Being molested as a child isn't just common among escorts. It's common among women in general. It may be more common in the escort world to encounter a woman who's been molested in the past, though, since the majority of women in the world don't work in the sex industry.
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
I think that's a stereotype. As Lovelyelle said, a lot of times, people often look for 'other reasons' as to why women ( and men) get into the sex industry. The truth is I know more women who are NOT escorts who have been molested as girls, and I know just as many MEN who have been sexually violated or abused as children too.
And even if it were the case as to why some women get into escorting, who is to say that their choice wasn't working for them to get through their own sexual issues?
While I certainly have known some girls who have been sexually abused who got into the industry, it's like I said, how do you explain the many people who have been molested and never once get into the sex industry? I just think the stereotype is another way that some people try to justify why some women get into the business.
We often look for 'reasons' as to why a woman would 'choose' a profession that is marginalized and may seem to some to be an immoral and degrading choice. I once read on a board where a man stated that " If you look closely at most of these women who are escorts, there is definitely something wrong with all of them." That really made me angry. MANY clients also have issues with women, but we don't hear about how they might be misogynists, sexually abused.