no one can deny that islam as it's practised is an evil fucking religion. it can be argued with some merit that it's an inherently militant religion since it's creation. but so were the rest of monotheistic religions (as well as the atheistic ones aka communism) at some point or the other in the last 2000 yrs. for those denying christian barbarity, read up on the religion's role in spread of imperialism in the americas. oh, or are we gonna let that slide since it only affected those non-white savages? also arent we conveniently forgetting the murder of 6 million jews by neo christian knights aka nazis?
perhaps we should ban introverted students in schools and crazy looking phd students in movie theaters...that should help with all the mass murder in our schools and movie theaters. that isnt any more simplistic than the prescriptions put forth by the trump supporters. Originally Posted by darkwader
Christianity was not the predominant reason for imperialism or colonization of weaker less developed nations. You may want to actually read a history book before actually talking about it. Western European countries took over various parts of the world for one reason and one reason only. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Especially during the Industrial Revolution when natural resources were desperately needed to fuel the growing industrial economies of Great Britain, France, Germany, etc.
Meanwhile it's actually specifically listed as to when military force is ok to use. Let's not pretend that Islam suddenly just spread from the Arabian peninsula to other parts of the world peacefully. That is a load of politically correct bullshit. In the early 600s Mohammad united the Arabian peninsula through a series of bloody conquests all in the name of uniting the pagan Arabs under the one true religion of Islam. After he passed away in 632, the caliphates after him continued his conquest to make Islam one of the fastest spreading religions ever, and also created one of the largest land empires ever (which eventually later became known as the Ottoman Empire).
And this is the actual prophet that Muslims hold so dear to their heart, along with various others who were direct descendants or somehow legally related to him (caliphates are akin to religious/political leaders). Yeah Christianity has done some seriously bad shit during it's time, but the body count of Christianity vs Islam isn't even the same stratosphere.
I mean fucking seriously, name me one religion that over the span of 1500 years has subjugated entire nations by force, and invaded other areas of the world all in the name of spreading their religion. You can't name anything else other than Islam. Period.