Not agreeing with you is inability to grasp the obvious? Get over yourself.
Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
No, an inability to grasp the obvious is an inability to grasp the obvious.
You simply cannot blame Trump's existince, language, demeanor any personal trait for violence caused by another person. There has to be direct call for violence, period.
6 Republican Senators found him guilty. A number of others admitted he was responsible, but acquitted him based on an imagined technicality. A good number of others, i would posit, considered him guilty but were too gutless to convict him because his supporters are known to be prone to violence. That, or they're afraid of losing their safe Republican seat to a Republican who's even more whacked than they are who will have greater appeal to people like you.
No court would convict for someone else's crime thatt was based on misnterpretation, or unstable mental state of the perpetrator.
How many people have to "misinterpret" something before we're to believe it's what the speaker intended?
The verdict would be "not guilty"
If your defense for what a politician says and does is dependent on what your technical interpretation of a law is, you're probably losing.
If the insurrection does not happen if not for Donald Trump
Than Senator Scalise suffering a gunshot does not happen if not for Bernie Sanders.
Neither Trump, nor Bernie called for violence. Neither are responsible.
One of the legal requirements for incitement is for the speaker to believe the words would lead to an imminent acts of violence. Trump was speaking about stopping an action by Congress that was occurring in a few hours. That seems pretty imminent to me.
By the way, according to your logic, you'll need to provide a quote by Kamala Harris where she stated - very specifically, your rules not mine - that the marchers should loot, burn buildings, and kill people. Otherwise, you're absolving her of all blame, correct? Again, your rules, not mine.