1. Op Abe accuses himself of using a hidden camera
2. Says he got an anonymous email saying providers that he never met but knows names of saying it
3. Butch Cassiday says Abe has Powder Room access.
4. Manslut asks Abe to prove #2 above.
5. Abe refuses to name names says purpose of thread is to give victims chance to come forward and accuse him.
6. Nobody does.
7. Abe must be innocent.
How would any of the victims if any in #5 above know they were being filmed with a hidden camera even if they knew they were being photographed for a review?
Classic internet lazy thinking then follows. Created by people without critical thinking skills.
Cutting through the weeds
1. Butch and Analese probably right about Abe. The former says he has direct Powder room access. The latter that he probably got a screenshot from a powder room conversation. Being a provider she'd know what's in there.
2. Abe is just smart enough to not get banned.
Smh Originally Posted by Brewhaha
Actually for the record i could care less if he's videotaping....Abe thought it was funny on oh2 to post Ban Butch Cassidy so i was just giving him some of his own....How did you put it in this thread Abe? Ah yes" rude and disrespectful" behavior
I still think it's likely a pimp or woman gave him access but honestly I could care less(i personally think the finger in the butthole vids are disgusting but waldt)
Edit to add: ladies i do not support secret videoing