a Candidate For Sensativity Training

Most everybody gets it, not just you two geniuses. Of course if you were to acknowledge that simple fact it would make it where you two were not so damn special in your own minds..... Originally Posted by WTF

وتف، مستاؤون فقط لكم انني جعلك تأكل شطيرة حماقة أمام الجميع على متن الطائرة. يجب أن لا يشعر بالحرجWTF حول كونه معتوه، انت لست وحدك، لديك Doove. كنت تستطيع ان تفعل turds البرية الاشياء الجنس مثلي الجنس والمتعة معا.
1)It's inevitable that completely innocent people will be waterboarded/tortured. Originally Posted by Doove
War is not pretty. Innocent people are killed all the time (e.g., 9-11). I'd rather be WBed than killed.

2)It leads to bad information.
Depends on the skill of the questioners. Information without analysis is crap.

3)It's sadistic
No, stretching someone on a rack or pulling out their fingernails is sadistic. Its tough to argue that something that you recover from in 10 minutes is sadistic.

Doove, lets just agree to disagree on this one. neither one of us is making any progress convincing the other and I have better (more remunerative) uses for my time today.
Marshall is going to provide me a link.... Originally Posted by WTF
Marshall using links? Puuhhlleeaassee

If you guys want to keep whacking said animal in the hopes that there maybe life, go right ahead. I'll go back to talking to lovely ladies about activities BCD and the other gents who enjoy the same.

lets just agree to disagree on this one. neither one of us is making any progress convincing the other and I have better (more remunerative) uses for my time today. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Word! (stealing PJ's line)

PETA may have a problem with it though. Originally Posted by Marshall
PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals (saw that on a bumper sticker).
If I read between the lines here, are we "agreeing to disagree?" Originally Posted by SR Only
We are having a frank discussion on the merits of waterboarding.

I am not agreeing to disagree. If the facts come out that waterboarding is indeed effective, I will then agree with my fellow posters.

But yes one person has stated that nothing will change her mind. That person should stop posting. She has no credibility on the matter after making a statement like that.

Jesus, I may not believe in God but if he came down from the heavens I would not be so obtuse and to discount my encounter with the man/God. Originally Posted by WTF
No, we are not having a frank discussion. You and Doovie are not debating. In fact you are letting your anger show and being aggressive and now resorting to name-calling. So please, stop trying to use the tried and true, bulling techniques of degrading and condescending to your debate opponent, wife, child, etc. Frankly it’s abusive and I would have thought you are above that. (Not being passive aggressive as you’ve called me in the past on this thread.) If you’d like, we can take it off line and get this party started and then see who is up past their bedtime.

Yes, I am saying it is possible for the investigator to lie. Everyone does it all the time. The FBI shouldn’t be waterboarding anyone in the first place.

There are no links! Don’t you get it? Even Marshal gets it. This is classified information. Any link I would post is antidotal evidence in the first place. Just like the FBI guys – again – the FBI shouldn’t be waterboarding and therefore all his so-called evidence is not imperial. This is a obviously a taboo subject, judging from yours and Doovie’s behaviors, like abortion and the death penalty. One side has their experts; the other side has their experts; and believe it or fucking not! they don’t agree! People don’t agree on these subjects because they have different perspectives.

So we’ve come back to the circular discussion. I don’t believe the opinions given as facts that have been presented by you and Doovie. I believe you are being deliberately provocative when you say it’s either good for criminals and enemy combatants. You can’t possibly think that’s correct. Like I said, we can take it off line.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-11-2011, 12:28 PM
وتف، مستاؤون فقط لكم انني جعلك تأكل شطيرة حماقة أمام الجميع على متن الطائرة. يجب أن لا يشعر بالحرجWTF حول كونه معتوه، انت لست وحدك، لديك Doove. كنت تستطيع ان تفعل turds البرية الاشياء الجنس مثلي الجنس والمتعة معا. Originally Posted by Marshall
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  • WTF
  • 05-11-2011, 12:54 PM
, I am comfortable with the imperial data I have read that states that waterboarding is effective.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

  • Of, relating to, or suggestive of an empire or a sovereign, especially an emperor or empress: imperial rule; the imperial palace.
  • Ruling over extensive territories or over colonies or dependencies: imperial nations.
    1. Having supreme authority; sovereign.
    2. Regal; majestic.
  • Outstanding in size or quality.
  • Of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures.
  • An emperor or empress.
  • The top of a carriage.
  • Something outstanding in size or quality.
  • A variable size of paper, usually 23 by 33 inches (55.8 by 83.8 centimeters).
  • A pointed beard grown from the lower lip and chin.


There are no links! Don’t you get it? Even Marshal gets it. This is classified information. Any link I would post is antidotal evidence in the first place. Just like the FBI guys – again – the FBI shouldn’t be waterboarding and therefore all his so-called evidence is not imperial. . Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I can only assume that you meant that you had ''Something outstanding in size or quality'' when you spoke of the imperial data you had read. Yet when I ask you for a link you change your tune to "What data" , "There is no data, silly aggressive boy!"

btw...Marshall thinks he is Superman. Are you and Marshall the only people privy to this info? Did you leave it out for PJ to see and now he is an expert on waterboarding too?

