where have all the professionals gone ???
And fucking for money? You're paying to fuck. Come on. You can't try to shame a whore that you paid!
I drove thru the parking lot and you were in your trunk.
Originally Posted by Journeedior
Hope that was your soon to be x pimp posting that classy shit journee. Nice way to make a name for yourself. Live n learn girl n kick him to the curb or tell him to get a fkn job besides sales lol
And I wasn't begging. Nor did u tell me I wasn't your type till I told you to fuck off in my PM. I tried make it up after the situation cause you wouldn't stop texting. Then a few days after when I got an incall. You're pathetic dude
Originally Posted by Journeedior
Don't worry dear. If its a matter of believing you or him, its no contest.
And when you talk about old white men, just be sure you don't throw the rest of us in the same group as him. He is an insult to the rest of us old white men
What a shame. Really gives us younger girls and the new generation hobbyists a bad look. Hope the luck changes
Back to the topic, Madam Jourdeedior is simply the poster child of my post. Maybe even on steroids as she is a profound liar. I DID HAVE ANOTHER 2 experiences that exemplify how the last 12 months has gone and my belief that a BP attitude permeates eccie and P411. I had doubles scheduled yesterday. Despite the Journeedior of the world, I have a number of providers who love to see me, as they should. I knew one, gorgeous seen her 3 out of 5 x . She blew Two. This time she wants her girlfriend to join. Someone who she says has retired but was Dallas most popular a few years ago. Ya right. I scheduled for 9 am 2 hours. We are talking 5 hun per hour per girl . You expect pro's. I get a text late night before . hey i am too excited about this lets please meet at 6 am. Hmmm, Well being early riser i said ok . I arrived at 6 am . They want donuts, they are not ready . I go and come back . I decide to go to room and deliver donuts . The chick i know opens door and i hand her the donuts and coffee tell her i will be right back getting change of clothes and phone . I left and texted her to shower and put her make up on and to shampoo her hair! she has long black sexy hair. She blew up so i left . hour latter "please come back . your right , i am sorry i will shower now and do make up hair and be ready in an hour. then she has the bp attitude of discussion of money and geez too much to post here . the final part of the story is her friend arrived , i was still in the valet , watching her , oh geez she was a terrible example of real vs pic . So i left now after 11 am . the one i Know . "please come back i want you so bad ! . I said fine but not at the $1,500 at the door plus $500 for her friend. So $2k at the door ? lol . i said no , she agreed to see me for an hour and was waiting in room . i arrive at the back entrance which i alwasy use at this 4 star hotel . and i get a text "hey he isn't parking here !" lol so she lied , she and her partner were at valet ready for an ambush . Kinda a Jourdeedior attack . BP all the way . I left then all the threats started spewing forth . Again totally BP . The girl i had previously seen 3 of 5 x , continued on for hours and hours till i blocked her. So what this is doing to guys like me is we become jaded. the deck is stacked against the traditional clients who are looking for much more than a 30 min uncovered bareback suck and fuck with the providers running "specials ".
In the past it was rare to find these frauds and angry resentful chicks, now its expected this is who we are dealing with . Everyone knows i am right , the girls and the men. Its a shame they managed to get on Eccie and P411 . but once you do then there is no way to reverse it
One has to wonder about all the bad luck you have. All the big bucks you "claim" to throw around. All the providers begging you to see them. Yet you have no reviews of providers. Hell, I have more than you do of providers on the board.
Big man, lots of money, sees anyone he wants. Has lots of problems with providers but gives them money any way. Egotistical. Command of English that suggests a very low academic achievement. Not a single provider has posted in his defense.
Oh yea, all that makes for a very valuable member of the board. One whose every word we should trust and wait eagerly at our screens for his next enlightenment.
One has to wonder about all the bad luck you have. All the big bucks you "claim" to throw around. All the providers begging you to see them. Yet you have no reviews of providers. Hell, I have more than you do of providers on the board.
Big man, lots of money, sees anyone he wants. Has lots of problems with providers but gives them money any way. Egotistical. Command of English that suggests a very low academic achievement. Not a single provider has posted in his defense.
Oh yea, all that makes for a very valuable member of the board. One whose every word we should trust and wait eagerly at our screens for his next enlightenment.
Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
This is it.
And even though this girl bashing you on here golfy guy, has only been around a short while, she has two pages of yes reviews since May. Yeah, maybe she might have run some review specials to get going, but at this point, I'd still take a reference from her from one of those clients, than agree to see you. You really should report yourself to the mods and ask them to guest your account and start over. From one hobbyist to another.
Since I'm on a meme kick, I'll just put this right here.
