Organic OrgancCourtesans have arrived in San Antonio!

We don't want reviews. These gals don't want to be published, nor do they want their face shown. I am sorry that maybe we have advertised to the wrong crowd? Hmm, just added a new gal. Her rates are a bit lower, but she is pretty hot! Putting up pics today. Thanks for everyone who have seen my ladies who haven't posted reviews. We appreciate that!



Insecurities can also provide strength, are you strong enough to overcome what you are not? Originally Posted by OrganicCourtesans
No reviews means no business here.
Cut the bullshit, no one is buying it!
Eccie guys would write the reviews, if they indeed happen, which they didn't Shane!
U go inspector clouseau! ) haha ...gotta ♡ u RR!
muffin101's Avatar
So this is how pimping can go wrong.

The hardest thing to do on this board is to STFU.

It's a disease Shane...
Precious_b's Avatar
We don't want reviews. These gals don't want to be published, nor do they want their face shown. I am sorry that maybe we have advertised to the wrong crowd?
... Originally Posted by OrganicCourtesans
A good business person researches there prospective area of future growth.

You obviously have not.

If you don't want reviews, you can't advertise here.

You Advertised.

Hence, you open yourself up to reviews. But, they are not forthcoming. There is a reason for that, correct?

Yes. You have "Advertised" to the wrong crowd. By not wanting to be advertised yourself you have shown how badly you plan things.
I may have hit a nerve by mentioning her/his insecurities. There is no shame in admiting that your agency is mostly fiction. I understand that you are trying to portray yourself as an elite agency... but you fall short of that. Everyone has to start out somewhere, right?

If you weren't emotionally stunted, you would realize how immature it is to continue a loosing argument. Take these lessons and continue with your vision.

Perhaps in a few years (if you haven't squandered the gains by your prostitutes' hard work)... You may actually have the agency that you are attempting to portray.

Right now, it's just a façade held up by wooden supports. Perhaps one day, you'll be able to afford a real building. That day is not today. Perhaps one day... Don't give up the dream.
tpepsi's Avatar
Shane, care to explain what happened to Natalie Chambers or are you still pretending to yourself that we don't know?
I may have hit a nerve by mentioning her/his insecurities. There is no shame in admiting that your agency is mostly fiction. I understand that you are trying to portray yourself as an elite agency... but you fall short of that. Everyone has to start out somewhere, right?

If you weren't emotionally stunted, you would realize how immature it is to continue a loosing argument. Take these lessons and continue with your vision.

Perhaps in a few years (if you haven't squandered the gains by your prostitutes' hard work)... You may actually have the agency that you are attempting to portray.

Right now, it's just a façade held up by wooden supports. Perhaps one day, you'll be able to afford a real building. That day is not today. Perhaps one day... Don't give up the dream. Originally Posted by Simon Riley

That is probably the most honest thing anyone has said to you in this whole thread girly.

You are usually clowning but I think you gave some sound advice here SR.
Loosing an argument... I have won in many ways. I didn't create an agency. We created something else. If I was losing the argument; we wouldn't be doing so well. If you know anything about Kim Kardashian - Even bad publicity intrigues some; and that some is what we are looking for... Not to fulfill something that is need based, but is to fill the gaps in between. And all of you that are part of the "obsessive compulsive masturbatory team" have done such a great thing for us! We seriously appreciate it! Keep trying to take me down a notch; I am really too high to be put in my place.

Everyone keeps mentioning my business ethics, my spelling, and my longevity when I keep trying to explain, we are not looking for the masses. Its extremely hard to book one of our Courtesans. It is what is, and what it is you just can't have. Keep it up! Y'all are doing a great job of marketing a thriving product that is not for everyone! If I wanted to be an agency; I would have become an agency!

This is going so well! Happy Super Bowl!
Keep telling yourself that Shane! Maybe if you believe it others will too?
No they won't, they're not a bunch of fucking idiots!
You are getting zero responses from this site, you're a delusional dreamer, and a liar.
And we'll keep doing a good job for you til your account disables.
Rockerrick, What "Sight" you have no idea. How would even know? Your a little delusional and I am not lying about anything.
RockerRick Don't be so bitter because you can't afford the OC. You have to get used to driving the Taurus; you just can't afford the Tesla lover!

I like being called Shane, you make me feel strong!
RockerRick Don't be so bitter because you can't afford the OC. You have to get used to driving the Taurus; you just can't afford the Tesla lover!

I like being called Shane, you make me feel strong! Originally Posted by OrganicCourtesans
You like it when I tuck it? I will keep tucking it! LMAO! I do use a strap if your into that rockerrick!
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muffin101's Avatar
Shane, yo kitties are gonna starve with you if you keep this shit up.

Real rich ppl don't waste time acknowledging the masses.

We are all middle class in majority, with some ballers mixed in here and there.

Let's be frank and stop the bs for a minute.

You're one sorry ass pimp/scheduler/manager/girlfriend/boyfriend/sister/best friend/big brother/mentor/fellow Provider/UTR former Provider
I can tell quite easily by the amount of time you spend trying to convince us. Oh and the no fucking reviews thing.
tpepsi's Avatar
Shane, why do you have Roy Orbison's face tattooed on your left kneecap?