You can stay longer if you want

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Well said Syncial !!! It shouldnt be made into a big deal , If it works for you at the time fine, if not fine, just be polite, no need to lie.. and its all good.
you can ask if they want to book another hour..if they refuse..just say have a wonderful night..just handle it diplomatically..guys will have alot more respect for you if your upfront..never a need to lie..nita..
Please tell us more Miss Carangi!

Originally Posted by phatdaty
Thank for everyones suggestions. I will definitely ask if the client wants to book another hour, when he asks me if I want to stay. When he says to me: you can stay if you want....I will answer: would you like to book another hour??

Hey Phatdaty, I'd love to share a drink with you at the Bunny Ranch
Guest031213-03's Avatar
I'd join you two for cocktails at the bunny ranch.
I'll buy ya a drink :-)
gfeamanda's Avatar
Naomi, I think he was hoping she would offer to let him stay because there was a snow storm outside, and it wasn't safe for him to go home. But she did not offer the bed so he figured she doesn't even care if he dies in a car accident. Hence, she only cared about the money not a human life........ Originally Posted by incognito isis
My apologies but I don't agree that it was the matter of life-or-death that it's being made out to be. She was at a hotel. He could have booked a room there if he was truly concerned about the risk. I don't find it very fair for a client to expect to be asked to spend the night off-the-clock, for any reason, nor do I find it fair for her to be made into some heartless person unconcerned with another human's life because she did not ask him to spend an entire night with her off-the-clock.

I'm a very introverted person myself. When I plan to be with someone a certain amount of time, it can be very difficult for me to extend a date past this time, even if it's being paid for. It's really not personal- I truly enjoy the time I spend with 99% of my clients (the other 1% doesn't get seen again). But being around others drains me, no matter how much I like them. This goes not only for business relationships, but personal relationships as well, extending all the way to even my immediate family! If I wanted to date, I would date instead of engaging in this business.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
You made a very valid point Amanda.
My apologies but I don't agree that it was the matter of life-or-death that it's being made out to be. She was at a hotel. He could have booked a room there if he was truly concerned about the risk. I don't find it very fair for a client to expect to be asked to spend the night off-the-clock, for any reason, nor do I find it fair for her to be made into some heartless person unconcerned with another human's life because she did not ask him to spend an entire night with her off-the-clock.

I'm a very introverted person myself. When I plan to be with someone a certain amount of time, it can be very difficult for me to extend a date past this time, even if it's being paid for. It's really not personal- I truly enjoy the time I spend with 99% of my clients (the other 1% doesn't get seen again). But being around others drains me, no matter how much I like them. This goes not only for business relationships, but personal relationships as well, extending all the way to even my immediate family! If I wanted to date, I would date instead of engaging in this business. Originally Posted by gfeamanda

Very good point! I didn't think of it that way. You are right, if he was THAT concerned over the weather he could have rented his own room.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Very good point! I didn't think of it that way. You are right, if he was THAT concerned over the weather he could have rented his own room. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Those Georgia ladies are sharp, Isis! I lived there for a long time.
  • Leta
  • 04-01-2011, 08:24 AM
Sometimes when a client asks what are you doing with the rest of your evening they are not always trying to pry but just trying to chit-chat and be friendly. And if someone does come right out and ask if you would like to spend the night or stay extra time, there is really no need to lie. Just say no you must get going or inquire if they would like to book extra time.