So that means you like seeing 2000 black babies murdered every day.
What's your basis for that?
Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
So we have the Repubs trying to defund Planned Parenthood, which supports
family planning, and the religious right, which if it had the chance, would ban contraceptives, both of which help to prevent unwanted pregnancies to begin with, obviating the need for abortions. And further, we have the right doing everything possible to shred the social safety net, and destroy public education (Betsy Devos, anyone?). So we're against abortion, but once the unwed mother has the kid, then it's "Good luck with that," and the kid ends up in adult jail at age 18. He gets out years later, has a criminal record and no skills, both of which make him unemployable, so what does he have to fall back on? More crime of course, followed by more jail. Rinse, and repeat. Brilliant policy. Genius, really.
Don't even get me started on the prison industrial complex and
for profit prisons.
Carry on...