And is typical for how things work here, I bet Journeedior is swamped with work now. When a real a-hole, with no real credibility bashes a gal, its usually great for her business. She may need to send you a thank you card
Old heffer and TNT . You are respecting an escorts word ? The guy who is a short timer is you old timer you don't have experiences like mine because you have no money and your sitting on your ass and posting. , I have seen 60 chicks this year . And 100's and 100's over the years . I know not only how to treat the girls I am overly generous to them as I know maybe 2 % would volunteer for this career . Being paid to pretend we r all handsome and with our or without pay they want us to think they would fuck us anyway . Tough job and I have money because I worked for it , so money bags is generous . I give generous,y to these couregious girls who are never whoring because they grew up hoping to be fucking for pay . You and many many of these posters are jealous of the guys who are true respectful gentleman . Who would never take a discount or a weekend special . We pay if the chick is overweight and ugly and make an excuse to depart the session leaving her self image intact . We form relationships and treat the girls kindly and put their needs ahead of ours . There are 10x more jourdeedior's here than even a year ago . BP LAWSUIT and the assumption by the girls that p411 is the place to be and gina's willingness to allow them on has made p411 at the level of eccie , which does run off guys like me . I have many more experiences just like her , the list is long , I am not a memeber of p411 any longer , I have access to all I need . This place has become hopeless . I don't need a mods help with my account . This is who I am , I don't care who knows , and these bizarre girls who are angered by my giving them client information with regard to how many of their sisters are frauds , liars and hustlers. I wish them luck coz soon they will only end up with guys like you and TNT and the rest of the bozo's who post , penny pinching pussies who try to ingratiate themselves with the escorts by yapping about respecting one of there own . They in fact all of eccie , are supremely fortunate to have me posting the turth . So all I need to finish with is Your Welcome
Those with class don't have to talk about material things. Bragging is typically a sign of not having class or what you brag about having.
Now, damaaaaan had class and money. He posted his reviews, made a comment from time to time, but never went around tooting his own horn. People here liked him or not, but almost everyone respected him .
You, like a few others, think talking about throwing money around, talking about see lots of hookers (no offense meant ladies ) makes you special and important. Only in your own, troubled mind is that true. And almost always its just that. Talk.
Its clear you get your validation of you as a person by trying to be a BMOC here. Clearly you are a social failure in the regular world.
If you really have the money you want everyone to think you have, then spend it and STFU with all the crap you post. It may impress a few desperate, young, gullible girls, but it paints a big L on you for everyone else. You may actually be a bigger egotistical asshole than Bigdog, and that is saying alot
PS; TNT, i have never had the pleasure of meeting you, but since Mr.Everything here thinks we are two of a kind, I may have to fix that oversight. Something good may come out of his crap after all
+ 1000 %Those with class don't have to talk about material things. Bragging is typically a sign of not having class or what you brag about having.
Back to the topic, Madam Jourdeedior is simply the poster child of my post. Maybe even on steroids as she is a profound liar. I DID HAVE ANOTHER 2 experiences that exemplify how the last 12 months has gone and my belief that a BP attitude permeates eccie and P411. I had doubles scheduled yesterday. Despite the Journeedior of the world, I have a number of providers who love to see me, as they should. I knew one, gorgeous seen her 3 out of 5 x . She blew Two. This time she wants her girlfriend to join. Someone who she says has retired but was Dallas most popular a few years ago. Ya right. I scheduled for 9 am 2 hours. We are talking 5 hun per hour per girl . You expect pro's. I get a text late night before . hey i am too excited about this lets please meet at 6 am. Hmmm, Well being early riser i said ok . I arrived at 6 am . They want donuts, they are not ready . I go and come back . I decide to go to room and deliver donuts . The chick i know opens door and i hand her the donuts and coffee tell her i will be right back getting change of clothes and phone . I left and texted her to shower and put her make up on and to shampoo her hair! she has long black sexy hair. She blew up so i left . hour latter "please come back . your right , i am sorry i will shower now and do make up hair and be ready in an hour. then she has the bp attitude of discussion of money and geez too much to post here . the final part of the story is her friend arrived , i was still in the valet , watching her , oh geez she was a terrible example of real vs pic . So i left now after 11 am . the one i Know . "please come back i want you so bad ! . I said fine but not at the $1,500 at the door plus $500 for her friend. So $2k at the door ? lol . i said no , she agreed to see me for an hour and was waiting in room . i arrive at the back entrance which i alwasy use at this 4 star hotel . and i get a text "hey he isn't parking here !" lol so she lied , she and her partner were at valet ready for an ambush . Kinda a Jourdeedior attack . BP all the way . I left then all the threats started spewing forth . Again totally BP . The girl i had previously seen 3 of 5 x , continued on for hours and hours till i blocked her. So what this is doing to guys like me is we become jaded. the deck is stacked against the traditional clients who are looking for much more than a 30 min uncovered bareback suck and fuck with the providers running "specials ".
In the past it was rare to find these frauds and angry resentful chicks, now its expected this is who we are dealing with . Everyone knows i am right , the girls and the men. Its a shame they managed to get on Eccie and P411 . but once you do then there is no way to reverse it
Originally Posted by Golfing
You're working on a bucket list. There's an underlay of resentment in all your posts about how you perceive things should be....but you know it's too late, still have things you want to do regarding those perceptions, and have regrets for those times you missed out on that you probably fucked up somewhere. Nothing else explains it.
man this is getting old .... let it go and fine someone who fits your mold !
is she out there and fantasy world ??