The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

Good, that way I can save money for the main reason that I am on this board, other than to fuck with you guys.Who else would you argue with? LOL
By he way, if you think Trump, Pence, Biden, or Kamala gives a fuck about you, you have a problem.
bambino's Avatar
Good, that way I can save money for the main reason that I am on this board, other than to fuck with you guys.Who else would you argue with? LOL Originally Posted by bypass
You’re not “fucking” with anyone.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I had Covid, got the sniffles for a couple days and lost some taste for a week or so. Didn’t even need DayQuil.

The vast majority of the ones it has actually killed were either the super susceptible low hanging fruit and people who would have died soon anyway.

Not to mention all the drastically inflated numbers as every Democrap coroner listed Covid as the cause of death for like 18 months. Heart attack? Must have been Covid. Stroke? Covid. Accidental Decapitation? Likely Covid. Gunshot to the head? Assailant probably had Covid, better mark it down.
berryberry's Avatar
Goldman Sachs: "We estimate that 80% of the US population now has some immunity through either vaccination or infection."
berryberry's Avatar
JUST IN - Harvard Business School moves classes online as COVID19 "breakthrough" cases soar despite a 95% vaccination rate among students and staff.

bambino's Avatar
��Even the word 'unvaccinated' is a linguistic trap. It is chosen to make the user already concede that vaccination is necessary, and that there is a deficit in anyone who is not..

Join @jSolomonReports
berryberry's Avatar
Nearly 100,000 healthcare workers in New York refused the vaccine

100,000. HEALTHCARE WORKERS. Choosing to be unemployed than take the vaccine.
berryberry's Avatar
Most Americans No Longer Trust Biden's COVID Info, New Poll Finds

Axios/Ipsos found trust in President Biden, the federal government and the mainstream media to deliver accurate information about the virus pandemic slumped in tandem with no end in sight.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
The vast majority of the ones it has actually killed were either the super susceptible low hanging fruit and people who would have died soon anyway.
The average age of a “Covid death” is higher than the average life expectancy.
AmishGangster's Avatar
With so many vaccinated people getting and dying from Covid when will they stop being referred to as breakthrough infections? This vax is so ineffective its like breaking through wet paper with a chainsaw
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Nearly 100,000 healthcare workers in New York refused the vaccine

100,000. HEALTHCARE WORKERS. Choosing to be unemployed than take the vaccine. Originally Posted by berryberry
Yeah but governor whateverthefuck is going to replace them with the army.
It doesn’t have anything to do with Republican or Democrat, Trump or another person. The reason most people don’t want to get the Vaccine is because of the constant lies at the beginning, not having real FDA approval, not completing a clinical trial, and a 99%+ survival rate. Some people who keep themselves in good shape, are not obese, and don’t have hypertension simply do not need it because the reality of the situation is they contact covid, they are sick for a few days, don’t die, and move on with their lives with better natural immunity than what a vaccine can provide. Furthermore, have you ever asked yourselves why there is not a vaccine for the common cold, which is a respiratory spread virus like covid? Because the vaccine technology we have for respiratory viruses does not effectively work; proof is in people who are vaccinated still getting covid. And please spare me the bullshit of protecting others; the complete stranger next to me in the supermarket doesn’t give 2 fucks about me as I don’t give 2 fucks about them. I know is that the world we now live in is significantly worse than it was in 2019, will never be what is was, and I feel the worst for the next generations to come.
It doesn’t have anything to do with Republican or Democrat, Trump or another person. The reason most people don’t want to get the Vaccine is because of the constant lies at the beginning, not having real FDA approval, not completing a clinical trial, and a 99%+ survival rate. Some people who keep themselves in good shape, are not obese, and don’t have hypertension simply do not need it because the reality of the situation is they contact covid, they are sick for a few days, don’t die, and move on with their lives with better natural immunity than what a vaccine can provide. Furthermore, have you ever asked yourselves why there is not a vaccine for the common cold, which is a respiratory spread virus like covid? Because the vaccine technology we have for respiratory viruses does not effectively work; proof is in people who are vaccinated still getting covid. And please spare me the bullshit of protecting others; the complete stranger next to me in the supermarket doesn’t give 2 fucks about me as I don’t give 2 fucks about them. I know is that the world we now live in is significantly worse than it was in 2019, will never be what is was, and I feel the worst for the next generations to come. Originally Posted by frankbillings724
This is one of many false statements on this thread. “Most” do have the vaccine. Almost 80% of adults over 18 have at least the first dose and those numbers are getting higher every day.
The handful here trying to pretend like that isn’t happening isn’t surprising.
bambino's Avatar