Trump pardoned war criminals and wants to give the medal of freedom to gym jordan, who oversaw the sexual assault of over 100 male athletes while at ohio state. See, i can play that game too, and win. Trump himself was sued by the govt for racist practices in the '70's, but hes not racist anymore... youre intellectual dishonesty is sad. Id blame the schools, but theyre all liberal indoctrination centers where they abort fetuses amd have com.unist blood orgies, right? And yeah, lets talk policy. What were the 2020 republican party platform planks? Specifics, please. You can copy/paste of lrovide a link, just so i know youve read it. Post it, then well discuss policy. Oh, and ill add this since it just happened: U.S. prosecutors investigating potential White House 'bribery-for-pardon' scheme | Reuters
Hahahahaha. Both sides, amirite?