another warning shot from mother nature....

Thank you for finally admitting you are wrong .... and "cherry picking" from articles in a lame-ass attempt to "prove" you are correct ....

As I said before ... you neglected to mention .... that portion of our "SOURCE ARTICLE" that stated the crust beneath the melting ice was lifting 10 times faster than the ice melt would impact the crust beneath the ice ....

I didn't see where you cited the article, but have to admit I figured you really didn't cite the same one, but you can always give me a link to the original post you made where you cited the article before I did ...

and if you can't ... it's just an example of you being a BAD LIAR ... as opposed to one who can lie and not get caught in his own bullshit ...

Like most "propoganda" the headlines don't reflect REALITY.

.."the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost."

That line alone refutes your originally "THEORY" ... with the ice melt RESULTED in the rising of the land beneath it. ..... You conveniently neglected (intentionally the way you are struggling to remain relevant in the discussion) to EXPLAIN what was causing the other 90% of the uplifting BENEATH THE ICE! Originally Posted by LexusLover

You are drowning in your own bull shit, hopefully some will throw you a life line. I told your dumb ass once it is not my theory. Do you ever read anything I have posted or just start babbling? You are dismissed .
LexusLover's Avatar
[SIZE="3"]You are drowning in your own bull shit, ..... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Right back at you. You are trying to throw yourself a "LIFE LINE"!

Where is the post when you first brought up the same article I did?

Can't find it .... edit limit has passed? Now you're really fucked!

Do you think that "screaming" makes you more credible....?

Or are you just keeping up your Big Chief tablet penmanship?

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______________________________ _______
Right back at you. You are trying to throw yourself a "LIFE LINE"!

Where is the post when you first brought up the same article I did?

Can't find it .... edit limit has passed? Now you're really fucked!

Do you think that "screaming" makes you more credible....?

Or are you just keeping up your Big Chief tablet penmanship?

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______________________________ _______ Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you were half as smart as you think you are this would have never taken place. You are one sad sack lexie.

.. the same folks you stated as reporting the GPS bullshit had in their article ...

what I quoted ... the same scientists!!!! You just failed to include it !!!!


Does this help your retarded ass any???????
fucking dimatard..
LexusLover's Avatar
Does this help ...... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
...yes, to show you just make up shit as you go along. When you get caught lying you pretend to have said it all along ...

.... so where is the thread where you brought up the article first?

Still can't find it? Now it's too late to edit it. And you call me a dumbass?

Like I said .. I just consider the source. Not much to consider from you.

You've drowned in your shit.

Like most "propoganda" the headlines don't reflect REALITY.

.."the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost."
...yes, to show you just make up shit as you go along. When you get caught lying you pretend to have said it all along ...

" Originally Posted by LexusLover

LMFAO both of us on the same article, and I am lying while you are not. Partner they are about to kick some dirt on you. That is some funny shit . I see why you are called lexie liar ...
LexusLover's Avatar
LMFAO both of us on the same article, and I am lying while you are not. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your problem (ONE OF MANY YOU HAVE) is you can't find where you cited the same article before I did .... and you ignorantly concluded that the ice melt was causing the land to rise by reducing the pressure on it ....

..either you are lying or you have a severe reading comprehension deficiency.

You pick which one, I frankly don't care. But given the intellectual level of 99% of your posts on this board, my money is on the latter the way you keep posting about "the article" I cited ... as you desparately try to appear intelligent.

Here it is again ..(you gave me another chance to show your are dumb):

.."the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost."
LexusLover's Avatar
GPS instruments placed there are indicating the ice melt is resulting in the land under them to rise. Has been in the last decade. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Where is the article I cited?
LexusLover's Avatar
You mean that "otherwise" .. ice that floats on water presses the Earth's crust?

Be careful when you have your whiskey "on the rocks"!

Or did you think those were real "rocks"?

BURIED in all the "global warming changing the shape of the Earth" propoganda are statements like this (directed at the Antarctic area)..

"These scientist have also shown that the magma flowing 250 miles beneath the Antarctic regions is flowing much faster than previously thought which explains why the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost. The amount of bulging observed in the last 10 years was expected to occur over the next 1,000 years."

