Dallas Pimps and Promoters

TexomaCowboy's Avatar
you harass like a Feral Hog
I live where Feral Pigs ruin crops & grazing land. There is only one thing we do with a Feral. They are scary as hell when they are charging at you, but ignoring them is not a choice.
No need to respond this one. Pimps made fool out of themselves on their own
Is the master off the clock now? No one probably is paying him with felony charges looming.
Bump to page 1 since they are still around
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Bump to page 1 since they are still around Originally Posted by AsianP
Thanks Lionel...you're the best!
TheTopG655's Avatar
What’d they ban dallasaustin for? They refused to ban him for leaking information.
Damn, he is banned? For what? Why he got banned but not other side?
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Dallasaustin you will be missed. Hope it is just as short vacation
Dallasaustin you will be missed. Hope it is just as short vacation Originally Posted by David Hasselhoff
Are you sure?

He should be banned along with Chung Tran and ghost.
Difference is I think D-A is gone for good but CT and ghost are still around with their many handles….promoting and attacking

Finally found this post… lol
That list is pretty accurate. Except you got a few wrong..

Love how MoeGreene handle name is knowing he gets a cut Originally Posted by aJohnDough
Looking through this list and the first 2 pages of the studio board a lot of it is accurate. Missed a couple of big names though.
wtf how did I end up on this list lmao?
Will be banned soon. I am sure Chung and ghost’s handles are busy RTMing . So I want certain thread on top before I go.
I think some of the names on your list are correct but the fact that you put me on tells me you are just shotgunning every name you see
I think some of the names on your list are correct but the fact that you put me on tells me you are just shotgunning every name you see Originally Posted by beeman1000
When I made the list, I am sure there was a good reason. I based on their posts and reviews. Only Chung Tran, Ghostrider and Steven Seagal were information from ladies and owners.
Someone sent me a pm about this information and I’m posting it here because it’s relevant. No disrespect intended. Just things to think about if you’re reading a review and decide to see a girl. People have been burned on some of these recommendations. Some names for the list.

BigBob: Greenlight/ AS Promoter
Additional Handles: 2balls (check review titles and how every review is cim finish, it’s the exact same.), coolmofo, coomstain

NtxGuy: Goes where Bob goes
Additional Handles: CaptainZMan

Aoi: Kfest Promoter
Additional Handles: TexasFan, kittchatt, genesect
Was really mad about Connie being poisoned being spread around and then did a hit job review on one of the bk girls.

Ghostrider: Sunflower
Additional Handles: StressFree, Houston Hobbiest, Armystrong
Tried to start a new studio in Houston but There was infighting among the other studios and the studio failed. KGFE relentless.
Someone sent me a pm about this information and I’m posting it here because it’s relevant. Just things to think about if you’re reading a review and decide to see a girl. Some names for the list.

BigBob: Greenlight/ AS Promoter
Additional Handles: 2balls (check review titles and how every review is cim finish, it’s the exact same.), coolmofo, coomstain

Aoi: Kfest Promoter
Additional Handles: TexasFan, kittchatt, genesect
Was really mad about Connie being poisoned being spread around and then did a hit job review on one of the bk girls.

Ghostrider: Sunflower
Additional Handles: StressFree and Armystrong?
Tried to start a new studio in Houston but There was infighting among the other studios and the studio failed. KGFE relentless. Originally Posted by 100PercentMaximumNoChill
Houston Hobiest?