Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
That's great Z but what did the British win exactly?

What happened to the H-Block prison population after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement? And what was the Good Friday Agreement?

You mentioned the IRA as being politically similar to the US republican imbecile party. Utterly laughable remark, could not be further from the truth.

Sometimes heroes are placed in a position wherein they are required to take a radical stand.

Hunger striking has an ancient, sacred role in Irish history.

The Long Kesh Martyrs absolutely won. The five demands were absolutely granted by the spiteful imperialist British government.

Maybe you're in favor of imperialism.


These men were foot soldiers who have been transformed into legends by their selfless actions and whose names will be remembered forever.

Pretty spectacular accomplishment from a bunch of farmers and failed tradesmen whose families were oppressed for centuries for reasons you are evidently unfamiliar with.

But it's all bullshit because you wore a costume for a couple of years. And because you have Stage-4 metastatic TDS.

Neither of which has shit to do with any of this.

Roger dodger.
Zollner's Avatar
N sheezzzz it's like you wax inciting sedition, insurrection, anarchy bombing by the likes of IRA, ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, et al. is not a bad thing!!!....LOL

Now your agenda surfaces....

...oh and one more thing.... have to take it you wear/wore the uniform of the ChickenHawk like bon-spurs Donny....LOL

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Z playing the democrat in the room again and pretending to promote those unfortunate enough to resort to joining the United States armed forces from helpless moron to noble idiot. Do they get an extra stripe for that?

Meantime, 39 years ago Raymond McCreesh and Patsy O'Hara, legitimate Irish Republican heroes, were in the final stages of death by starvation in an historic effort by brave Irishmen to genuinely stand up to oppressive, grotesque imperialism.

I'll post tributes to these larger-than-life icons, whose names obviously live on in history to this day and always will due to their self-sacrifice and their genuine commitment to a cause they believed in, something sadly missing within privileged, sheltered democrat sheep, later this coming week.

I'm no believer in modern Sinn Féin and find them to be a 21st Century perversion of their forebearers but you have to hand it to Mary Lou McDonald when she gets good and revved up pontificating about 1981.

Puts American make-believe female political big-mouths like Hillary Clitoris and Kamala Harris and of course Lexi Ocasio-Cortez to shame.

But goes without saying that she has better material to work with.

Up the motherfucking Ra, bitches!
rooster's Avatar
roo speaks for us all. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
roo speaks for you all. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Either or babe...cuz I'm betting more of us/we are sick of this history lesson than not. And I'm even faaking Irish...

Consider also that engaging with Z....just ain't very engaging. Nobody wins. Nobody cares.

As James Joyce once said...O shite and onions! When is this bloody state of affairs going to end?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thanks for dropping in and thanks as well for maintaining your delusion as voice of the people, roo.

One thing's for sure - you certainly are the voice of the people in your head. So there's that at least.

In this case you're probably right for once though. Most people who are either whores or interested in whores do not care about Irish heroes. But I do, and I don't see myself changing my mind any time soon.

I usually assume Z's breaking balls and having fun, which elevates the value of his participation way way above whatever it is you're doing, which is ambiguous at best.

Talk soon.
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Eccie isnt about hookers and Johns anymore, its political throw up threads.
rooster's Avatar
Eccie isnt about hookers and Johns anymore, its political throw up threads. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
...which used to be consigned to the Sandbox. A place where lots of us never went, and often for that reason. The Mods are practicing "web distancing" though, it seems. ThreAds get hijacked like a MF, last forever. Eight pages of this drivel so far. Gawd knows where it's gonna go next.

Next Best Thing's Avatar
...which used to be consigned to the Sandbox. A place where lots of us never went, and often for that reason. The Mods are practicing "web distancing" though, it seems. ThreAds get hijacked like a MF, last forever. Eight pages of this drivel so far. Gawd knows where it's gonna go next.

. Originally Posted by rooster
So the thread should be in a different subforum.

It's a good thing you're here to remind everyone of this game-changing piece of information.

Not enough we or us in your post however.

Also, greater intervention by the safety patrol is always the answer.
lilylivered's Avatar
Worst all time thread, other than the other 5 worst all time threads which follow the same format
jokacz's Avatar
If you don't like it, don't read it.

You need a mod to think for you?
Hard2Kill's Avatar
Eccie isnt about hookers and Johns anymore, its political throw up threads. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
And dont forget bashing of reviewers choice of women by trolls who dont even review.
jokacz's Avatar
And dont forget bashing of reviewers choice of women by trolls who dont even review. Originally Posted by Hard2Kill

I think we put this non reviewing bullshit to bed back in the ASPD days.

But then, where were you 15 years ago?

I know Carlos Danger, Carlos Danger is a friend of mine, you're no Carlos Danger.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Chloe clearly said no whore bashing allowed, lay off smartasses.
generalbob's Avatar
Just realized this wasn’t a review about a threesome with a horse. Disappointing. Wasted all this time.
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
Just realized this wasn’t a review about a threesome with a horse. Disappointing. Wasted all this time. Originally Posted by generalbob
That would be a lot more entertaining.
Chloe lets make it happen.