I AGREE Olivia. I looked at his reviews the other day and just added him to the "ignore list" . No sense in having to go thru something like this . It is sad though. I thought this was supposed to be fun .
What, his phone number? A phone number is like someone’s serial number in Hobbyland. Was she going to put on blast on the open internet? No. She wasn't. He goes on to clarify that fact and that she said she would back channel him to the other ladies. I filled in the blanks when I said time waster because that seems to be the case.
Who knows? Maybe she turned down some other business to take his. Maybe he’s not being forthcoming with the screening / introduction process. Maybe he was one of those that sends tons of emails / PM’s with requests and free sexting. He’s already said in another thread he has wardrobe requests. Who knows how many back and forth emails he sends.
I did a little search on his handle. He’s in four threads just now dogging women for various and sundry things like getting paid “too much” for “too little work”; not wearing the proper “iconic” lingerie; or not marketing themselves as he thinks they should with an entire graphic menu listed; and here he starts a chick fight with a well-known, pretty and respected lady. He’s an angry little proletariat that throws a fit when he doesn’t “get his way”. Why are grown men wasting their breath on him?
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward