Mr. Humpty Dumpty as an attempt to sway providers to do bareback... EWWW do not..... I want to join the bareback bashing!!!! I will always have something to say about the subject and always will support Safe Sex!! As quoted... "If 1 in 4 have herpes, how many providers have it? Do you?" Hmmm yeah really think about that.... How many providers do you engage in GFE or do the Humpty dumpty with. I actually knew a girl, she has passed away now RIP, she used to work the track and she was infected with several diseases STDS and she loved giving them to the clients who saw her. She was mad at the world and wanted to make whoever suffer that she could.... I'm sure there are men out there who are the same way they are just like her(hmmm Humpty Dumpty?)!!!.... I'm not here to persuade anyone of anything just wanted to add my two cents. Stay safe happy hobbying.
I believe others should be respectful to me and not make bigoted remarks about my sexual preferences and not derail threads to insult me. Originally Posted by Humpty Dumpty
LMAO we don't have to respect shit. It's our constitutional right freedom of speech and expression. I value it and am not going to give it up or limit it and I'm going to say what I want, how I want, when I want and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Ha ha ha what a joke

I mean it in the nicest way possible.
sixxbach's Avatar
LMAO we don't have to respect shit. It's our constitutional right freedom of speech and expression. I value it and am not going to give it up or limit it and I'm going to say what I want, how I want, when I want and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Ha ha ha what a joke

I mean it in the nicest way possible. Originally Posted by Jamie1234
You are right but you do have to respect him. There are guidelines for respect for all members on the board. I am not supporting what he is talking about but he has a right to post on here as much as you do. He is on vacation for a few days though at the moment...

Sixxbach I'm not trying say by all means that he shouldn't post. I understand that we all have the right to post. I am also not saying that I don't respect him as a person... I can't say that because I don't know him and he may be a great person. I just have an opinion and wanted to share mine. I really can't say that I blame him for trying to get what he desires from providers or whatnot, nothing beats a failure but a try.....
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-31-2010, 12:16 AM
LMAO we don't have to respect shit. Originally Posted by Jamie1234
If you wish to remain a member here then...

Yes, you do.

It's our constitutional right freedom of speech and expression. Originally Posted by Jamie1234
Since this is a privately owned site, freedom of speech is irrelevant. The owners may establish whatever rules they wish. As a member here you are obligated to follow those rules.

Those rules can be found here...

Forum Guidelines
I wonder how many baby mama's this idiot has.
Texmedic's Avatar
Mokoa respect is earned and endorsing an unsafe and potentially dangerous activity does not deserve to be respected. I repect the Mods because they earned it - we have the same right that Humpty does to speak our mind. I have been in healthcare for 30 years - the statements that Humpty makes are his opinion not fact. The CDC and JAMA dont agree with Humpty and THEY carry more weight with me than some jackwagon that is trying to get his way. If I have offended Humpty - good and TS ... issue points if you want or even suspend me. It doesnt change the obvious fact that Humpty needs to try and justify his opinions to make him feel superior. Its no secret what he thinks, it has been talked about in chat and in other forums on this Board. The best thing we can do is ignore him and maybe he'll just float away with the rest of the trash.
Sixxbach I'm not trying say by all means that he shouldn't post. I understand that we all have the right to post. I am also not saying that I don't respect him as a person... I can't say that because I don't know him and he may be a great person. I just have an opinion and wanted to share mine. I really can't say that I blame him for trying to get what he desires from providers or whatnot, nothing beats a failure but a try..... Originally Posted by Jamie1234
I am also not saying that I don't respect him as a person... I can't say that because I don't know him and he may be a great person.
How can someone that is racist and possibly spreading diseases around and not giving a shit be a great person?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-31-2010, 12:18 PM
Mokoa respect is earned and endorsing an unsafe and potentially dangerous activity does not deserve to be respected. Originally Posted by Texmedic
The stuff members post here is their own. It is not endorsed by this site, or its staff.

Yes, Humpty's topic of choice was not a good one and it was discussed and debated in more than one thread here. Humpty's problem, like other moonbats I have encountered over the years, was that he went about arguing his position in the wrong way. That is where he disobeyed the rules of this site. In the end, like those other moonbats, he torpedoed his own cause. That is what did him in.

Humpty is gone now. I suggest that we all savor his absence for the next few months.
How can someone that is racist and possibly spreading diseases around and not giving a shit be a great person? Originally Posted by AngelaKharma
Hmmmmm... ?????
burkalini's Avatar
This guy deserves no more attention. Let the thread die
These threads always seem to revolve around the same arguments; mostly about how risky BBFS really is, but also how stupid and immoral someone is to practice it or desire it.

I don't understand moral arguments over the details of what is generally regarded as immoral activity (promiscuous sex). We all know the accepted morality: reserve all sexual activity for your marriage partner. If you are a habitual reader of this and similar websites, though, you are likely not that interested in strict morality, or you do not accept the conventional morality (I don't).

It would be easy to make the argument of stupidity not only for those advocating BBFS but for everything else about this hobby. As a doctor, I know that condoms do not fully protect from any of the feared consequences of what we do. Pregnancy, HIV, Herpes, chlamydia, Syphilis, etc, etc, etc are all risks and condoms only reduce the risk somewhat (and a shockingly small amount if the truth be known).

So it comes down to choice and risk tolerance. I've chosen to participate in a hobby that has risks, and it is healthier to acknowledge that rather than put my head in the sand. It isn't stupid or immoral to have a different threshold for risk.

We do not help anyone by ostracizing and condemning those who choose more risk. It would be better for everyone to be open and honest about it. We all know there is a lot of hypocrisy on this subject. If you are one who abhors BBFS, wouldn't it be better to know which providers and which clients practice it so you can avoid them? But if you create a climate of fear, they will be strongly inhibited in letting you know. Then you have to deal with the uneasy fact that there are many who practice it but hide it from you. How does that benefit you?

And wouldn't it be better if those who want BBFS can easily identify others who feel the same way? Then they will be more likely to leave you alone while pursuing those who are compatible.

Instead of trying to shout them down, and belittle them, we should promote open and honest communication. This benefits everyone.