Golden Pussy Syndrome

An interesting discussion. I will side firmly with the people who say it is attitude more than price. But I think the attitude is part of the lady's part, part on the guy's part.

Whenever I see GPS used, 99% of the time it is intended as an insult, and almost always the translation is "She isn't worth that much", coupled with "She isn't as good as her swollen head thinks she is". I do not recall a lot of times where a description was, "She is a really sweet lady, but has GPS", or "Her rates are a bargain, but she has GPS". It is almost always both aspects.

She has to have a real or perceived attitude that she is in some way condescending to see a guy even though she is worth more than what she is getting.

He often is using it to express Aesop's sour grapes because she has priced herself out of his budget.

In a mostly free market which this is, those who do price themselves far above what they & their area can sustain--the market will self-correct their prices. For guys whose desires are outstripping their wallet, it is no different than wanting a 60 foot yacht or a private island in the south pacific--the fact that you can't afford it is not the yacht or the island's fault.

Whenever familiarity and chemistry allow some amount of trust and friendship to overlay the business transaction. For those who are open to it, it happens more often than many want to acknowledge. There are a few ladies posting on this thread with whom I suspect it happens often. Originally Posted by Old-T
I love your yacht analogy. Thanks for contributing!
Sensational Stacey's Avatar
[QUOTE= After bills, room/board/hotel costs etc, the profit margin is typically the same as friends with much lower rates. Many of the ladies at higher rates are THE MOST HUMBLE, & down to Earth women I've ever met! ......I call it bills, incentive, discouraging high volume and emotional labor, and honestly, none of my business. I despise the term GPS. There's bitchy women in all rate structures. :[/QUOTE]
EXACTLY!! Discouraging high volume, personal bills &debt outside of the usual provider expenses, which can run high themselves. (Hotel fees, physical maintenance, health care and insurance).... we don't have the best benefits package. Lbvs.
We charge more when we work less often(low volume), we charge more when we pay more for the accommodations (upsacale)
We charge more when you get more... may cost a bit more than
Maggie or Marie .... (bargainbabes)
but that's the price you pay for authenticity....(great reviews)
Not golden p**sy
-None of its made from Au but all of its warm n wet on the inside
Interesting point of views. Good reading from both sides
loveitdou's Avatar
I might go as high as $1k for the right woman. But she would have to be the complete package. Originally Posted by crashkopf
There in lies the crux of the matter with me. I occasional see a very HDH and to tell the truth IMO the price of pussy has NOTHING to do with performance. I prefer to see young women or attractive women who are the complete package, Complete Package of IOP and desire to please. If she is 100 and hour or 500 it doesn't matter to me. I really look for IOP more than price and the fact that I find it 95% of the time in Europe is one of the reasons that I live there. I don't have occasion to visit Houston often and because I have between few and no references I am un able to see the ladies I wish to see in Houston.
tinypenis's Avatar
GPS is a turn off
xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
Nothing wrong with GPS.
I find it hard to wade into this debate. Over the years, I have made some poor decisions with my little head. None have worked out well. My AFT, has kept her prices rock solid and affordable, except for inflation creep. She could easily charge 2 to 3 times her current rate, and based upon her locale and skills, she would still be busy. She on the other hand, is selective.

I am not sure this solves the GPS question or just muddies the water.

It's just my 2 cents.
My wife wants a $150k car and I get no pussy from her.
Gabi's Avatar
  • Gabi
  • 10-23-2017, 02:18 AM
My wife wants a $150k car and I get no pussy from her.
THAT'S GPS. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
😂😂😂😂 Funniest thing I heard all weekend.
My wife wants a $150k car and I get no pussy from her.
THAT'S GPS. Originally Posted by Warptcuck
Wife gets 150 k car no pussy for a husband..
Sex workers take care of husbands no pussy.Sex workers make their rates.None working for free. .The topic always popping up.
I did not take the time to thoroughly read all the comments here, but my two cents worth goes like this, a provider has the right and responsibility to set her rates for her service. I have the right and responsibility to not overspend, play safely, and be discreet. IF I see a lady post for a service and a rate that is reasonable for my situation, I will try to set an appointment. IF the tribute expected is beyond my resources, I will envy those that can afford it, but look for other opportunities. Why bitch about what someone feels their worth is? they are likely correct, I just can not reach that deep.
Randilyn's Avatar
Slinging pussy is an unskilled labor. For those that want to throw a fit at the word 'unskilled', it simply means the anyone doing a job that doesn't require specialized training or certification, is, by the book, unskilled. Unless there's a Hooker school out there that we don't know about, then this falls in that category.

Women don't even really have to be good at this. Any woman of legal age, that has a normally functioning body that's expected of average woman, can do this.

Many modern American women in the business make anywhere from $100 to a few thousand AN HOUR, to do something that almost all women of normal ability can do. These women make the same or similar to people of highly specialized skill or training. Doctors, scientists, and other high level professionals make. But those people have to go to school to master these abilities.

A woman can wake up on her 18th birthday and decide, "Yeah, I want to sling pussy for 300 bucks an hour. No skills. No prior training. No accrued expenses and loans.

Must be nice. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
but you forget that we have to master the skills to deal with the mental bullshit that some dudes put us through !!! Dealing with problem clientle (ie. drunks, poor hygiene, mentally unstable just to name a few ), from my point of view, is "a high level profession in itself" and should be compensated for accordingly !!!............... just sayin!!! ...... ahhhhhhhhhhh they joy of being a woman !!!
Lucky 1's Avatar
but you forget that we have to master the skills to deal with the mental bullshit that some dudes put us through !!! Dealing with problem clientle (ie. drunks, poor hygiene, mentally unstable just to name a few ), from my point of view, is "a high level profession in itself" and should be compensated for accordingly !!!............... just sayin!!! ...... ahhhhhhhhhhh they joy of being a woman !!! Originally Posted by Randilyn

I've said this for years and will say it again....the service you girls offer is as valuable in its own right as those offered by educated professionals....if you're have to pay a doctor....having legal issues???....a lawyer.

Lonely and just really needing some human company and to get laid??? Call a provider!!!

My hats off to you woman who are willing to do could not possibly be easy!!! Being aware of that, I try like hell to be a great guy to have a session with.

That being any service....and this is one...there are going rates that will in a general way apply to what you girls want to charge.
Plus one.

This biz entails marketing, top tier marketing and branding for a lucrative business.

If it were that easy, every 18 yr old would be "slinging" pussy.

There's really so much more to thus than luck and placing an ad I don't have the energy or time to waste to mansplain.
gladius82's Avatar
When I use the term GPS it refers to
a provider that doesn't provide service that is available at a much lower rate...