No, we are not having a frank discussion. You and Doovie are not debating. In fact you are letting your anger show I am not angry, I am amused at your backpeddeling. and being aggressive and now resorting to name-calling. So please, stop trying to use the tried and true, bulling techniques of degrading and condescending to your debate opponent, wife, child, etc wife and child ????????. Frankly it’s abusive and I would have thought you are above that. On this we can agree to disagree, nobody is above it, as you are proving. (Not being passive aggressive as you’ve called me in the past on this thread.) If you’d like, we can take it off line and get this party started and then see who is up past their bedtime. Really, I have a early bedtime except on waterboarding nights

Yes, I am saying it is possible for the investigator to lie. Everyone does it all the time. That is such a slight of hand statement, yes everyone does lie but do you have anything but that statement or belief to rebuke him? The FBI shouldn’t be waterboarding anyone in the first place.

. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
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  • WTF
  • 05-11-2011, 01:05 PM
People don’t agree on these subjects because they have different perspectives.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
There are two different things you keep oscillating back and forth on.

I do not care about the moral issue. Do you understand that?
I care about the scientific issue. If you haven't figured that out yet, that would be does it work. That is to say when you waterboard someone can you be sure that the information they tell you will be the truth. The answer to that is a resounding NO. Even your own spin doctors will admit that.

Argue all you want about its moral right or wrong, I could care less about that. Once it was established that it was not effective then fuc a bunch of waterboarding is my thought process. If you are ok with waterboarding someone and you can not even be sure wtf they tell you to be the truth, fine with me. But it is absurd to argue that waterboarding is effective if you can not believe wtf the person being waterboarded tells you is true or not.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-11-2011, 02:45 PM
No, we are not having a frank discussion. You and Doovie are not debating. In fact you are letting your anger show and being aggressive and now resorting to name-calling. So please, stop trying to use the tried and true, bulling techniques of degrading and condescending to your debate opponent, wife, child, etc. Frankly it’s abusive and I would have thought you are above that. (Not being passive aggressive as you’ve called me in the past on this thread.)
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia, if i may steal one of your quotes, with a few minor updates noted in red:

Olivia - I'm just fucking with you because it's fun. Lighten up. Your hypocritical disdain...is irrational but flattering nonetheless. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Beyond that, Olivia, i just like watching you and PJ twist yourself in knots trying to defend your position. Your position really isn't all that ridiculous, but your defense of it is absurd and laughable. Citing imperial data that you claim to have seen, until your called out on it, at which point it becomes classified info is only one example. Possibly the best example, but only one nevertheless. And PJ's new defense, that waterboarding isn't as bad as being killed would probably be a close second. And Marshall? Well, he's just being Marshall.

Instead of asking WTF and I to give it up, you need to realize we're having way too much fun. At your and PJ's expense. Best advice? Simply move on to another thread and quit replying to this one.
Wow, you caught a spell check mistake. You are quite the detective. I assume you know I meant empirical.

Bullshit WTF, you are not interested in scientific, moral or any other truism. You like fucking (Not that I’m above it. Lol) with people and then when that fun runs out you turn to harping and being snarky and this is where we differ. You rant and rave about the morality side of the topic: waterboarding for civilians vs combatants. When no one took that serious, except Doovie, you want to spin your distaste for waterboarding as unscientific. Make up your mind.

The whiplash is giving me a headache. At first I didn’t “get” it because I don’t agree with you. Now you call names and attempt to degrade my intellect or morality because I don’t agree with you. These are simple, but tried and true tactics. They are used because they are effective on most.

No, there are no links to definitive, empirical statistics. There is plenty on the internet about waterboarding successes. Just as I’m sure there is plenty on the net supporting your view. I mean if you even have one. Sometimes I can’t tell if you are being obstinate, ignorant, proactive or genuine. On this one, you have your back up for one, all or even more different reasons that you may not even know the answer to.

We don’t agree. No, I’m not bowing out or backpeddling as you posted earlier. I just don’t agree with your view. I do not agree with the “legitimate” unscientifically documented, internet evidence you cling to as some sort of classified fact(s). And I definitely don’t agree with your aggressive bulling argumentive tactics. I’m absolutely done with this inane discussion with you and your constant need for the last word and affirmation. Have at it. Peace man.

Doovie, please – the only time PJ and I would twist ourselves into knots is if we were on top of a king size bed with lots of lube and spit. See you get too worked up about thingst. You let your anger show. Like I said, Lighten up!

Now honestly, Peace and Love to both of you. There is nothing else to say.
on top of a king size bed with lots of lube and spit. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I knew I liked this girl.
Doovie, please – the only time PJ and I would twist ourselves into knots is if we were on top of a king size bed with lots of lube and spit. See you get too worked up about thingst. You let your anger show. Like I said, Lighten up! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I insist on whipped cream.
I insist on whipped cream. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hells yes! Maybe a strawberry and some bubbly for the break.
I insist on whipped cream. Originally Posted by pjorourke

Hell yes! Maybe a strawberry and some bubbly for the break. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Olivia and bubbly. Yum! getouttattheroom PJ!
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  • WTF
  • 05-12-2011, 07:13 AM
Bullshit WTF, you are not interested in scientific, moral or any other truism.
. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Actually , I am. Unlike you , I would like to know the scientific facts on waterboarding. You of course have already made up your mind. How refreshing.

Now honestly, Peace and Love to both of you. There is nothing else to say. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Maybe you and PJ can waterboard each other with the bubbly and report back to us and possible expand on your empirical data.
Actually , I am. Unlike you , I would like to know the scientific facts on waterboarding. You of course have already made up your mind. How refreshing. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, but you see those statistics aren't available.

Maybe you and PJ can waterboard each other with the bubbly and report back to us and possible expand on your empirical data. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not really into breath play. A little slap on the ass and maybe a cuff or two, but that's about as wild as I get.