Like most "propoganda" the headlines don't reflect REALITY.

But ...

.."the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Here is my posting of the link to the article ...

You have nothing but a dumbass "Snick" and

a movie of you sitting on a wall and trying to find a way down with a tree right beside the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, yes you are a liar. You didn't post the article.

I did.

Keep giving me opportunities to show your ignorance and lack of credibility, not to mention your "repeat after me" grade school education.

You have nothing but a dumbass "Snick" Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is you, Old-Twerp; it is your sanctimonious ass that makes "thumper" your inane refrain! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wow, that was a clever response!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor IB. Good attempt, but only partial credit at best.

The issue was not "why does ice float" (which would be Archimedes), but "does the water hold up the ice, or the ice hold down the water?" "When an object floats in water, the weight of the water displaced is equal to the weight of the object" -- that IS "Archimedes' Principle", Old-Twerp. which, when answered correctly, is "both" (Newton's 3rd). Yes, I know the two questions are related, and it is a subtle difference in perspective, but try to understand. I'm sure you can.

Here are a couple references for you:


If that isn't clear enough, I am doing a 2 hour science demonstration/lecture at the local 4th grade this afternoon and if you can get to NoVa I'll ask them to save you a seat.

As to your totally gratuitous religious attack, not even partial credit there at all. Unlike you I do not support or attack people because of what they believe--though I do ridicule Thumpers of any religion who claim to be spokesmen for their god, whoever that is, but selectively focus on the fire and brimstone parts while living their lives very, very differently (see Ian Hughes, Ted Haggard, etc.).

By the way, you might want to check some of your facts before you claim that Sir Isaac was a good upstanding christian. While initially Church of England, he became much more of a deist with a strong attraction to the occult as he grew up. I heard an interesting debate in England not long ago where the premise being debated was essentially "Was Newton a Heretic?" Some very interesting arguments for and against. Personally, I don't much care--I do not consider his religious beliefs germane to whether his science was right. Same for Archimedes. So had you been correct--which you were not--I would get neither pleasure nor pain from Archimedes being christian or not.

But since for some weird reason a person's religious affiliation seems overly important to you, do you support Ted Haggard more because he preached as a fiery Thumper? Or do you vilify Gandhi more because he wasn't? Which is it? Originally Posted by Old-T
Once again you prove your ignorance, Old-Twerp, because an iceberg floating in water IS about buoyancy. Even the article you cite on Archimedes Principal speaks to that fact, you sanctimonious jackass.

Which brings us to the matter of exactly who it is that keeps making religiosity a matter of debate in this forum, Old-Twerp. It is you, Old-Twerp; it is your sanctimonious ass that makes "thumper" your inane refrain!
Your problem (ONE OF MANY YOU HAVE) is you can't find where you cited the same article before I did .... and you ignorantly concluded that the ice melt was causing the land to rise by reducing the pressure on it ....

..either you are lying or you have a severe reading comprehension deficiency.

You pick which one, I frankly don't care. But given the intellectual level of 99% of your posts on this board, my money is on the latter the way you keep posting about "the article" I cited ... as you desparately try to appear intelligent.

Here it is again ..(you gave me another chance to show your are dumb):

.."the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost." Originally Posted by LexusLover
Here is my posting of the link to the article ...

You have nothing but a dumbass "Snick" and

a movie of you sitting on a wall and trying to find a way down with a tree right beside the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, yes you are a liar. You didn't post the article.

I did.

Keep giving me opportunities to show your ignorance and lack of credibility, not to mention your "repeat after me" grade school education. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Stop stop stop OMG you are almost making me feel sorry for you. What, are you in the dumbest fucker on the board award?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-23-2014, 07:27 AM
Poor pitiable IB.

Yes, floating is about Archimedes. But that wasn't the question.

And my issue isn't with a person's religion, it is with their blowhard hypocrisy--like you.
LexusLover's Avatar
then you escaped

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
But he keeps coming back for more ....

Here it is again ..(you gave me another chance to show your are dumb):

.."the observed "rebounding" effect is over 10 times faster than was expected given the amount of ice lost."