Let The Games Begin - 2023/24 trump trials thread

Powell admitted taking actions after the 2020 election “for the purpose of willfully tampering with electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines” and “with the intention of taking and appropriating information, data, and software, the property of Dominion Voting Systems Corporation,” according to new court filings.

She is also admitting to hiring a data forensics firm and sending its employees to Coffee County so they could unlawfully access government computers with the purpose of “examining personal voter data, with knowledge that such examination was without authority,” according to the filings.


But let's hear more about "ballot harvesting" from MAGA, please.
Sidney released the kraken, alright ��

This house of cards is falling down all around trump. Only a matter of time before this piece of shit is a convicted felon. Have fun with it, MAGA. The rest of us sure are. Originally Posted by tommy156
... Oh Blimey! ... I'm fraught with worry!

... Felony charges?! ... How many YEARS in Jail??

#### Salty
Guilty of election subversion. Guilty. Sidney Powell just admitted she was part of a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner.

And why did she plead guilty and admit these things? Because of EVIDENCE. Something trump and his "people" are very uncomfortable with, because to this day, they have failed to produce one, single shred of EVIDENCE of their bullshit, fraudulent claims.
... See me responce in yer other thread.

... misdemeanour charges?? ... slap onto her wrist??
What happened to "Conspiricy to Steal the Election"??
All those charges?! ... "Criminal Racketeerings" and what-not??

Trial to start next week and the government backs right down!
Begs her to take a plead deal that's a-kin to a non-violent
barney over a parking spot. ... Just so they can save face.

#### Salty
Keep talkin' trumpy bear... and keep conveniently "forgetting" to delete threatening social media posts... you might just find your drag queen, makeup wearing, treasonous, lying ass in prison sooner rather than later.


Former trump stooge lawyer Kenneth Chesebro has just taken a plea deal. GUILTY of election subversion.

Another one bites the dust. Nothing like that good ol' MAGA loyalty. trump will only continue to fall from here. Couldn't happen to nicer treasonous scumbag.
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Former trump stooge lawyer Kenneth Chesebro has just taken a plea deal. GUILTY of election subversion.

Another one bites the dust. Nothing like that good ol' MAGA loyalty. trump will only continue to fall from here. Couldn't happen to nicer treasonous scumbag. Originally Posted by tommy156
Yes. Another election denying piece of shit pleading guilty and striking a plea deal. Not worry maga clowns, the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump will set the record straight that he had nothing to do with it. Just wait for his unhinged rants on social media:roflma o:

Former trump stooge lawyer Kenneth Chesebro has just taken a plea deal. GUILTY of election subversion.

Another one bites the dust. Nothing like that good ol' MAGA loyalty. trump will only continue to fall from here. Couldn't happen to nicer treasonous scumbag. Originally Posted by tommy156

... Please tell me that THIS bloke got some prison time!
What happed to the "treasonous scumbagged fellow"??

They got this Cheseboro for Treason, yes?

#### Salty
Look up the definition of "plea deal" then come back to the table.
Look up the definition of "plea deal" then come back to the table. Originally Posted by tommy156
... A simple question, mate...

You're the one giving the exclusive updates...

So, tell us - how many years in jail for the bloke?

#### Salty
First of all, that's not how trials work in this country. One is found guilty or not first, then comes the sentencing, usually sometime shortly after. Plea deals always sweeten the pot for whomever is making them.

"The bloke" hasn't been sentenced yet, you see. But prosecution is recommending 5 years probation, along with fines and everything else that comes along with being a convicted felon.
First of all, that's not how trials work in this country. One is found guilty or not first, then comes the sentencing, usually sometime shortly after. Plea deals always sweeten the pot for whomever is making them.

"The bloke" hasn't been sentenced yet, you see. But prosecution is recommending 5 years probation, along with fines and everything else that comes along with being a convicted felon. Originally Posted by tommy156
.. WHAT??! ... Whatdaya mean "Probation"??!
Didn't the fellow try to commit TREASON??!
What happend to the RICO charges?? Where's the 5 years in Jail??

... Ye Christ! ... Not even taken to trial, and yet
another "slap onto the wrist" here also.

... How in the World are they ever gonna put TRUMP in Jail
- if they can't even punish these people?!

... Surely may as well DROP whatever charges they got
against Him...

#### Salty
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Trumps not worried at all.
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President Trump: As I successfully fight these Political Opponent Lawsuits, all created and started by Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Thugs, I realize how insignificant they are compared to the horror of what is going on with Israel and the Middle East, where thousands of people have so needlessly died, in a war that should have NEVER STARTED, and millions could very easily follow, all due to the highly incompetent Biden Administration and their policies of Weakness and Appeasement (and of being just plain STUPID!). This is true also with Ukraine/Russia, which would NEVER HAVE STARTED under the Trump Administration, and many other “hot spots” around the globe that could easily lead to big problems and death. Even INFLATION, a killer in its own right, would not have happened. We will successfully fight it all, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!


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Gag order Schmag order.