No, it has nothing to do with any of that. It's something I feel that just won't go away no matter how many times I hear "It's ok." It's a decision I made completely free from my contradicting emotions. I don't think it's wrong...I know it's wrong, for me that is. Yet I still partake..hmm.
OMG Still Looking!! I got you biaatches quoting Corinthians!! I need a drink!
Originally Posted by London Rayne
It is very difficult to undo years and years of programming, and most people will never even attempt to do so. We are former monkies, and except for some marvelous mutations we would be picking termites from a tree stump right now. Monogomy is not natures way for homosapiens, it is an unatural state, and there arises all the conflict. I am not going to be one of those who says it is OK, what I say is that it is a logical approach to handling an illogical society. I don't have to say it is OK because nature has already given its OK. Man evolved to spread his seed far and wide, society comes along and tries to undo evolution, and says man must have one mate for life. Society is in contradiction to evolution and evolution has been around a hell of a lot longer that society. Have a great visit in Florida, I used to live there.
When you get right down to it the harem setup is probably the most natural of all. Of course there would be many fewer humans on earth, but we would probably be more evolved, because the strongest would have survived. It is very interesting to think about this.